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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 10 (10 total).

Colorado Association for School-Based Health Care (CASBHC)

Annotation: The Colorado Association for School-Based Health Care (CASBHC) advocates for health care in schools for Colorado's children and adolescents. Established in 1996, CASBHC is a 501(c)(3) organization. The CASBHC's goals include that every child in Colorado: should receive the care necessary to optimize health and well-being; should have preventive and primary health care available where children are, in school; that good health is essential for student success and that delivering health care in schools will improve academic achievement; and that school-based health centers should provide children with the tools they need to make healthy choices now and in the future. The name has been changed to Youth Heathcare Alliance.

Keywords: Advocacy, Colorado, School based clinics, School health education, School health services, School-age children, State organizations

Colorado Child Fatality Review Committee

Annotation: The Colorado Child Fatality Review Committee is a multidisciplinary group of professionals representing public health, medicine, law and law enforcement, child welfare, forensics, mental health, and other special interests related to the health and safety of children. The committee has been reviewing all child deaths in Colorado since 1989 to: describe trends and patterns of child death in Colorado, identify and investigate the prevalence of risk factors for child death, characterize high-risk groups in terms compatible with the development of public policy, evaluate the service and system responses to children and families who are at high risk and to offer recommendations for improvement in those responses, and improve the quality and scope of data necessary for child death investigation and review. Specific benefits have resulted from the child fatality review process. These include a better understanding of how children are dying in Colorado, greater accountability among professionals, participation in the development of prevention strategies, statewide child death investigation training, stimulation of policy assessment, and improvement in dialogue with the media.

Keywords: Child death, Colorado, Infant death, Infant mortality, Prevention, SIDS, State agencies

Colorado Community Health Network (CCHN)

Annotation: The Colorado Community Health Network (CCHN) is the membership association representing Colorado's community health centers. Founded in 1982 as a non-profit organization, CCHN is recognized as the primary care association for the state of Colorado. Together with more than 100 community, migrant, homeless, and school-based health center sites, CCHN works to promote and expand access to primary health care throughout Colorado.

Keywords: Colorado, Community health centers, Primary care, State organizations

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Center for Health and Environmental Data

Annotation: The Colorado Title V Maternal and Child Health Program (MCH) primarily works with local public health agencies to improve the health of Coloradans using population-based and infrastructure-building strategies. Their mission is to optimize the health and well-being of parents and children by employing primary prevention and early intervention public health strategies.

Keywords: Child health, Colorado, Maternal health, Title V programs

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Maternal and Child Health Program

Colorado Health Institute

Annotation: The Colorado Health Institute was founded in 2002 to fill a need for nonpartisan, independent data and evidence-based analysis to support decision-makers. It also provides strategic planning, facilitation, complex modeling, evaluation, and strategic communication. Their clients are state agencies, philanthropies, health systems, and community partners, and their work embodies both health and health-adjacent fields, such as early childhood education research.

Keywords: Colorado, Health policy, State organizations

Delta Dental of Colorado

Early Milestones Colorado

Annotation: Early Milestones Colorado is a nonprofit organization that advances success for young children by accelerating innovation, the use of best practices, and systemic change. It works to ensure that all children and families, especially those who have been historically marginalized, have access to the opportunities and resources needed to be valued, healthy, and thriving.

Keywords: Colorado, Early childhood development, State organizations, Young children

Mountain States Genetics Regional Collaborative (MSGRCC )

Annotation: The Mountain States Genetics Regional Collaborative (MSGRC) -- formerly the Mountain States Genetic Network -- is a consortium of providers and consumers of genetic services in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Wyoming, and Nevada. Members include representatives of state health departments, university medical schools, genetic services laboratories, hospitals, private medical practices, and various consumer organizations. The group is a regional network that provides a forum for problem sharing and solving, provides referrals, promotes efficient use of resources, and facilitates improvement of the quality and quantity of genetic services offered in the Mountain States region. The network maintains an online events calendar and provides links to genetics centers and resources.

Keywords: Genetics, Arizona, Colorado, Consortia, Data collection, Genetic counseling, Genetic services, Information services, Montana, New Mexico, Problem solving, Regional genetics networks, Utah, Wyoming

National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD)

Annotation: The National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD), formerly the Winter Park Handicap Program, was established in 1970 to offer recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities in the Colorado Rockies. The center's program enables people with over 40 different types of disability to achieve the previously unachievable in skiing, rafting, climbing, and other endeavors. The program offers challenges that create personal growth, enhance family involvement, and allow participants to experience the outdoors on an equal basis regardless of ability level. The center publishes a newsletter,Outrigger , four times a year and produces a program brochure for individuals with disabilities. A catalog is available. In addition, the center offers referrals and reference information to people with disabilities and sponsors conferences, training seminars, and workshops.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Colorado, Disabilities, Information services, Recreation, Training


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