AIM Product Inventory
The Alliance for Information on Maternal and Child Health (AIM) is a Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) collaborative of national membership organizations and MCHB. Its members include decision makers within state and local government, maternal and child health (MCH) professions, philanthropy, the health insurance industry, and business, as well as advocates for children and families.
The purpose of the AIM collaborative is to help members of these organizations make well-informed decisions affecting public health policies and programs for women, children and families.
This inventory provides access to products developed by AIM grantees from 2005-2010. These products can be searched by keyword/topic using the box below and are also listed by grantee name. Links are provided to each document and to each organization’s website.
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List of AIM Partners Products
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD)
Access to Oral Health Care During the Perinatal Period. (2008). Brown, A.
Dental Health Month. (n.d.). AAPD and Children's Dental Health Project.
Engaging Providers to Improve Perinatal and Infant Oral Health: Innovative Strategies Webcast. (2009).
Improving Perinatal and Infant Oral Health. (n.d.). AAPD and Children's Dental Health Project. [PowerPoint presentation with annotations].
Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A Summary of Practice Guidelines (2006). Kumar, J, Iida, H.
See additional materials developed by AAPD.
See the AAPD website.
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
AAP Children’s Mental Health in Primary Care website. (2008). AAP.
AAP Oral Health website. (2008). AAP Oral Health Initiative.
IMPACT Children’s Mental Health E-News. (2007- ). AAP.
Improving Mental Health in Primary Care Through Access, Collaboration, and Training (IMPACT) (2007). AAP.
Improving Mental Health Services in Primary Care: Reducing Administrative and Financial Barriers to Access and Collaboration—Background. [2009]. AAP Task Force on Mental Health and American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Committee on Health Care Access and Economics.
Medical Homes@Work Newsletter. (current issue). AAP.
Medical Homes for Children Webcast. (2009). AAP, ABA, Center on Children and the Law, NBGH, NIHCM.
Oral Health Risk Assessment: Training for Pediatricians and Other Child Health Professionals. [Rev. ed.] (2008). AAP Oral Health Initiative.
Partnering to Address Mental Health Concerns in Early Education and Child Care. (2009). AAP. Webinar recording | PowerPoint Presentation | Webinar Resource List
Pediatric Oral Health Electronic Newsletter (2008 - ). AAP.
Protecting All Children’s Teeth: A Pediatric Oral Health Training Program for Physicians (Available 6/2009). AAP Oral Health Initiative.
Strategies for System Change in Children's Mental Health: A Chapter Action Kit (2007). AAP, Task Force on Mental Health.
See additional materials developed by AAP.
See the AAP website
American Bar Association (ABA)
Child CourtWorks. (2005 - ). ABA Center on Children and the Law.
Child Law Practice. (2005 - ). ABA. (see also archives).
Court-Involved Children Webcast. (2009). ABA.
Healing the youngest children: Model Court-community Partnerships. (2007). Hudson, L, Klain, E, Smariga, M, Youcha, V.
Healthy Attachment for Very Young Children in Foster Care. (2008). Solchany, J, Pilnik, L.
Medical Homes for Children Webcast. (2009). AAP, ABA, Center on Children and the Law, NBGH, NIHCM.
Practicing Preventative Law: A Day in the Life of a Medical-Legal Partnership Attorney. (2008). Pilnik, L.
Visitation with Infants and Toddlers in Foster Care: What Judges and Attorneys Need to Know. (2007). ABA Center on Children and the Law.
See additional materials developed by ABA.
See the ABA website.
Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP)
AMCHP / CityMatch Women's Preventive Health Framework. [2008]. AMCHP and CItyMatCH.
Promoting Healthy Weight Among Women of Reproductive Age. (2006). Kent, H, Skala, J, Desmaris, J. AMCHP and CityMatCH.
Setting State Health Priorities in Tough Budget Times Webcast. (2009).
State Title V Workforce Development Survey: Program Profiles Preliminary Findings. (2008). AMCHP.
See additional materials developed by AMCHP.
See the AMCHP website.
