Teen Violence Prevention
Family Resource Brief
Here you will find links to care, services, and support and websites about teen violence prevention.
Care, Services, and Support
- Center to Prevent Youth Violence (CPYV):
SPEAK UP. Hotline to anonymously report a weapon threat
at school. Telephone: (866) 773-2587 (SPEAK UP).
- Childhelp®:
National Child Abuse Hotline. Crisis intervention,
information, literature, and referrals to thousands of
emergency, social service, and support resources. The
hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with
professional crisis counselors who, through interpreters,
can provide assistance in 140 languages. All calls are
anonymous and confidential. Telephone: (800)
- Mental Health
America: Get Help. Hotline for individuals in
crisis. Telephone: (800) 273-8255.
- National
Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC): Help for Crime Victims.
Contact information for local services
for victims of all types of crime.
- National Domestic Violence
Hotline. Crisis intervention, safety planning, information
about domestic violence, and referrals to local services to
victims of domestic violence and those calling on their behalf.
Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access
to more than 170 languages through interpreter services. Telephone:
(800) 799-7233; (800) 787-3224 (TDD).
- National Teen Dating
Abuse Helpline. Support and resource referrals
by trained peer advocates 24 hours a day for teens experiencing
dating abuse. Telephone: (866) 331-9474; (866) 331-8453
(TDD); or chat online.
- Rape, Abuse & Incest
National Network (RAINN): National Sexual Assault Hotline.
Confidential crisis intervention, support, and information
24 hours a day in partnership with rape crisis centers across
the country. Telephone: (800) 656-4673 or online
- Also see Community
Services Locator: An Online Directory for Finding Community Services
for Children and Families.
- Adults
and Children Together Against Violence (ACT).
Brochures and handouts for parents, caregivers, and kids
about anger management, conflict resolution, and media
violence. Some materials are available in Spanish.
- American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP): Facts for
Families. Information for families in English and Spanish
on topics like bullying, fighting and biting, firearms, media
violence, suicide, threats, and violent behavior.
- American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): Connected Kids: Safe, Strong,
Secure. Brochures for parents, kids, and teens
on topics like bullying, discipline, interpersonal skills,
parenting, suicide, and television violence.
- American
Psychological Association (APA): Violence. Articles
about the warning signs of teen violence, raising kids to resist
violence, bullying, and media violence.
- BAM!
Body and Mind: Guide to Getting Along. Tips for
kids about how to resolve a conflict.
- Center to Prevent Youth Violence (CPYV): Parents. Steps to prevent kids from having access to guns.
- Talking
with Kids About Tough Issues: Violence. Tips for
parents about how to communicate better with your kids about
violence, including conflict resolution, bullying, media violence,
gangs, and firearms.
Learn more about teen violence prevention, bullying, dating violence, exposure to violence, firearms, gangs, media violence, school violence, and suicide prevention.
Need more information? Use the collection of resources that library staff have put together for you and your family.
Teen Violence Prevention: Family Resource Brief. (September 2010). (Updated: April 2013).
Author: Susan Brune Lorenzo, M.L.S., MCH Digital Library.
Reviewers: Olivia K. Pickett, M.A., M.L.S., MCH Digital Library; Lissa Pressfield, M.H.S., Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Editor: Ruth Barzel, M.A., MCH Digital Library.