Children's Bureau Collection
U.S. Children's Bureau was established in 1912
with this charge: "The … bureau shall investigate
and report … upon all matters pertaining to the
welfare of children and child life among all classes
of our people, and shall especially investigate the
questions of infant mortality, the birth rate, orphanage,
juvenile courts, desertion, dangerous occupations,
accidents and diseases of children, employment, [and]
legislation affecting children in the States
and Territories."
- New: Children's Bureau National Archive Collection (6,000 documents and growing)
- Children's Bureau Focused Collection (450 documents)
We continue to digitize Children's Bureau records as part of our commitment to preserving the history of MCH. Check back as we post new resources!
You can also access our MCH History page for the contextual background of the MCH movement in the United States.
NEW!!! Children's Bureau National Archives Collection (6,000 documents and growing)
This collection of records from the Children's Bureau spans 1909/1912-1969 and represents the largest digitized collection tracing children's health throughout the twentieth century. The collection has been transferred from 290 reels of microfiche from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration originally conducted in the early 1990s. Types of materials in the collection include reports, articles, conference materials, addresses and speeches, government documents, memoranda, drafts, and other documents.
The collection consists of approximately 6,000 records to date, representing over 300,000 pages of material, some of which have never been publicly available before; new resources will be added throughout 2024. The collection is divided into six parts: (1) child welfare, (2) child legislation, (3) Children's Bureau history, (4) MCH files, (5) Children's Bureau Merritt files, and (6) Children's Bureau chief's files. You can access the full Children's Bureau collection below.
Some Highlights of the Collection
- A 1909 report by Grace Abbott, second chief of the Children’s Bureau, on the First and Second Conference on Child Care and Protection Under Presidential Auspices, outlining the call by President Roosevelt to “conduct research in all matters pertaining to the welfare and children and child life” that led to the establishment of the Children’s Bureau in 1912.
- A 1934 speech by President Roosevelt to Congress recommending a social security program as a safeguard “against the hazards and vicissitudes of life” that led to the Social Security Act of 1935 that funds our current MCH Title V programs.
- A 1940 radio script by Katharine Lenroot, third chief of the Children’s Bureau, in which she reminds the country that the Health of the Child is the Power of the Nation in which “all children – and that means your children – are well-nourished, healthy, upstanding, intelligent boys and girls, prepared to meet whatever responsibilities life may call upon them to carry, to meet them with courage and personal satisfaction, and to make their contribution to the general strength and effectiveness of the Nation.”
- A 1965 speech by Arthur Lesser, Director of MCH Services who later resigned over harsh funding cuts and policies of the Nixon administration, in which he details disparities in infant mortality, the importance of maternal and prenatal care, and President Johnson’s work to amend the Social Security Act to expand MCH and “crippled children’s” services.
You can access the collection in two ways:
1. Search the Collection by Keyword
2. Access Resources by National Archives Categories
You can browse the full collection or scan resources in groups, based on the National Archives storage categories:
- Child Welfare. This section contains documents of the Bureau's investigation of a "new" child-welfare activism: investigation of child labor conditions in agriculture, industry, and mining; guidance on public school curricula, teaching methods, and student development; promotion of welfare planning for families of servicemen and defense workers; and organization of international conferences and social worker training programs.
- Child Legislation. This section documents the Bureau's legislative activities at the national, state and local levels: shaping a new body of American law on child labor, occupational safety, health and sanitation, education, marriage, divorce, adoption, child abuse, juvenile delinquency, and institutional care.
- Children's Bureau History. This section contains documents related to the organizational structure and administrative history of the Bureau; and pioneering surveys on a broad range of social concerns, from nutrition in Kentucky to maternal mortality in California, and from sweatshops in New York to juvenile delinquency in Illinois.
- Maternal and Child Health Files. This section includes the Bureau's research portfolio and initiatives in the public health arena: educating the nation on medical technology, disease prevention, maternal and infant care, physical and mental hygiene, nutrition, child psychology, and "treatment and rehabilitation of the handicapped."
- Children's Bureau Ella Arvilla Merritt Files. This includes resources related to federal control of child labor, 1913-39 (Coming Soon)
- Children's Bureau Chief's Files (Coming Soon)
Children's Bureau Focused Collection (450 documents)
In addition, the MCH Digital Library has pulled out a special collection of Children's Bureau publications that have been digitized separately. These resources highlight the history of the Children's Bureau; materials for families; complete collections of periodicals and serials from 1913 to 1971; and a sample of key resources from 1913 to 1997. This collection includes approximately 450 documents. You can access the collection below.
You can access specific resources through the links below:
History of the Children's Bureau
- The Children's Bureau legacy: Ensuring the right to childhood. 2012. 233 pp.
- Children's Bureau Video Series. Children’s Bureau leaders and staff—at the time of the 2012 centennial celebration—speak passionately about their commitment to the Bureau’s work and how that passion translates into better outcomes for children, families, and communities.
- History of U.S. children's policy, 1900-present. 2009. 30 pp.
- Raising a baby the government way: Mothers' letters to Children's Bureau, 1915-1932. 1986. 212 pp. (borrow online after free registration)
- Maternal and child health at the millennium: Looking back, moving forward. 2001. 62 pp.
- Baby's Health--Civic Wealth. Chapter in Every child a lion: The origins of maternal and infant health policy in the United States and France, 1890-1920. 1993. pp. 208-243.
- 75th anniversary: U.S. Children's Bureau—1912-1987: The commitment continues. 1987. 18 pp.