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)
Coordinating Health Services: WIC and Other Public Health Programs. (2009). Recording ID: 984NJW Recording Key: fKR9)$Q
Integrating MCH and Oral Health Programs to Improve Health. (2005). ASTHO.
It Takes a Village: MCH and Medicaid Collaborations to Improve Outcomes and Leverage Funds. (2008). Young, J, Forest, P, McCaffrey. M, Metzguer, K, Frachele, R, Fritz, T.
Leveraging Opportunities for Prevention Across the Lifecourse: The Case for Collaboration between MCH and Chronic Disease. (2008). ASTHO-NACCHO Joint Conference Session
Making the Case for Maternal and Child Health Programs. (2008). ASTHO.
MCH Technical Assistance: Implementation of Part C of IDEA. (2008). ASTHO.
MCH Technical Assistance: Information on State Abstinence from Abstinence-only Education (Section 510) Funding. (2007). ASTHO.
MCH Technical Assistance: State Newborn Screening Program Funding. (2008). ASTHO.
Missed Opportunities: Screening, Managing, and Tracking Gestational Diabetes in Massachusetts. (2007). ASTHO.
Protecting Children from Methamphetamine. (2007). ASTHO.
Public Health-mental Health-substance Abuse Leadership Dialogue. (2007). ASTHO.
State Policy Options to Establish Medical Homes for Children and Youth (2005). ASTHO.
See additional materials developed by ASTHO.
See the ASTHO website.
AMCHP / CityMatch Women's Preventive Health Framework. [2008]. AMCHP and CItyMatCH.
Annual Report, 2005. CityMatCH.
Annual Report, 2008. CityMatCH.
Are We Ready Yet?: Integrating MCH into Public Health Preparedness Plans. (2006). CityMatCH and NACCHO.
Bridging Two Worlds: Working with the Latino Community to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and Improve Reproductive Health. (2008). CityMatCH.
Building Healthier Communities: Integrating Mental Health and Public Health. (2008). CityMaCH and NACCHO. (Log-in required).
Child Passenger Safety. (2006). CityMatCH.
CityLights. (2005- ). CityMatCH.
CityMatCH 2005: Promising Practices Compendium. (2006). CityMatCH.
CityMatCH 2006: Promising Practices Compendium. (2007). Fitzgerald, M, Sutton, Z. (Eds.).
CityMatCH 2007: Promising Practices Compendium. (2007). Fitzgerald, M, Sutton, Z. (Eds.).
Collaborations Between Community Health Centers and Public Health Departments. (2008).
Crystal Meth: Interventions for Drug-endangered Children. (2005). CityMatCH.
Evidenced-Based Approaches to Teen Pregnancy Prevention. (2006). CityMatCH.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Prevention, Education, Intervention, and Advocacy. (2006). CityMatCH.
For All It's worth: Leading with Values and Vision—Promising Practices: 15th Annual CityMatCH Urban Maternal and Child Health Leadership Conference. (2005). CityMatCH.
Health Care Reform: Preparing Local Health Departments for Change on the Horizon. (2008). CityMatCH.
Improving Birth Outcomes: Community Strategies to Address Infant Mortality. (2007). CityMatCH and NACCHO.
Internet-Based HIV/STI Interventions for Adolescents. (2008). CityMatCH and NACCHO.
Intimate Partner Violence Among Pregnant and Parenting Women: Local Health Department Strategies for Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention. (2008). CityMatCH and NACCHO.
Life-Course Health Development Model. (2008). CityMatCH.
A Life-Course Perspective: Pathways for Improving Practice in Urban MCH: Promising Practice Compendium. (2008). CityMatCH.
Local Public Health Agencies (LPHAs) Involved in Implementing Coordinated School Health Programs. (2005). CityMatCH.
Maintaining Focus on MCH. (2007). CityMatCH.
Making Sustainable Social Change to Achieve Healthy Weight: Ecological Approaches to Nutrition and Physical Activity. (2005). CityMatCH.
The March of Dimes Prematurity Campaign & New Approaches to the Prevention of Preterm Birth. (2008). CityMatCH.
Maternal Depression/Women's Mental Health. (2005). CityMatCH.
The MCH Leadership Competencies: From Theory to Local Practice. (2008). CityMatCH.
