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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (53 total).

Alliance for Aging Research

Annotation: The Alliance for Aging Research supports and works to accelerate the pace of medical discoveries to improve the experience of aging and health. The Alliance advocates for increases in research dollars for age-related diseases and supports federal legislation that will advance medical breakthroughs. The alliance also conducts grassroots education campaigns for health professionals and the public on diseases which disproportionately affect the elderly; sponsors the Paul Beeson Physician Faculty Scholars in Aging Research Program; conducts studies and surveys that examine important medical, behavioral, and social issues associated with longevity; serves as a clearinghouse for information on the health and well-being of older people; and creates and disseminates health education materials to consumers in a variety of formats.

Keywords: , Public awareness campaigns, Advocacy, Aging, Clearinghouses, Consumer education, Fellowships, Geriatrics, Information sources, Legislation, Longevity, Medical research, Research, Studies, Surveys

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)

Annotation: The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) represents over 7,500 child and adolescent psychiatrists, physicians with at least five years of additional training beyond medical school in adult, child, and adolescent psychiatry. Academy members actively research, diagnose, and treat emotional, developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders affecting children, adolescents, and their families. The Academy provides public information, including a referral service that works with child advocacy groups, parents, teachers, and other medical and mental health professionals. Some family materials are available in Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, Icelandic, Malaysian, Polish, Spanish, and Urdu. The academy publishes a catalog, a newsletter and a journal. The academy also sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Psychiatry, Adolescent mental health, Adolescents, Advocacy, Behavior, Child mental health, Children, Conferences, Foreign language materials, Guidelines, Mental health, Mental health professionals, Mental health services, Professional societies, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Referrals, Spanish language materials, Training

American Academy of Pediatrics, Campaign for Dental Health (CDH)

Annotation: The Campaign for Dental Health (CDH) is a network of local children's and oral health advocates, health professionals, and scientists who are working together to preserve the nation's gains in oral health.

Keywords: Advocacy, Campaigns, Oral health, Public health

American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC)

Annotation: The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) is a professional organization for poison control centers and individuals involved in clinical toxicology and poison prevention. Association activities include maintaining the nationwide toll-free number (800/222-1222) which reaches all U.S. Poison Centers. Other activities include an annual scientific meeting, certification specialists, data collection, and toxicosurveillance. AAPCC provides access to the New Core System Database (NCSBeta) -- a comprehensive poisoning surveillance database -- and annual reports (summaries) of data from the National Poisoning and Exposure Database -- which contains detailed toxicological information on more than 24 million poison exposures reported to U.S. poison centers.from 1983-2006.

Keywords: Poisons, Certification, Emergency medical services, Hotlines, Poison control centers, Population surveillance, Prevention, Professional societies, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Resource centers, Toxicology

American Association of Suicidology (AAS)

Annotation: The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) is a nonprofit organization that strives to understand and prevent suicide through research, public awareness programs, and education and training for professionals and volunteers. Members include mental health professionals, researchers, suicide prevention and crisis intervention centers, school districts, crisis center volunteers, and survivors of suicide. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. Some materials are available in Spanish. AAS also maintains a listserv and develops public service announcements and pamphlets on suicide prevention, and members work with the media as consultants and participants in stories involving suicide-related issues. Publications include a bi-monthly journal, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviors; a quarterly newsletter, Newslink; a quarterly newsletter, Surviving Suicide; and conference proceedings.

Keywords: Suicide prevention, Attempted suicide, Crisis intervention, Health education, Information services, Mental health, Public awareness campaigns, Suicide, Training

American Dental Association (ADA)

Annotation: The American Dental Association (ADA) is committed to the public’s oral health and to ethics, science, and professional advancement. Initiatives include those related to advocacy, education, research, and the development of standards. ADA’s journal, Journal of the American Dental Association and website contain information on continuing education offerings and volunteer opportunities. The public resources section of the website provides information for families.

