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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 8 (8 total).

U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Annotation: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supports research designed to improve the quality of health care, reduce its cost, and broaden access to essential services. AHRQ supports the National Guideline Clearinghouse, a public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines; the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse, a public resource for evidence-based quality measures and measure sets; the Patient Safety Network, a collection of patient safety news, literature, tools, and resources; and the Effective Health Care Program, a collection of research centers working to provide evidence on health care interventions.

Keywords: Health care delivery, Safety, Clearinghouses, Clinical medicine, Foreign language materials, Guidelines, Health disparities , Health policy, Medical technology, Patient care management, Program evaluation, Referrals, Research, Research, Service delivery, Spanish language materials, State Children', Training, Treatment outcomes, s Health Insurance Program

Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research

Annotation: The Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research (formerly the Duke University Center for Health Policy) stimulates and facilitates collaborative, interdisciplinary research focusing on population based health, health systems, intervention, and evaluation. The Center also offers an array of educational opportunities for students seeking careers in health policy making, research, and analysis.

Keywords: Public health, Educational programs, Health policy, Interdisciplinary approach, Legal processes, Management, Research, Social sciences, University affiliated centers

FHI 360 ( )

Annotation: FHI 360 is a global development organization committed to solving social problems in the United States and around the world through education, social marketing, research, training, policy analysis, and innovative program design and management. FHI 360's programs focus primarily on health, education, youth development, and the environment. It acquired the programs, expertise, and assets of the Academy for Educational Development in 2011.

Keywords: Child development, Developing countries, International health, Adolescent health, Child health, Community development , Education, Educational change, Educational materials, Environment, International health, Policy analysis, Research, Social problems, Teaching, Training Program development, Youth, program management

Health Care Communities (HC)

Annotation: Healthcare Communities is a web-based knowledge management system and community portal that supports health care transformation. The site has features that facilitate the quality improvement efforts of organizations and individuals by enabling them to share their knowledge, resources, and experiences. These features include: document sharing, announcements, topic-specific listservs and forums, social media connections, a quality improvement resource library, a video library, a calendaring function, and where applicable, access to a secure data reporting site used to measure performance in both small and large improvement initiatives.

Keywords: Community coordination, Health care reform, Integrated information systems, Knowledge management, Program improvement, Quality assurance

Maternal and Child Health Information Resource Center (MCHIRC)

Annotation: The Maternal and Child Health Information Resource Center (MCHIRC) helps MCH practitioners on the federal, state, and local levels improve their capacity to gather, analyze, and use data for planning and policymaking. The MCHIRC is funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Publications include The Health and Wellbeing of Children: A Portrait of States and the Nation, The National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs Chartbook, Child Health USA, and Women's Health USA. The resource center also sponsors a graduate student internship program and the DataSpeak web conference series, and provides technical assistance for state and local MCH agencies in published journal articles.

Keywords: Health statistics, Block grants, Child health, Conferences, Information services, Management, Policy development, Program descriptions, Public health, Publications, Research, Resource centers, Title V programs

National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations

Annotation: The National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations contributes to positive outcomes for young children and their families by strengthening the management and practices of Head Start and Early Head Start programs. The Center focuses on the elements of managing successful agencies and will offer information, training, and resources. Center staff members are committed to identifying best practices, sharing current and emerging research, and serving as a vehicle for communication on management and finance topics for the Head Start community. It is one of four national centers funded by the U.S. Office of Head Start.

Keywords: Collaboration, Early Head Start, Early childhood education, Families, Head Start, Program management, Resource centers, Young children

National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation (NIHCM Foundation)

Annotation: The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation is a non-profit nonpartisan organization dedicated to improving the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of America's health care system. The foundation conducts research, policy analysis and educational activities on health care issues. It fosters information exchange between the private health care industry and government to work toward solutions to health care problems. The foundation serves as a clearinghouse for information on health care issues and gives awards annually for excellence in health care research and journalism. The foundation receives funding from diverse sources including the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB). Currently the foundation is working with MCHB to promote Bright Futures and Managed Care. In 2011 it initiated a Promising Practices in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program to recognize emerging or promising programs or policies in MCH.

Keywords: Policy analysis, Awards, Health care delivery, Managed care, Program management

Sick Kids Need Involved People of NY Inc. (SKIP)

Annotation: Sick Kids need Involved People (SKIP) promotes pediatric home care for children with severe physical and/or developmental disabilities, including those who are dependent on medical technology or other ongoing supports. The organization provides information, case management, advocacy, and support to parents and families of children and adults with special medical needs living in New York State. Services to consumers also include referrals. The organization publishes a newsletter and sponsors training seminars for staff.

Keywords: Home care, Advocacy, CSHN programs, Case management, Children, Disabilities, Information services, Support groups, Technology dependence


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.