- The Children's Bureau at 75: 1912-1987-The commitment continues. 1987. 14 pp.
- Special issue: Maternal and child health anniversary (Health Resources and Services Administration Chronicle). August 1985. 12 pp.
- Child health in America. 1976. 72 pp.
- Anniversary issue: Sixty years of service to children-Children's Bureau: 1912-1972. 1972. 40 pp.
- The Children's Bureau's job today. 1969. 73 pp
- Five decades of action for children. 1962. 143 pp.
- 50th anniversary of the Children's Bureau: Memory book. 1962. 149 pp.
- It's your Children's Bureau. [Rev. ed] 1962. 8 pp.
- The Children's Bureau. Chapter in American Academy of Pediatrics: June 1930 to June 1951. 1952. pp. 155-165
- The road ahead for better child health. 1948. 18 pp.
- The Children's Bureau aim: A better chance for every child. 1939 10 pp.
- The Children's Bureau and its relationships with other agencies. 1939. 18 pp.
- The Children's Bureau: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. 1937. 57 pp.
- In behalf of mothers and children: The story of the U.S. Children's Bureau. 1930. 48 pp.
- Establishment of the Children's Bureau. 1912. 5 pp.
- Theerman P. 2010. Julia Lathrop and the Children's Bureau. American Journal of Public Health 100(9):1589-1590 (extract available online).
- Claiborne N, Briar-Lawson K. A Legacy of Reform and Innovation: Celebrating the Children's Bureau Centennial. Journal of Family Strengths 12(2012)
Children's Bureau Brochures and Booklets for Families
Children's Bureau Periodicals and Serials
- Annual report of the Chief, Children's Bureau, to the Secretary of Labor. 1913-1930s.
- The child. 1936-1953.
- Child welfare statistics. Covers years 1961-1967
- Crippled Children's Program: Statistical highlights.
- Children: An interdisciplinary journal for the professions serving children. 1954-1971.
- Diagnoses of children served in the Crippled Children's Program. Covers years 1950-1953.
- Juvenile court statistics. Covers years 1959-1967.
- Maternal and child health services. 1950- annual.
- Perinatal, infant, childhood, and maternal mortality. 1957-1958. 2 v.
- Statistical summary of cases served under maternal and child health programs of state and local health departments.
- Statistics on public institutions for delinquent children. Covers years 1963, 1966-67.
Children's Bureau Publications
1912 – 1919
Establishment of the Children's Bureau. 1912. 5 pp.
- Prenatal care. 1913. 41 pp. (See other editions)
- Baby-saving campaigns: A preliminary report on what American cities are doing to prevent infant mortality (4th ed.) 1914. 93 pp.
- Birth registration: An aid in protecting the lives and rights of children. 1914. 13 pp.
- Handbook of federal statistics of children: Part 1—Number of children in the United States with their sex, age, race nativity, parentage and geographic distribution. 1914. 106 pp.
- Infant care. 1914. 87 pp. (See other editions)
- Laws relating to "mother's pensions" in the United States, Denmark and New Zealand. 1914. 102 pp.
- New Zealand society for the health of women and children: An example of methods of baby-saving work in small towns and rural districts. 1914. 18 pp.
- Administration of child labor laws: Part 1-employment certificate system Connecticut. 1915. 69 pp.
- Baby-week campaigns: Suggestions for communities of various sizes. 1915. 64 pp.
- Child-welfare exhibits: Types and preparation. 1915. 73 pp.
- Infant mortality: Montclair, N.J.: A study of infant mortality in a suburban community. 1915. 36 pp.
- Infant mortality: Results of a field study in Johnstown, PA., based on births in one calendar year. 1915. 93 pp.
- Mental defectives in the District of Columbia: A brief description of local conditions and the need for custodial care and training. 1915. 39 pp.
- A tabular statement of infant-welfare work by public and private agencies in the United States. 1916. 114 pp.
- Administration of child labor laws: Part 2-—Employment-certificate system New York. 1917. 164 pp.
- A social study of mental defectives in New Castle County, Delaware. 1917. 38 pp.
- Baby-week campaigns (revised edition). 1917. 152 pp.
- Care of dependents of enlisted men in Canada. 1917. 56 pp.
- Child labor in warring countries: A brief review of foreign reports. 1917. 75 pp.
- Facilities for children's play in the District of Columbia. 1917. 72 pp.
- Governmental provisions in the United States and foreign countries for members of the military forces and their dependents. 1917. 236 pp.
- How to conduct a children's health conference. 1917. 24 pp.
- Infant mortality: Results of a field study in Manchester, N.H. based in births in one year. 1917. 134 pp.
- Maternal mortality from all conditions connected with childbirth in the United States and certain other countries. 1917. 66 pp.
- Maternity and infant care in a rural county in Kansas. 1917. 50 pp.
- Summary of child-welfare laws passed in 1916. 1917. 74 pp.
- April and May weighing and measuring test. 1918. 19 pp.
- Children before the courts in Connecticut. 1918. 98 pp.
- Children's health centers. 1918. 7 pp.
- Children's year working program. 1918. 12 pp.
- Infant mortality: Results of a field study in Waterbury, Conn. based on births in one year. 1918. 157 pp.
- Juvenile delinquency in certain countries at war: A brief review of available foreign sources. 1918. 28 pp.
- Juvenile delinquency in rural New York. 1918. 199 pp.
- Norwegian laws concerning illegitimate children: Introduction and translation. 1918. 37 pp.
- Rural children in selected counties of North Carolina. 1918. 118 pp.