Keywords: Advocacy, American Dental Association, Consumer education, Dental hygiene, Dental societies, Dentists, Legislation, Oral health, Professional societies, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Spanish language materials

American Fertility Association (AFA)

Annotation: The American Fertility Association (AFA) works to serve the needs of men and women confronting infertility issues; to support families during struggles with infertility and adoption; to educate the public about reproductive disease; and to raise awareness and fight for social and legislative change around infertility issues. The AFA provides a range of services designed to help people gather information about medical treatments, options, coping techniques, legal and insurance issues, and other concerns. One of its goals is to help couples make informed decisions throughout the infertility process. The AFA's services focus around increasing awareness of the medical and social issues around reproductive health and infertility, as well as prevention efforts that target young people to help them make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive lives.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Adoption, Fertility, Infertility, Information services, Public awareness campaigns, Referrals, Reproduction, Reproductive health, Reproductive technologies, Support groups

American Nurses Association (ANA)

Annotation: The American Nurses Association (ANA) represents the nation's 2.9 million registered nurses through its 54 constituent associations. It fosters high standards of nursing practice, promotes the economic and general welfare of nurses in the workplace through a comprehensive workplace advocacy program, projects a positive and realistic view of nursing, and lobbies Congress and regulatory agencies on issues affecting nurses and the public. The association promotes women's health research issues and investigates such issues as domestic violence, maternal and child health, immunization, reproductive health, and women and aging. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information (reports, policy statements, and resources are available on the Web site). ANA publishes a catalog, newsletter, and journal.

Keywords: Nurses, Adolescent health, Advocacy, Child health, Immunization, Infant health, Legislation, Nursing services, Nursing societies, Professional societies, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Women', Workplace, s health

American Sleep Association (ASA)

Annotation: The American Sleep Association (ASA) is a national organization that focuses on improving public awareness of sleep disorders and sleep health, promoting sleep medicine research, and providing a portal for communication between patients, healthcare professionals, and scientists. ASA provides online information for professionals, technologists, patients, and the general public, including material about sleep problems in children and the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. The association also produces a newsletter, and provides access to research abstracts, a directory of sleep labs, and online support groups, chat rooms, and message boards. Information is available in Spanish. ASA is a member-driven public service project that depends on volunteer efforts. Membership is free to those who register online.

Keywords: , Sleep, Public awareness campaigns, Research, Sleep deprivation, Sleep disorders

Annie E. Casey Foundation, Kids Count

Annotation: Kids Count, a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, is a national and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the United States. By providing policymakers and citizens with benchmarks of child well-being, KIDS COUNT seeks to enrich local, state, and national discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for all children. The Casey Foundation supports KIDS COUNT projects in more than 50 areas of the United States to raise public awareness and accountability for the condition of kids and families. The Kids Count project conducts surveys, collects and compiles data, hosts online data sites, including CLIKS online (a database of county, city and community level information on children), and publishes a variety of data books and pocket guides

Keywords: Statistical data, Child advocacy, Child health, Child welfare, Data collection, Online databases, Public awareness campaigns, Publications

Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA)

Annotation: The Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) promotes research on the prevention and cure of anxiety disorders and works to improve the lives of people with anxiety disorders. The association conducts public awareness campaigns, fosters the exchange of scientific information, advocates health care system improvements, sponsors an annual conference, and coordinates a national self-help group network. Publications include educational materials and a bi-monthly newsletter, the ADAA Reporter.

Keywords: Phobias, Advocacy, Anxiety, Educational materials, Medical research, Mental health, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Panic disorder, Post traumatic stress disorder, Public awareness campaigns

Breast Cancer Action (BCA)

Annotation: Breast Cancer Action (BCA) seeks to inspire and encourage the changes necessary to end the breast cancer epidemic. The organization questions common assumptions and calls for corporate accountability. BCA conducts annual town meetings, publishes a variety of materials, including a newsletter (available in both English and Spanish) and electronic e-mail alerts, recruits volunteers, conducts fundraising campaigns, and advocates for support.

