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Public Health Training Portals

These sources provide collections of training opportunities that MCH professionals can use to further their education and skills development.

MCH Navigator

MCH Navigator is a centralized portal to help emerging and established maternal and child health (MCH) professionals map professional growth pathways as a complement to formal institutionally-based undergraduate or graduate education programs in MCH.

It lists courses in eight areas: MCH 101, MCH Conceptual Models, Management, Communication, Epidemiology, Leadership, MCH Planning Cycle, and Targeted MCH Populations and Topics. A search box enables users to look for specific terms within document descriptions. The MCH Navigator includes modules, tutorials, webinars, courses, institutes, and certificate programs. Additional training resources such as links to external sites and a glossary of MCH terms are included.

Searching MCH Navigator: browse the categories in the Learning Resources tab or enter a keyword in the search box to find that keyword anywhere on the site.

Public Health Training Centers Network

Public Health Training Centers (PHTC) Network provides trainings and other resources from a network of 10 regionsl centers funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration. The centers are partnerships between accredited schools of public health, related academic institutions, and public health agencies and organizations. A map provides a list of the Regional Training Centers with links to each one.

Course Collections are groups of courses from the ten regional Public Health Training Centers. Each Public Health Training Centers also offers programs and services designed to meet the specific needs of their particular region and workforce. The course descriptions include information about whether Continuing Education (CE) credits are available.

TRAIN (TrainingFinder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network) is a learning resource and learning management system for the public health workforce that provides:

  • Competency assessment tools for self-assessment
  • An extensive database of on-site and online training
  • User-created personal learning records of competency-based professional training
  • Ability to view and provide feedback about courses
  • E-mails about new courses and online discussion forums.

TRAIN consists of a national site and a network of affiliate sites managed by state and federal public health agencies, academic institutions, and others. To find links to Train affiliates, use the drop-down list found on the homepage. TRAIN is developed by the Public Health Foundation and funded by affiliates and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Searching TRAIN: to find courses related to maternal and child health in general or to a specific topic (such as nutrition), use the advanced search and enter keyword(s) or topic, or use the search filters on the left to search by category. Examples of topics include nutrition, minority health, maternal child health, oral health, policy and planning, and chronic diseases. The course descriptions include information about whether Continuing Education (CE) credits are available.

The MCH Digital Library is one of six special collections at Geogetown University, the nation's oldest Jesuit institution of higher education. It is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under award number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy with an award of $700,000/year. The library is also supported through foundation and univerity funding. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.