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Search our online repositories
Searching online repositories can take a bit more work than simply searching Google, but provide more focused results that are specific to MCH populations. The following search tools tap the MCH Digital Library's databases.
There are four ways to search the MCH Digital Library: (1) a broad search, (2) focused searches, (3) full-text searches, and (4) a Google site search. Please choose the best search tool for the information you are trying to find.
1. Broad Search
Search the MCH Digital Library databases.
2. Focused Search
Search databases separately.
- Established Evidence (find vetted, peer-reviewed research articles that support NPMs)
- Emerging Evidence (find new research articles that may support NPMs)
- Evidence-based/informed Strategy Measures (find ESMs in use by the states and jurisdictions)
- MCHLine (find books and other materials)
- Organizations (find MCH organizations)
- MCH Projects (find MCHB-funded projects)
- Search Materials from our Special Collections
3. Search for Full-Text Online Publications
Search MCHLine for only those materials available online.
Advanced online publications search4. Search the MCH Digital Library Website
Searches for webpages, Word, and PDF files. It does not search the MCH Databases.
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