- Save 100,000 babies: Get a square deal for children. 1918. 8 pp.
- The public health nurse: How she helps to keep the babies well. 1918. 7 pp.
- Administration of child labor laws: Part 3-employment-certificate system Maryland. 1919. 127 pp.
- Advising children in their choice of occupation and supervising the working child. 1919. 14 pp.
- An outline for a birth-registration test. 1919. 7 pp.
- Back-to-school drive. 1919. 8 pp.
- Every child in school: A safeguard against child labor and illiteracy. 1919. 20 pp.
- Illegitimacy laws of the United States and certain foreign countries. 1919. 260 pp.
- Income and infant mortality. 1919?. 5 pp.
- Infant mortality: Results of a field study in Brockton, Mass. based on births in one year. 1919. 82 pp.
- Infant mortality: Results of a field study in Saginaw, Mich. based on births in one year. 1919. 91 pp.
- Laws relating to "mothers' pensions" in the United States, Canada, Denmark, and New Zealand. 1919. 316 pp.
- Maternity and infant care in two rural counties in Wisconsin. 1919. 92 pp.
- Maternity benefit systems in certain foreign countries. 1919. 206 pp.
- Maternity care and the welfare of young children in a homesteading county in Montana. 1919. 98 pp.
- Mental defect in a rural county: A medico-psychological and social study of mentally defective children in Sussex County, Delaware. 1919 96 pp.
- Milk. 1919. 4 pp.
- Minimum standards for child welfare. 1919. 15 pp.
- Patriotic play week: Suggestions to local child-welfare committees. 1919. 8 pp.
- Scholarships for children. 1919. 8 pp.
- Standards of child welfare: The health of children and mothers (separate no. 3). 1919. pp. 143-304, 429-444.
- Standards of child welfare: Children in need of special care and standardization of child welfare laws (separate no. 4). 1919. pp. 305-444.
- Suggestions to local committees for the back-to-school drive. 1919. 8 pp.
- The care of the baby. 1919. 4 pp.
- The care of the mother. 1919. 4 pp.
- The preparation of artificial food. 1919. 4 pp.
- The states and child labor: Lists of states with certain restrictions as to ages and hours. 1919. 46 pp.
- The visiting teacher. 1919. 7 pp.
- What do growing children need? A problem for parents. 1919. 4 pp.
- What is malnutrition? 1919. 20 pp.
1920 – 1929
- A summary of juvenile-court legislation in the United States. 1920. 110 pp.
- Child welfare programs: Study outlines for the use of clubs and classes. 1920. 35 pp.
- Children's year: A brief summary of work done and suggestions for follow-up work. 1920. 20 pp.
- Courts in the United States hearing children's cases: Results of a questionnaire study covering the year. 1920. 115 pp.
- Illegitimacy as a child-welfare problem: Part 1-A brief treatment of the prevalence and significance of birth out of wedlock, the child's status, and the state's responsibility for care and protection. 1920. 86 pp.
- Industrial instability of child workers: A study of employment-certificate records in Connecticut. 1920. 86 pp.
- Infant mortality: Results of a field study in Akron, Ohio based on births in one year. 1920. 118 pp.
- Infant mortality: Results of a field study in New Bedford, Massachusetts, based on births in one year. 1920. 114 pp.
- State commissions for the study and revision of child-welfare laws. 1920. 43 pp.
- The child-welfare special: A suggested method of reaching rural communities. 1920. 19 pp.
- Administration of child-labor laws: Part 4-Employment-certificate system Wisconsin. 1921. 159 pp.
- Administration of the first federal child-labor law. 1921. 197 pp.
- Average heights and weights of children under six years of age. 1921. 4 pp.
- Bottle feeding: Consult your doctor before weaning the baby. 1921. 4 pp.
- Breast feeding. 1921 13 pp.
- Child care and child welfare: Outlines for study—Child mentality and management. 1921 42 pp.
- Child care and child welfare: Outlines for study-Children in need of special care. 1921. 12 pp.
- Child care and child welfare: Outlines for study—Play and recreation. 1921 44 pp.
- Children deprived of parental care: A study of children taken under care by Delaware agencies and institutions. 1921. 96 pp.
- Feeding the child: Are you feeding your family intelligently? 1921. 4 pp.
- Illegitimacy as a child-welfare problem: Part 2-A study of original records in the city of Boston and in the state of Massachusetts. 1921. 408 pp.
- Infant mortality In Pittsburgh: An analysis of records for 1920 with six charts. 1921. 24 pp.
- Infant-welfare work in Europe: An account of recent experiences in Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy. 1921. 169 pp.
- Maternity and child care in selected rural areas of Mississippi. 1921. 60 pp.
- Physical standards for working children. 1921. 32 pp.
- Probation in children's courts 1921 32 pp.
- Promotion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy: Text of act of November 23, 1921 and maximum amounts available to the states. 1921. 7 pp.
- Save the youngest. 1921. 15 pp.
- Standards of legal protection for children born out of wedlock: A report of regional conferences held under the auspices of the U.S. Children's Bureau and the inter-city conference on illegitimacy. 1921. 158 pp.
- Statures and weights of children under six years of age. 1921. 117 pp.
- The administration of the aid-to-mothers law in Illinois. 1921. 176 pp.
- The employment-certificate system: A safeguard for the working child. 1921. 13 pp.
- Child labor and the welfare of children in an anthracite coal-mining district. 1922. 94 pp.
- Child labor and the work of mothers in oyster and shrimp canning communities on the Gulf coast. 1922. 114 pp.
- Children of preschool age in Gary, Ind. 1922. 175 pp.
