New Resources Developed by the MCH Library:
- Celebrating the Life of Peter van Dyck, MD, MPH, 1939 - 2024
- Children's Bureau National Archives Collection Digitized
- New Toolkits: Blueprint for Change/CYSHCN | Maternal Health
New Resources Added to the MCH Library Collection:
- Understanding New Federal Guidance on Medicaid Coverage of Health-Related Social Needs Services
- Implementing a Maternal Health and Pregnancy Outcomes
- State Policy Considerations to Support Equitable Systems of Care for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
- Implementation of Community Health Workers to Improve Birth Outcomes
Stay Informed. The MCHalert keeps you up-to-date with the latest evidence-based and workforce-driven resources from the field. The Fall 2024 edition includes:
- New from NCEMCH highlights the updated Online Self-Assessment that now reflects the newly released 4.5 MCH Leadership Competencies and a new microlearning program, MCHnow to learn more about the competency updates.
- From the Field showcases the latest trainings gathered by the MCH Navigator and resources collected by the MCH Library.
- What Works introduces a new Strategy Planning Tool to use with the evidence to develop strong ESMs.
- Advancing Academics shares updates from ATMCH about their Mentorship Project, Innovative Teaching Award opportunities and request for Teaching and Learning Resources.
- Leveraging Learning shares the MCH Workforce Development Center’s Learning Journey for Title V teams who want to increase their workforce capacity and the latest edition of MCHwork.
Access the MCHalert page to find past editions and subscription options