Bright Futures for Women
The Bright Futures for Women's Health and Wellness tools have been developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Women's Health.
Use the links below to access tools.
Maternal Wellness Tools
This booklet and provider's guide are designed to encourage expectant mothers to gain new information and skills in anticipation of the birth of their child. The provider's guide stresses listening, anticipatory guidance and health education.
Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Tools
Guides for Young and Adult Women
- My Bright Future: Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Tools for Adult Women | (En Español)
- My Bright Future: Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Tools for Young Women | (En Español)
- My Bright Future: Wallet Card for Adolescent Girls and Young Women
- Counseling Support Tool: BFWHW Guide for Adult Women
- Counseling Support Tool: BFWHW Guide for Adolescent Girls and Young Women
Guides for Rural Young and Adult Women
- My Bright Future: Physical Activity and Healthy Eating. This Guide is designed to encourage adult women living in rural areas to increase current levels of physical activity, healthy eating, and communication with their health care providers to set goals for behavioral changes.
- Bright Futures for Women's Health and Wellness Tip Sheets. As a companion to the online guide and adapted to meet the needs of women in rural areas, this set of 10 Tip Sheets expand on the topics in the Physical Activity and Healthy Eating guide (above) and provide practical information, ideas, and activities to help women adopt healthy behaviors to reach their goals.
- My Bright Future: Physical Activity and Healthy Eating for Young Women. This guide is designed to encourage young women living in rural areas to increase current levels of physical activity, healthy eating, and communication with their health care providers to set goals for behavioral changes.
- As a companion to the online guide, Building Strong Bones for my Bright Future, a Bookmark with a healthy recipe to try, is available.
Emotional Wellness Tools
Tools for Consumers
BFWHW tools are designed to encourage better health among women across their lifespan. Target audiences include adolescent females and adult women, as well as community groups and primary care clinicians who serve women.
BFWHW tools address the connection between mental and physical health among consumers, community leaders, and primary health care providers. The tools are wellness-focused, gender-specific, evidence-based and easy to read and understand.
The tools focus on three main concepts: Appreciating Self, Finding Balance and Purpose in Life, and Connecting with Others.
- Bright Futures: A Young Woman's Guide to Emotional Wellness | (En Español)
- Bright Futures: A Woman's Guide to Emotional Wellness | (En Español)
Tools for Clinicians
Bright Futures: A Health Care Provider's Guide to Promoting Women's Emotional Wellness targets primary care clinicians who serve women. The guide addresses the connection between mental and physical health among women, providing an overview of current research and conversation starters to use in the exam room. The tool builds on companion guides for consumers which focus on three main concepts: Appreciating Self, Finding Balance and Purpose in Life, and Connecting with Others. All BFWHW tools are wellness-focused, gender-specific, evidence-based and easy to read and understand.
This one-page flyer is a companion resource to the guide, A Health Care Provider's Guide to Promoting Women's Emotional Wellness. The flyer is designed for use in exam and waiting rooms to support patient-provider dialogue about emotional wellness. Both the clinical guide and the flyer build on companion guides for consumers which focus on three main concepts: Appreciating Self, Finding Balance and Purpose in Life, and Connecting with Others. All BFWHW tools are wellness-focused, gender-specific, evidence-based and easy to read and understand.
Tools for Communities
Bright Futures: A Community Organization’s Guide to Promoting Emotional Wellness targets community groups that serve women. This guide contains information for community organizations about emotional wellness, as well as tips and ideas on how to incorporate wellness themes into existing programs and activities. The tool builds on companion guides for consumers which focus on three main concepts: Appreciating Self, Finding Balance and Purpose in Life, and Connecting with Others. All BFWHW tools are wellness-focused, gender-specific, evidence-based and easy to read and understand.
Información en Español (Materials In Spanish)
- Futuros Brillantes para la Salud y el Bienestar de las Mujeres: La guía de la mujer sobre el bienestar emocional
- Futuros Brillantes para la Salud y el Bienestar de las Mujeres: Guía de la joven adolescente para el bienestar emocional
Actividad Física
- Mi Futuro Será Brillante: Actividad Física y Alimentación Saludable -- Para Mujeres Adultas. Este folleto le ayudará a aprender más sobre la importancia de la actividad física y la alimentación saludable en su vida diara. También le ayudará a saber cómo hablar de estos temas con sus médicos y otros profesionales de la salud.
Mi Futuro Será Brillante: Tipsheets
- Todos
- Logrando mi Meta de Calcio
- Logrando mi Meta de Hierro
- Logrando mi Meta de Entender la Información Nutricional en la Etiqueta del Producto
- Logrando mi Meta con Consejos Saludables para Comer Fuera de Casa
- Logrando mi Meta de Comprar Alimentos mas Saludables en el Supermercado
- Logrando un Peso Saludable
- Logrando mi Meta con Actividad Física Diaria
- Logrando mi Meta con Actividad Física -- Cómo Empezar
- Logrando mi Meta con Actividad Física para las Mujeres con Discapacidades Físicas
- Logrando mi Meta Caminando