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Professional Resource Brief


American Academy of Pediatrics: Breastfeeding Policies and Frequently Asked Questions
Information for families about AAP's breastfeeding recommendations, advocacy materials, and resources for health professionals. See also Ages & Stages: Baby–Breastfeeding.

Baby-Friendly USA
Information about the UNICEF/World Health Organization Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in the U.S. Information on how hospitals can promote breastfeeding, including materials for hospitals and birth centers, parents, and advocates.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Breastfeeding
Recommendations, diseases and conditions that affect breastfeeding, data and statistics, research, promotion and support, policies, frequently asked questions, and resources and publications.

Food and Nutrition Information Center: Lifcycle Nutrition—Nutrition During Lactation
Materials and other resources for consumers and for professionals.

La Leche League International
Information for parents, parents-to-be, and health professionals. Some materials available in Chinese, Dutch, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Russian, and Spanish, plus links to La Leche League affiliates in numerous countries for materials in additional languages. Forums and podcasts.

Medline Plus: Breastfeeding
Overviews, news, solving breastfeeding problems, nutrition, videos, research, articles, statistics, tips for fathers.

National Institute for Children's Health Quality: Breastfeeding Projects
Information for professionals on Best Fed Beginnings, New York State Breastfeeding Quality Improvement in Hospitals, Texas Ten Step Star Achiever Breastfeeding Learning Collaborative, Indiana Breastfeeding Initiative, and the Promoting Safe Sleep and Breastfeeding Initiative, all of which focus on helping hospitals improve breastfeeding rates.

MCH Library SUID/SIDS Gateway: Breastfeeding
Annotated bibliography of professional articles.

National Women's Health Information Center: Breastfeeding
Consumer information available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalog, Russian, Arabic, Haitian Creole, French, Polish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Japanese, and Farsi.

Surgeon General's Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding
Steps mothers and families, communities, health care providers, employers,researchers, and the public health infrastructure can take to improve the health of infants and mothers by promoting breastfeeding. Additional online resources for mothers and for employers.

United States Breastfeeding Committee
News and information regarding USBC’s work, materials about their policies, advocacy, and actions, The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding (SGCTA) Action Directory, and resources for breastfeeding coalitions across all 50 states including a coalition directory.

United States Lactation Consultant Association
Educational and advocacy resources for lactation consultants. This organization is an affiliate of the International Lactation Consultant Association.

WIC Program: Breastfeeding Promotion and Support in WIC
Materials for consumers and health professionals, directory of nutrition and breastfeeding coordinators by state, and materials to support African American fathers and other male groups and for Hispanic families (in English and Spanish).

Breastfeeding: Resource Brief. December 2010. Updated January 2017; March 2020; July 2024

Authors: Olivia K. Pickett, M.A., M.L.S., NCEMCH; Breanne C. Wilhite, B.S.

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