Medicaid: What Now? (2005). CityMatCH.
Mental Health Services and Funding in MCH. (2007). CityMatCH.
The National SUID Initiative and its Impact on MCH Policy, Program and Planning. (2006). CityMatCH.
Preconception Care: Science, Recommendations and Creative Strategies for Implementation. (2006). CityMatCH.
Preventing HIV/AIDS in African-American Women. (2005). CityMatCH.
Preventing Perinatal Transmission of HIV AIDS. (2005). CityMatCH.
Promoting Healthy Weight Among Women of Reproductive Age. (2006). Kent, H, Skala, J, Desmaris, J. AMCHP and CItyMatCH.
Reducing Health Inequities: The Impact of Neighborhood Factors on Health. (2006). CityMatCH.
Sustainability in Tight Times: Local & State Efforts. (2007). CityMatCH.
Toolkit for Policy Development. (2008). CityMatCH Best Practices and Policy Action Group.
Toward Women's Health: A Compendium of Promising Practices to Improve Urban Women's Health. (2005). Kent, H. M, Fitzgerald, M. T.
Toward Urban Women's Health: Leadership. (2005). CityMatCH.
Women's Mental Health: Local Health Department Strategies in Addressing Depression Among Pregnant and Parenting Women. (2007). Ablorh-Odjidja, A, Cox, E, Ingoglia, JN, Joseph, J, Persaud, N, Phillips, C, Valderama, C. City MatCH and NACCHO.
Youth Smoking Prevention. (2005). CityMatCH.
See additional materials developed by CityMatCH.
See the CityMatCH website.
Family Voices
Bright Futures: Family Matters. (2005 - ) Family Voices.
- Promoting Healthy Weight. (March 2010).
- Healthy Sexual Development. (September 2009).
Family Matters: Promoting Health and Wellness for Children with Special Heath Care Needs—Family Booklet (2008). Popper, B, Irish, S, Dworetzky, B, Anderson, B, Minihan, P, Must, A. En Español.
Family Matters: Using Bright Futures to Promote Health and Wellness for Children with Disabilities. (2005). Family Voices.
Family-centered Care Self-assessment Tool: Family Tool. (2008). Family Voices.
Family-centered Care Self-assessment Tool: Provider Tool. (2008). Family Voices.
Family-centered Care Self-assessment Tool: User's Guide. (2008). Family Voices.
First Steps for Family Leaders: Forming Collaborative Relationships with Your State Title V Program. (undated). Family Voices.
Getting to Know Title V. (2007). Family Voices.
Title V 5-Year Needs Assessment. (2010). Family Voices.
See additional materials developed by Family Voices.
See the Family Voices website.
Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families (GCYF)
Conference Call Series:
- Missing Opportunities in Adolescent Health. (June 2, 2009). GCYF.
- Abriendo Puertas: A Parent Leadership Training Program for Latino Parents. (July 10, 2009). GCYF.
- Bridging the Gap: Children in Health Care Reform. (October 20, 2009). GCYF.
- Promising Practices Related to Child Care Quality. (December 9, 2009). GCYF and Rand.
- Connecting Early Childhood Experiences & Mental Health in Adolescences and Later in Life. (February 10, 2010). GCYF.
- Impact of Health Inequalities on Children and Families. (March 3, 2010). GCYF.
- It Takes Two: A Father’s Contribution During Pregnancy. (June 9, 2010). GCYF.
Insight. (2005- ). GCYF.
Just the Facts. (2005- ). GCYF.
Setting the Policy Table: The Role of Children, Youth, and Family Grantmakers in Public Policy. (2008). GCYF.
The Successful Integration of Health and Health Care into Broader Early Childhood Initiatives. (2008). Hicks, M.
See additional materials developed by GCYF.
See the GCYF website.
Grantmakers in Health (GIH)
Adolescence to Adulthood: Crossing the Threshold. (2006). GIH.
Behind the Smile: How Funders can Improve Oral Health. (2006). GIH.
Building a Healthier Future: Partnering to Improve Public Health. (2005). Treanor, K. with Scwartz, A. and Kutyla, T.