- Children of wage-earning mothers: A study of a selected group in Chicago. 1922. 92 pp.
- County organization for child care and protection. 1922. 173 pp.
- Industrial home work of children: A study made in Providence, Pawtucket, and Central Falls, R. I. 1922. 80 pp.
- Infant mortality and preventive work In New Zealand. 1922. 72 pp.
- Office administration for organizations supervising the health of mothers, infants, and children of preschool age with special reference to public health nursing agencies. 1922. 216 pp.
- Physical status of preschool children: Gary, Ind. 1922. 84 pp.
- Proceedings of the conference on juvenile-court standards held under the auspices of the U.S. Children's Bureau and the National Probation Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 21-22, 1921. 1922. 111 pp.
- Proceedings of conference on mothers' pensions. 1922. 31 pp.
- The Chicago juvenile court. 1922. 119 pp.
- The federal courts and the delinquent child: A study of the methods of dealing with children who have violated federal laws. 1922. 71 pp.
- The legal aspect of the juvenile court. 1922 42 pp.
- The nutrition and care of children in a mountain county of Kentucky. 1922 43 pp.
- The practical value of scientific study of juvenile delinquents. 1922 31 pp.
- The working children of Boston: A study of child labor under a modern system of legal regulation. 1922. 374 pp.
- Backyard playgrounds. 1923. 6 pp.
- Canal-boat children. 1923. 22 pp.
- Child labor and the work of mothers in the beet fields of Colorado and Michigan. 1923. 122 pp.
- Child labor in North Dakota. 1923. 67 pp.
- Child labor on Maryland truck farms.1923 52 pp.
- Child labor: Outlines for study. 1923. 63 pp.
- Infant mortality: Results of a field study in Baltimore, MD., based on births in one year. 1923. 399 pp.
- Infant mortality: Results of a field study in Gary Ind., based on births in one year. 1923. 122 pp.
- Juvenile-court standards. 1923. 10 pp.
- Maternity and infant care in a mountain county in Georgia. 1923. 58 pp.
- Minors in automobile and metal-manufacturing industries in Michigan. 1923. 131 pp.
- Public aid to children in their own homes. 1923 23 pp.
- Standards and problems connected with the issuance of employment certificates: Proceedings of conference held under the auspices of the United States Children's Bureau and the National Education Association at Boston, Massachusetts, July 5-6, 1922. 1923. 67 pp.
- Standards of public aid to children in their own homes. 1923. 145 pp.
- The midwife problem in the United States. 1923. 15 pp.
- The welfare of children in bituminous coal mining communities in West Virginia. 1923. 77 pp.
- Unemployment and child welfare: A study made in a middle-western and an eastern city during the industrial depression of 1921 and 1922. 1923. 173 pp.
- Administration of child labor laws: Part 5—-Standards applicable to the administration of employment-certificate systems. 1924. 227 pp.
- Child dependency in the District of Columbia: An interpretation of data concerning dependent children under the care of public and private agencies. 1924. 160 pp.
- Child labor and the work of mothers on Norfolk truck farms. 1924. 27 pp.
- Child welfare in the insular possessions of the United States: Part 1—Porto Rico. 1924. 260 pp.
- Habit clinics for the child of preschool age: Their organization and practical value. 1924. 71 pp.
- Illegitimacy as a child-welfare problem: Part 3—Methods of care in selected urban and rural communities. 1924. 260 pp.
- Laws relating to interstate placement of dependent children.1924 32 pp.
- Laws relating to mothers' pensions in the United States, passed during the years 1920 to 1923, inclusive. 1924 99 pp.
- Legal regulation of the employment of minors 16 years of age and over. 1924. 26 pp.
- Nutrition work for preschool children. 1924. 25 pp.
- State commissions for the study and revision of child-welfare laws. 1924. 156 pp. 20576
- The present legal status of child labor in the United States. 1924. 9 pp.
- The promotion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy: The administration of the act of Congress of November 21, 1921. Covers fiscal years 1922/23-1928/29. 1924-1930.
- The welfare of children in cotton-growing areas of Texas. 1924. 83 pp.
- Work of children on truck and small-fruit farms in southern New Jersey. 1924. 58 pp.
- A brief manual of games for organized play. 1925. 39 pp.
- Adoption laws in the United States: A summary of the development of adoption legislation and significant features of adoption statutes, with the text of selected laws. 1925. 51 pp.
- Causal factors in infant mortality. 1925. 245 pp.
- Child care: The preschool age. 1925. 82 pp.
- Child management. 1925. 24 pp.
- Children indentured by the Wisconsin State Public School. 1925. 132 pp.
- Juvenile courts at work: A study of the organization and methods of ten courts. 1925. 323 pp.
- Laws relating to sex offenses against children. 1925. 74 pp.
- Standards of prenatal care: An outline for the use of physicians. 1925. 4 pp.
- The welfare of infants of illegitimate birth in Baltimore. 1925. 24 pp.
- Vocational guidance and junior placement: Twelve cities in the United States. 1925. 440 pp.
- What builds babies? The mother's diet in the pregnant and nursing periods. 1925. 8 pp.
- A study of maternity homes in Minnesota and Pennsylvania. 1926 92 pp.
- Breast feeding. 1926. 8 pp.
- Child labor in fruit and hop growing districts of the northern Pacific coast. 1926 52 pp.
- Child labor in representative tobacco-growing areas. 1926 42 pp.
- Child labor in the United States: Ten questions answered. (4th ed.) 1926 36 pp.
