Healthy Start Portal
Use this Healthy Start Portal to find current and historic Healthy Start materials, links to materials developed by the National Healthy Start Association, and related materials developed by the MCH Digital Library.
The Healthy Start Initiative, established in 1991 by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, provides community-based, culturally competent, family-centered, and comprehensive perinatal health services to women, infants, and their families in communities with very high rates of infant mortality.
Search for Current Materials
Search the MCH Digital Library collection of over 500 products and final reports of Healthy Start projects from 1995-2015.
Current Search
Current Journal Articles on Healthy Start
Find Healthy Start articles with an automated PubMed search, (searches 21 million biomedical citations from MEDLINE, journals, and online books).
Materials from the Field

- Search the Project Directory from the newly updated National Healthy Start Association to find contact information for any of all currently federally funded Healthy Start projects.
- Healthy From the Start, the National Healthy Start Association's blog
- Quantifying the Adequacy of Prenatal Care: A Comparison of Indices
- Overview of Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index
- Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index
Additional Resources from the MCH Digital Library
- Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting resource brief
- Assisted Reproductive Technologies resource brief
- Breastfeeding resource brief
- Childbirth resource brief
- Community Services Locator
- Depression During and After Pregnancy knowledge path, family resource brief
- Domestic Violence knowledge path, family resource brief
- Fatherhood resource brief
- Health Insurance and Access to Care for Children and Adolescents knowledge path, family resource brief, school resource brief
- Home Visiting resource brief
- Infant Mortality and Pregnancy Loss knowledge path, family resource brief
- Preconception and Pregnancy knowledge path, family resource brief
- Tobacco, Alcohol, and Substance Use During Preconception and Pregnancy resource brief
* The HSNRC was a special project funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau at the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health from 1997 to 2002.