Keywords: , Advocacy, Breast cancer, Public awareness campaigns, Women', s health

California Food Policy Advocates

Campaign for Mental Health Reform

Annotation: The Campaign for Mental Health Reform is a virtual national partnership of organizations representing millions of people with mental or emotional disorders, their families, service providers, administrators, and other concerned Americans. Its goal is to make access, recovery, coherence, and quality in mental health services the hallmarks of our nation’s mental health system. It works directly with federal policymakers to make this a reality. The campaign’s partners have been brought together by a common recognition that the current challenges and environment present an unavoidable need as well as the best opportunity in a generation to make a well-functioning mental health system a national priority.

Keywords: Advocacy, Health care reform, Mental health, Public awareness campaigns

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Annotation: The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, an initiative sponsored through partnerships with health, education, medical, civic, corporate, youth, and religious organizations, strives to reduce tobacco addiction and exposure to second hand smoke among children. The campaign's goals are to change public policy regarding tobacco at the federal, state, and local government level; to counter tobacco industry marketing to youth; and to increase the number of organizations and individuals supporting efforts to fight tobacco use. Information is provided on federal, state, and global initiatives aimed at reducing tobacco use. State statistics on tobacco usage and tobacco related deaths, samples of tobacco advertisements and statistics on industry advertising costs, and news reports on tobacco-related studies and legislation are available through the organization's Web site. Fact sheets, special reports, and information on tobacco political action committee contributions are also provided through the campaign's research center.

Keywords: Tobacco use, Adolescent health, Child health, Media campaigns, Pubic policies, Statistics

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, DES Update

Annotation: CDC's DES Update is a national health education program funded by the U.S. Congress and developed in partnership with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and many other organizations. The DES Update has been developed to provide the public and health care providers with the most current and accurate information about DES, including resources to help people learn about related health risks and find current research related to DES exposure.

Keywords: Diethylstilbestrol, Estrogens, Federal initiatives, Men', Pregnancy, Premature labor, Public awareness campaigns, Teratogens, Women', s health, s health

Charlie's Kids Foundation

Annotation: Charlie's Kids Foundation was established to increase safe sleep awareness and education with the ultimate goal of reducing the SIDS mortality rate. The foundation provides a children's board book (story book) with a sticker listing the do's and don'ts of safe sleep.

Keywords: Prevention programs, Public awareness campaigns, SIDS, Sleep

Children Now

Annotation: Children Now is a research and action organization dedicated to assuring that children grow up in economically secure families, where parents can go to work confident that their children are supported by quality health coverage, a positive media environment, a good early education, and safe, enriching activities to do after school. Children Now uses uses media advocacy and works to improve the quality of images for and about children in the news and entertainment media. Children Now is an independent, nonpartisan organization.

Keywords: Chid advocacy, Child health, Communication, Economic factors, Information sources, Parent child relations, Public awareness campaigns, Publications

Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS)

Annotation: The Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS) comprises individuals and organizations with concern for the care and wellbeing of mothers, infants, and families. The coalition's consensus Mother Friendly Childbirth Initiative promotes a prevention and wellness model of maternity care to improve birth outcomes and reduce costs. The website features information on the coalition's nurse recognition program, advocacy and committees, events, a newsletter, fact sheets, and other products and publications.

Keywords: Evidence based medicine, Prenatal care, Childbirth, Family-centered maternity services, Health care reform, Health promotion, Maternal health, Midwifery, Pregnancy outcome, Public awareness campaigns, Women health

Columbus Public Health and the Franklin County Infant Safe Sleep Task Force

Annotation: As part of its infant safe sleep and SIDS risk reduction initiative, Columbus Public Health and the Franklin County Infant Safe Sleep Task Force have developed an online video on infant safe sleep, [AAP recommendations 1, 2, 4, 6, 10]

Keywords: Local MCH agencies, Ohio, Public awareness campaigns, Sleep position

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