- Children of illegitimate birth and measures for their protection. 1926. 20 pp.
- Community care of dependent, delinquent, and handicapped children. 1926. 8 pp.
- Dependent and delinquent children in Georgia. 1926 97 pp.
- Dependent and delinquent children in North Dakota and South Dakota: A study of the prevalence, treatment, and prevention of child dependency and delinquency in two rural states. 1926. 130 pp.
- Industrial accidents to employed minors in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. 1926. 119 pp.
- Juvenile-court statistics: A tentative plan for uniform reporting of statistics of delinquency, dependency, and neglect. 1926 37 pp.
- May day: National child health day-A summary of nation-wide organization, co-operation, and activities. 1926. 35 pp.
- Milk: The indispensable food for children. 1926 43 pp.
- Physical standards for working children. 1926 24 pp.
- Posture clinics: Organization and exercises. 1926 33 pp.
- Posture exercises: A handbook for schools and for teachers of physical education. 1926 33 pp.
- Proceedings of the third annual Conference of State Directors in Charge of the Local Administration of the Maternity and Infancy Act (act of Congress of November 23, 1921). 209 pp.
- Public aid to mothers with dependent children. 1926.18 pp.
- Standards for physicians conducting conferences in child-health centers. 1926. 11 pp.
- State bureaus of child hygiene and dates of establishment.1926. 4 pp.
- Text of act of November 23, 1921 for the promotion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy and maximum amounts available to the states. 1926. 7 pp.
- The county as a unit for an organized program of child caring and protective work. 1926. 25 pp.
- Work of children on Illinois farms. 1926 48 pp.
- Child-welfare conditions and resources in seven Pennsylvania counties. 1927. 305 pp.
- Child welfare in New Jersey: Part 1—State supervision and personnel administration. 1927 77 pp.
- Child welfare in New Jersey: Part 2—State provision for dependent children. 1927 148 pp.
- Child welfare in New Jersey: Part 4—Local provision for dependent and delinquent children in relation to the state's program. 1927 76 pp.
- The Children's Bureau of Cleveland: A study of the care of dependent children in Cleveland, Ohio. 1927 98 pp.
- Handbook for the use of boards of directors, superintendents, and staffs of institutions for dependent children. 1927. 129 pp.
- May day: Child health day—A bulletin of suggestions for 1927. 1927. 30 pp.
- Minimum standards of prenatal care. 1927. 7 pp.
- Proceedings of the fourth annual Conference of State Directors in Charge of the Local Administration of the Maternity and Infancy Act (act of Congress of November 23, 1921). 1927. 167 pp.
- Public child-caring work in certain counties of Minnesota, North Carolina, and New York. 1927 96 pp.
- Recreation for blind children. 1927 76 pp.
- The work of child-placing agencies. 1927. 223 pp.
- What is malnutrition? 1927. 19 pp.
- Administration of mothers' aid in ten localities with special reference to health, housing, education, and recreation. 1928. 206 pp.
- Children of illegitimate birth whose mothers have kept their custody. 1928. 105 pp.
- Children in street work. 1928. 353 pp.
- Child labor in New Jersey: Part 2—Children engaged in industrial home work. 1928 62 pp.
- Child workers on city streets. 1928 74 pp.
- From school to work. 1928. 8 pp.
- Keeping the well baby well. 1928. 8 pp.
- Protecting your child against communicable diseases. 1928. 4 pp.
- Public aid to mothers with dependent children. 1928. 24 pp.
- The story of May day: 1924-1928. 1928. 107 pp.
- Welfare of prisoners' families in Kentucky. 1928 50 pp.
- What is happening to mothers and babies in the District of Columbia? 1928. 27 pp.
- Your child's behavior. 1928. 4 pp.
- Your child's food likes and dislikes. 1928. 4 pp.
- Your child's health examination. 1928. 4 pp.
- Your child's need of sunshine and open air. 1928. 4 pp.
- Your child's nutrition. 1928. 4 pp.
- Your child's physical defects. 1928. 4 pp.
- Your child's posture. 1928. 4 pp.
- Your child's teeth. 1928. 4 pp.
- Child labor in New Jersey: Part 1—Employment of school children. 1929 140 pp.
- Children in agriculture. 1929 81 pp.
- Foster-home care for dependent children. 1929. 292 pp.
- Infant care. 1929. 127 pp. (See other editions)
- Out of babyhood into childhood: 1-6 years. 1929. 12 pp.
- Public dance halls. 1929 57 pp.
- Why sleep? Sleep helps children grow. 1929. 8 pp.
- Your child's teeth. 1929. 8 pp.
1930 – 1939
- Are you training your child to be happy?: Lesson material in child management. 1930 57 pp.
- Children in fruit and vegetable canneries: A survey in seven states. 1930. 227 pp.
- Juvenile delinquency in Maine. 1930 90 pp.
- Prenatal care. 1930. 71 pp. (See other editions)
- Youth and crime: A study of the prevalence and treatment of delinquency among boys over juvenile-court age in Chicago. 1930. 205 pp.
- Child labor in New Jersey: Part 3—The working children of Newark and Paterson. 1931 94 pp.
- Child welfare in selected counties of Washington. 1931. 111 pp.
- Children of working mothers in Philadelphia: Part 1—The working mothers. 39 pp.
- Leisure-time activities of rural children in selected areas of West Virginia. 1931. 86 pp.
- Posture and physical fitness. 1931. 45 pp.
- Sunlight for babies. 1931. 8 pp.
- The seven years of the Maternity and Infancy Act. 1931. 21 pp.