Connecting the Dots: Developing a Holistic Picture of Children's Health. (2008). Salinsky, E. with Mitchell, F. and Politan, L.
Critical Services for Our Children: Integrating Mental and Oral Health into Primary Care. (2008). GIH.
Cultivating Health Literacy at the State and National Levels. (2008). Adams, T.
Early Childhood Development: The Building Blocks of Health and Well-Being. (2007). GIH.
Establishing Public-Private Partnerships for Maternal and Child Health. (2009). Thomas, A.
Improving the Health and Well-being of Children in Foster Care. (2005). GIH.
Improving the Health of Vulnerable Children with Medical-legal Partnerships. (2008). Yee, A. K.
In Harm's Way: Aiding Children Exposed to Trauma. (2005). Langill, D, Ingargiola, P, Schwartz, A, Kutyla, T. GIH.
Infant Mortality: Racial and Regional Disparities. (2008). GIH.
Intervening Early to Address Children's Health Disparities. (2010). Thomas, A.
Key Issues in Reauthorization of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. (2007). GIH.
More Coverage, Better Care: Improving Children's Access to Health Services. (2006). GIH.
Promoting Children's Mental Health. (2007). GIH.
School-Based Health Centers: Enabling Health Care Access for Children and Youth “Where They Are”. (2009). Thomas, A.
Schools as Entry Points for Children’s Mental Health Services. (2010). Thomas, A.
See additional materials developed by GIH.
See the GIH website.
National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
Are We Ready Yet?: Integrating MCH into Public Health Preparedness Plans. (2006). CityMatCH and NACCHO.
Building Healthier Communities: Integrating Mental Health and Public Health. (2008). CityMaCH and NACCHO. (Log-in required).
Improving Birth Outcomes: Community Strategies to Address Infant Mortality. (2007). CityMatCH and NACCHO.
Internet-Based HIV/STI Interventions for Adolescents. (2008). CityMatCH and NACCHO.
Intimate Partner Violence Among Pregnant and Parenting Women: Local Health Department Strategies for Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention. (2008). CityMatCH and NACCHO.
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Toolkit. (2009). NACCHO.
Women's Mental Health: Local Health Department Strategies in Addressing Depression Among Pregnant and Parenting Women. (2007). Ablorh-Odjidja, A, Cox, E, Ingoglia, JN, Joseph, J, Persaud, N, Phillips, C, Valderama, C. City MatCH and NACCHO.
See additional materials developed by NACCHO.
See the NACCHO website.
National Business Group on Health (NBGH)
The Business Case for Breastfeeding. (2007). NBGH. (PDF of PowerPoint slides).
An Employer's Guide to Behavioral Health Services: A Roadmap and Recommendations for Evaluating, Designing, and Implementing Behavioral Health Services. (2005). Finch, RA, Phillips, K.
Investing in Maternal and Child Health: An Employer's Toolkit. (2007). Campbell, KP. (Ed.)
Investing in Maternal and Child Health: Strategies for Employers. (2007). NBGH. (PowerPoint slides).
Managing Childhood Asthma: Prevention and Treatment. (2005). MNBGH, Center for Prevention and Health Services.
Managing Childhood Asthma: Tools for Employers. (2005). NBGH.
Medical Homes for Children Webcast. (2009). AAP, ABA, Center on Children and the Law, NBGH, NIHCM.
Preventing, Identifying, and Treating Maternal Depression: Tools for Employers. (2005). Phillips, K.
Strengthening Health Care for Children: Primary Care and the Medical Home. (2009). Reagin A.
See additional materials developed by NBGH.
See the NBGH website.
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
Children’s Oral Health. (2007). Foreman, M.
Finding a Medical Home for Children: A Discussion for Health Care Practitioners, Policymakers and Public Health Agencies. (2007). NCSL.
LegisBriefs (2005 - ). NCSL members-only (membership available for purchase online); password required for links below:
- Child Psychiatrist Shortage Looms. NCSL Legisbrief, March 2006.
- Children's Oral Health. NCSL Legisbrief, August/September 2007.
- Exemptions for Childhood Immunizations. NCSL Legisbrief, June/July 2006.