- Why drink milk? Milk is the indispensable food for children. 1931. 8 pp.
- Employed boys and girls in Milwaukee. 1932 71 pp.
- Employment of mentally deficient boys and girls. 1932. 107 pp.
- Facts about juvenile delinquency. 1932. 45 pp.
- Family welfare: Summary of expenditures for relief general family welfare and relief mothers' aid, veterans' aid. 1932. 107 pp.
- A handbook on records and statistics in the field of public-health nursing. 1932 30 pp.
- The illegally employed minor and the Workmen's Compensation Law. 1932. 226 pp.
- Welfare of children of maintenance-of-way employees. 1932. 192 pp.
- Child labor: Facts and figures. 1933. 133 pp.
- Children's progress 1833-1933. 1933 23 pp.
- The effect of tropical sunlight on the development of bones of children in Puerto Rico: A roentgenographic and clinical study of infants and young children with special reference to rickets and related factors. 1933. 122 pp.
- Employed boys and girls in Rochester and Utica New York. 1933 74 pp.
- A handbook on statistical reporting in the field of medical social service. 1933 39 pp.
- Guiding the adolescent. 1933. 94 pp.
- Labor through the century: 1833-1933-An illustrated account as presented by the United States Department of Labor at the Century of Progress Exposition, Chicago 1933. 1933. 46 pp.
- Maternal deaths: A brief report of a study made in 15 states. 1933 60 pp.
- Mothers aid, 1931. 1933. 39 pp.
- The ABC of foster-family care for children. 1933. 50 pp.
- The child, the family, and the court: A study of the administration of justice in the field of domestic relations-General findings and recommendations, Part 1 1929, 1933 rev. 87 pp.
- The county as an administrative unit for social work. 1933. 48 pp.
- Women at work: A century of industrial change. 1933 51 pp.
- Earnings and standard of living of 1,000 railway employees during the depression. 1934. 56 pp.
- Maternal mortality in fifteen states. 1934. 234 pp.
- 1935
- Comparability of maternal mortality rates in the United States and certain foreign countries. 1935. 24 pp.
- Good posture in the little child. 1935 25 pp.
- Infant care. 1935. 138 pp. (See other editions)
- Institutional treatment of delinquent boys: Part 1—Treatment programs of five state institutions. 1935. 324 pp.
- Prenatal care. 1935. 71 pp. (See other editions)
- The Children's Bureau: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. 1937. 57 pp.
- Development of a leisure-time program in small cities and towns. 1937. 13 pp.
- A historical summary of state services for children in New York. 1937. 37 pp.
- A historical summary of state services for children in Ohio. 1937. 38 pp.
- Home play and play equipment for the preschool child. 1937. 20 pp.
- Infant and maternal mortality among negroes. 1937. 34 pp.
- Infant mortality in Memphis. 1937. 103 pp.
- Public institutions for delinquent children in the District of Columbia. 1937. 141 pp.
- Survey of health and social needs of Indian children. 1937. 89 pp.
- Child-welfare legislation: 1937. 1938 91 pp.
- A historical summary of state services for children in Alabama. 1938. 34 pp.
- A historical summary of state services for children in Massachusetts. 1938. 50 pp.
- Infant care. 1938. 108 pp. (See other editions)
- Official report of proceedings before the Children's Bureau of the Department of Labor in the matter of Conference on Crippled Children's Service. 1938. vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3.
- Paternity laws: Analysis and tabular summary of state laws relating to paternity and support of children born out of wedlock in effect January 1, 1938. 1938 83 pp.
- Proceedings of conference on better care for mothers and babies held in Washington, DC, January 17-18, 1938. 1938. 171 pp.
- Prohibition of industrial home work in selected industries under the National Recovery Administration. 1938. 28 pp.
- The Children's Bureau and its relationships with other agencies. 1939. 18 pp.
- Community social services for children. 1939. 11 pp.
- Habit clinics for child guidance. 1939. 97 pp.
- Statistical measurement in group work: A manual on statistical records for use by staff members. 1939. 103 pp.
- Welfare of families of sugar-beet laborers: A study of child labor and its relation to family work, income, and living conditions in 1935. 1939. 100 pp.
- Well-nourished children. 1939. 16 pp.
1940 – 1949
- Child-welfare services under the Social Security Act, Title V, part 3: Development of program, 1936-1938. 1940. 82 pp.
- Crippling conditions found among children on state registers, December 31, 1939. 1940. 15 pp.
- Grants to states for maternal and child welfare under the Social Security Act of 1935 and the Social Security Act Amendments of 1939: Title V, parts 1, 2, and 3—Maternal and child-health services, services for crippled children, child-welfare services. 1940 25 pp.
- Junior placement: A survey of junior-placement offices in public employment centers and in public-school systems of the United States. 1940 134 pp.
- Methods of assessing the physical fitness of children. 1940. 121 pp.
- Proceedings of the White House Conference on Children in a Democracy, including the general report adopted by the conference. 1940. 210 pp.
- Recommendations of the White House Conference on Children in a Democracy, January 18-20, 1940. 1940 26 pp.
- The meaning of state supervision in the social protection of children. 1940 22 pp.
- Young workers and their jobs in 1936: A survey in six states. 1940. 95 pp.
- Care of children coming to the United States for safety under the attorney general's order of July 13, 1940. 1941 28 pp.
- Facts about child health. 1941 11 pp.
- Maternal and Child-health services under the Social Security Act, Title V, part 1: Development of program, 1936-1939. 1941. 109 pp.
- Maternity care at public expense in six counties in New York State, July 1, 1935-June 30, 1936. 1941. 84 pp.
- Problems and procedures in adoption. 1941. 130 pp.
- Report of the chief of the Children's Bureau: Fiscal year ended June 30, 1940. 1941. 77 pp.
- Services for crippled children under the Social Security Act, Title V, part 2—Development of program, 1936-39. 1941 95 pp.
- Facts about child health. 1942 16 pp.
- Facts about crippled children. 1942 15 pp.
- Occupational hazards to young workers: Report no.3-The coal-mining industry. 1942. 55 pp.
- Official report of proceedings before the Children's and the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor in the matter of standard for maternity care and employment of mothers in industry. 1942. 120 pp.
- Prenatal care. 1942. 58 pp. (See other editions)
- Standards for day care of children of working mothers. 1942 20 pp.
- Births, infant mortality, maternal mortality: Graphic presentation 1940-1942. 1943-1945. 2 v.
- Standards of child health, education and social welfare. 1943. 21 pp.
- Breast feeding. 1945. 2 pp.
- Is your child's birth recorded? 1945. 4 pp.
- Services for unmarried mothers and their children. 1945. 17 pp.
- Children in the community: The St. Paul experiment in child welfare. 1946. 182 pp.
- Conclusions and resolutions in behalf of the youth of the world, adopted by the International Labor Conference in the twenty-seventh session, Paris, France, October 15 to November 5, 1945. 1946 24 pp.
- Effectiveness of the school lunch in improving the nutritional status of school children. 1946 32 pp.
- Facts about child health. 1946 31 pp.
- Deaths of premature infants in the United States. 1947. 11 pp.
- Maternal and infant mortality in 1944. 1947. 17 pp.
- The Emergency Maternity and Infant Care program, 1943 - 1946. 1947 1 v.
- A glossary of certain child-welfare terms in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English. 1948. 115 pp.
- Childhood mortality from rheumatic fever and heart diseases. 1948. 63 pp.
- EMIC (Emergency maternity and infant care): A study of administrative experience. 1948. 223 pp.
- Prenatal care. 1948. 58 pp. (See other editions)
- The road ahead for better child health. 1948 18 pp.
- Further progress In reducing maternal and infant mortality: Record of 1945 and 1946. 1949. 27 pp.
- Prenatal care. 1949. 77 pp. (See other editions)
- Services for the child who is hard of hearing. 1949 27 pp.
- Your child from 6 to 12 [six to twelve]. 1949. 141 pp. (See other editions)
1950 – 1959
- Changes in infant, childhood, and maternal mortality over the decade 1939-1948: A graphic analysis. 1950. 31 pp.
- Children and youth at the midcentury: Fact finding report—Additional digest material. 1950. 37 pp.
- Mortality from premature birth and associated causes of death, 1948. 1950. 15 pp.
- Charts
on infant, childhood, and maternal mortality
1949. 1951. 33 pp.
- A healthy personality for your child. 1952. 23 pp. (See other editions)
- Discussion aid for A healthy personality for your child. 1952. 16 pp. (See other editions)
- Infant and maternal mortality in metropolitan and outlying counties 1944-48. 1952. 62 pp.
- Study of procedures used for screening elementary school children for visual defects: Referrals by screening procedures vs. ophthalmological findings. 1952. 15 pp.
- The Children's Bureau. Chapter in American Academy of Pediatrics: June 1930 to June 1951. 1952. pp. 155-165
- Childhood mortality from accidents, 1949. 1953. 5 pp.
- Main causes of infant, childhood and maternal mortality 1939-1949. 1953. 14 pp.
- Educational leave in the public child welfare program, 1952. 1954. 22 pp.
- Screening school children for visual defects. 1954. 92 pp.
- Nutrition and healthy growth. 1955. 35 pp.
- Costs of services to crippled children: A study of nine state programs. 1957. 27 pp.
- Into childhood. 1957. 16 pp.
- Public programs for crippled children, 1955. 1957. 28 pp.
- School health services: A selective review of evaluative studies. 1957. 149 pp.
- Children and youth: Their health and welfare. 1958. 99 pp.
1960 – 1969
- Child health and the nation's handicapped children. 1960. 20 pp.
- Food for groups of young children cared for during the day. 1960. 58 pp.
- Parent education and the behavioral sciences: Relationships between research findings and policies and practices in parent education. 1960. 52 pp.
- The mongoloid baby. 1960. 20 pp.
- Your children and their gangs. 1960. 34 pp.
- Guide for public health nurses working with children. 1961. 35 pp.
- Health services for mentally retarded children: A progress report 1956-1960. 1961. 31 pp.
- The international activities of the Children's Bureau. 1961. 20 pp.
- School health program: An outline for school and community. 1961. 7 pp.
- Unmarried parents: A guide for the development of services in public welfare. 1961. 63 pp.
- When your baby is on the way. 1961. 29 pp. (See other editions)
- A creative life for your children. 1962. 41 pp.
- An inventory of children with phenylketonuria. 1962 12 pp.
- Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Children's Bureau, April 9, 1962. 1962. 12 pp.
- Five decades of action for children. 1962. 143 pp.
- Guide for nutrition services for mentally retarded children. 1962 12 pp.
- Prenatal care. 1962. 92 pp. (See other editions)
- Program trends in crippling conditions, 1950-1960. 1962 40 pp.
- It's your Children's Bureau. [Rev. ed] 1962. 8 pp.
- Your baby's first year. 1962. 29 pp. (See other editions)
- Current problems of maternity care. 1963 10 pp.