- Lowering the Minimum Legal Drinking Age. NCSL Legisbrief, January 2009.
- Medicaid Services Across a Woman's Lifespan. NCSL Legisbrief, February 2007.
- Osteoporosis Breaks Bones and Budgets. NCSL Legisbrief, April/May 2008.
- Physical Education Activity for Children and Teens. NCSL Legisbrief, January 2006.
- Postpartum Depression: Worse Than the Baby Blues. NCSL Legisbrief, April/May 2007.
- Predictive Genetic Testing of Minors. NCSL Legisbrief, April/May 2006.
- Preventable Injuries Burden State Budgets. NCSL Legisbrief, January 2009.
- Preventing Cervical Cancer. NCSL Legisbrief, November/December 2006.
- School Wellness Policies. NCSL Legisbrief, November/December 2006.
- State Policies to Support Adolescents. NCSL Legisbrief, November/December 2007.
- Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Syndrome. NCSL Legisbrief, March 2006.
- Teen Pregnancy. NCSL Legisbrief, February 2007.
- Treating Obesity. NCSL Legisbrief, August/September 2005.
- Trends in Early Learning. NCSL Legisbrief, October 2007.
- Trimming Trans Fat. NCSL Legisbrief, August/September 2007.
- What's Up With SCHIP? NCSL Legisbrief, August/September 2008.
- Women and Cardiovascular Disease. NCSL Legisbrief, April/May 2005.
Setting State Health Priorities in Tough Budget Times Webcast. (2009). NCSL.
See additional materials developed by NCSL.
See the NCSL website.
National Governors' Association Center for Best Practices, Health Division (NGA)
Children and Mental Health webcast (2010). NGA.
Maternal and Child Health Statistics, FY 2008. (2010). NGA.
Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Update: States Increase Eligibility for Children's Health in 2007. (2008). National Governors Association Center for Best Practices.
Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Update 2005: States Make Modest Expansions to Health Care Coverage. [2006] National Governors Association Center for Best Practices.
MCH update: States Protect Health Care Coverage During Recent Fiscal Downturn. (2005). NGA-CBP/HD.
See additional materials developed by NGA.
See the NGA website.
National Healthy Start Association (NHSA)
Celebrate Day 366: Every Baby Deserves A Chance. NHSA.
Federal Healthy Start Initiative: A National Network for Effective Home Visitation and Family Support Services. (2010). NHSA.
Getting Off To a Healthy Start. (2005- ). NHSA.
It Takes Two to Tango: Defining the Role of Fathers. (2010). Bond J, Cunningham S, Xang E, George Ph, Lu M, Perry E, Parker W, Scarborough K, Div M, Warren R.
See additional materials developed by NHSA.
See the NHSA website.
National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM)
Effective Government & Private Sector Initiatives to Address Childhood Obesity. (2010). NIHCM Foundation & WellPoint, Inc. (Webinar).
Filling in the Cracks: Public and Private Strategies to Extend Health Insurance to Children and Families. (2007). NIHCM Foundation (Webinar).
Identifying and treating maternal depression: Strategies and considerations for health plans. (2010). Santoro K, Peabody H.
Improving Access to Perinatal Oral Health Care: Strategies & Considerations for Health Plans. Kathryn L Santoro, MA, Hillary Peabody, MPH, NIHCM Foundation; Jessie Buerlein, MSW, Children's Dental Health Project. July 2010. 16 pp.
Strategies to Support the Integration of Mental Health into Pediatric Primary Care. (2009). Ginsburg S, Foster S, Santoro K, Schoenman J. (Eds.)
Young People's Health Care: A National Imperative. (2006). Brindis, C, Mulye, TP, Park, MJ, Irwin, CE.
See additional materials developed by NIHCM.
See the NIHCM website.
Today's Child Communications
Black Family Health Alert: Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy. (2007). Springer, CM.
National Black Family Promotions Coalition: Methodological Approach. (2005). Springer, CM.
State of Black Family Maternal and Child Health and Focus Group Results. [2008]. Springer, CM.
Today's Child Magazine. (Current issue only).
See additional materials developed by Today's Child Communications.
See the Today's Child Communications website.