- Families of mongoloid children. 1963. 56 pp.
- Illness among children. 1963. 107 pp.
- Children's Bureau publications: An index to publications by number, title, author, and subject—1912 - May 1964. 60 pp.
- Grants for maternity and infant care projects: Policies and procedures. 1964 17 pp.
- Health of children of school age. 1964. 31 pp.
- Health services for unmarried mothers. 1964. 61 pp.
- Historical perspective on mental retardation during the decade 1954-1964: A compilation of articles in Children. 1964. 314 pp.
- Mental health in the child health conference: An evaluation of the Attitude Study Project of the New York City Health Department. 1964. 108 pp.
- The care of the retarded child: Therapy and prognosis—Proceedings. 1964. 43 pp.
- The relationship of certain biologic and socio-economic factors to fetal, infant, and early childhood mortality: I. Father's occupation, parental age, and infant's birth rank. 1964. 183 pp.
- Trends in infant and childhood mortality, 1961. 1964. 72 pp.
- Vision screening of the preschool child: Report of a study. 1964. 70 pp.
- Work plan of the Children's Bureau: Fiscal year 1965. 1964. 95 pp.
- Conference of the Ad Hoc Committee on Dental Care for Mentally Retarded Children sponsored by the College of Dentistry, University of Tennessee and the United States Children's Bureau: Memphis, Tennessee, March 8-9, 1965. 1965. 91 pp.
- Grants for comprehensive health services for children and youth: Policies and procedures. 1965 27 pp.
- Meeting of Ad Hoc Group on the Graduate Training of Nutritionists and Dietitians for Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Services. 1965. 203 pp.
- Parent and family-life education for low-income families: A guide for leaders. 1965. 66 pp.
- The child with central nervous system deficit: Report of two symposiums. 1965. 149 pp.
- The practice of nurse-midwifery in the United States. 1965. 61 pp.
- The story of infant care. 1965. 36 pp. (See other editions)
- Your child from 1 to 3 [one to three]. 1965. 21 pp. (See other editions)
- Children's Bureau activities in mental retardation. 1966 14 pp.
- Facts about Children's Bureau programs. 1966 10 pp.
- Helping low-income families through parent education: A survey of research. 1966. 70 pp.
- Personnel and personnel practices in public institutions for delinquent children: A survey. 1966. 29 pp.
- Projects funded under the Child Welfare Research and Demonstration Grants Program. 1966 15 pp.
- Projects funded under the Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Services Research Grants Program. 1966. 11 pp.
- Your child from 6 to 12 [six to twelve]. 1966. 98 pp. (See other editions)
- Children of deprivation: Changing the course of familial retardation. 1967. 86 pp.
- International Seminar on Medical Genetics, August 31-September 3, 1966. 1967. 169 pp.
- Number and kinds of children's residential institutions in the United States. 1967. 26 pp.
- On rearing infants and young children in institutions. 1967. 90 pp.
- Phenylketonuria and allied metabolic diseases: Proceedings of a conference held at Washington, D.C. April 6-8, 1966. 1967, reprinted 1968. 239 pp.
- Prevention of iron-deficiency anemia in infants and children of preschool age. 1967. 10 pp.
- Proceedings of: International Conference on Inborn Errors of Metabolism, May 30-June 3, 1966, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. 1967. 67 pp.
- Publications of the Children's Bureau. 1967. 34 pp.
- Recommended guidelines for PKU programs. 1967 12 pp.
- Services for children with communicative disorders: A guide for public health personnel. 1967. 61 pp.
- Suggested guidelines for evaluation of the nutritional status of preschool children. Rev. ed. 1967. 41 pp.
- The story of the White House conferences on children and youth. 1967 30 pp.
- Your child from 3 to 4 [three to four]. 1967. 25 pp. (See other editions)
- Your child from 4 to 6. (Draft) [four to six]. ca. 1967. 20 pp. (See other editions)
- Your child from one to six [1 to 6]. 1967. 92 pp. (See other editions)
- About the poor: Some facts and some fictions. 1968. 85 pp.
- Comprehensive obstetric care program and the Child Health Act of 1967. 1968. 15 pp.
- Effective patterns of services to unmarried parents. 1968. 8 pp.
- Federal programs assisting children and youth. (Rev. ed.) 1968. 104 pp.
- Multiservice programs for pregnant school girls. 1968. 47 pp.
- National trends in services to unmarried parents. 1968. 10 pp.
- The Webster School: A District of Columbia program for pregnant girls. 1968. 93 pp.
- Changing Perspectives in the Contemporary Health Scene: Proceedings of the 1969 annual meeting of Medical Social Consultants in Public Health and Health Care Programs. 1969. 93 pp.
- The Children's Bureau's job today. 1969. 73 pp.
- The nation's youth: A chart book. 1969. 54 pp.
- Services for children and families under the Social Security Act, Titles IV and V. 1969. 22 pp.
1970 – 1979
- Breast feeding your baby. (Rev. ed.) 1970. 21 pp.
- Statistical summary of patients served in mental retardation clinics, fiscal year 1969 [and related files] 1970. 7 items.
- Provisional report: Statistical summary of state maternal and child health programs, fiscal year 1970. 1971. 5 pp.
- Prenatal care. 1973. 72 pp. (See other editions)
1980 – 1989
- Infant care: Then and now. Children Today. Jan-Feb 1981. pp. 16-20. (See other editions)
- Prenatal care. 1983. 98 pp. (See other editions)
- Infant care. 1989. 109 pp. (See other editions)