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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (110 total).

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Annotation: Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety is a broad-based alliance of consumer, safety, and law enforcement groups, insurance companies, and insurance agent organizations. These groups work together to promote adoption of effective highway safety legislation, standards, policies, and programs at national and state levels to reduce deaths, injuries, and economic costs associated with motor vehicle crashes. Services to consumers include limited referrals. Their informational brochure is available free by written request.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Traffic safety, Transportation injuries

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Annotation: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) develops policy and educates health professionals and the public on pediatric health needs, and serves as an advocate for children, adolescents, and families by promoting legislation and community-based programs that affect their health. Publications include Red Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, AAP News, policy statements, manuals, patient education materials, and a monthly journal, Pediatrics, as well as a publications catalog. Some resources are available in Spanish and other languages. AAP also sponsors conferences and training seminars for members.

Keywords: Adolescents, Child abuse, Child advocacy, Child care, Child health, Conferences, Immunization, Injury prevention, Pediatrics, Preventive health services, Professional societies, Professional training, Publications, Resources for professionals, Spanish language materials, Young children

American Ladder Institute (ALI)

Annotation: The American Ladder Institute (ALI) is a trade association representing the ladder industry. Their mission is to educate the public as to the selection, care, and safe use of ladders and to develop and disseminate appropriate standards for design, construction, testing, care, and use of ladders. ALI publishes lesson plans to help children learn about ladder safety. ALI also publishes a newsletter and press releases on ladder safety, and holds an annual conference.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Ladders, Safety, Standards

American Trauma Society (ATS)

Annotation: The American Trauma Society (ATS), a membership organization for health care trauma personnel, works to save lives through improved trauma care and injury prevention. ATS provides critical information on trauma to its members, to policy makers, and to the public. It supports the needs of families. It is also a strong supporter of injury prevention, creating and producing programs and providing these programs to its members. ATS programs cover the life-time of a person beginning with safety for children (the “Traumaroo Program”), teen behavior (alcohol, driving, etc.), adult and senior years (falls and driving). The society provides brochures and other print materials, videos, and posters to assist members in their community injury prevention programs.

Keywords: Emergency medical services, Injury prevention, Safety education, Therapeutics, Trauma

Aquatic Injury Safety Foundation (AISF)

Annotation: The Aquatic Injury Safety Foundation (AISF) is an educational organization that promotes safe aquatic practices. The foundation provides information on swimming safety and prevention of child drowning or near-drowning accidents, and it supplies "No Diving" signs to pools and swimming facilities.

Keywords: Aquatic injuries, Injuries, Spinal cord injuries, injury prevention

Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM)

ASTM International

Annotation: ASTM International is a nonprofit organization founded in 1898 that provides a forum for industry, consumers, government representatives, and academia to develop standards for materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM's consumer products committee develops standards for playground equipment, infant furniture, bunk beds, toys, high chairs, helmets, toy chests, toxicity testing, and safety characteristics for a variety of consumer products. The society publishes a catalog, newsletter and monthly magazine, Standardization News. Some materials are available in Spanish and Asian languages. The society sponsors workshops and training programs.

Keywords: Consumers, Injury prevention, Product safety

Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (CPHV)

Annotation: The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (CPHV), established in 1983, is a nonprofit education and research organization that works to educate the public about the scope of handgun violence in the United States and the risks and responsibilities of handgun ownership. The center developed the nation's first K–12 curriculum on gun violence prevention, now used in several major school systems. CPHV publishes a newsletter and provides publications and reference information for consumers; some materials are available in Spanish. The center also sponsors conferences and training seminars. The center does not respond to individual inquiries.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Consumer education, Curricula, Firearms, Handguns, School health education, Violence prevention, Weapons

Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA)

Annotation: Founded in 1980, the Brain Injury Association of America seeks to create a better future through brain injury prevention, research, education and advocacy. Services to consumers include inquiry responses, information packets, and referrals to local resources. Publications include The National Directory of Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services, various brochures, including the eight-part "Road to Rehabilitation" series. Some materials are available in Spanish. The association also sponsors workshops, conferences, training seminars, and Brain Surgery Awareness Month in March.

Keywords: Advocacy, Brain injuries, Support groups, Education, Injury prevention, Intervention, Long term care, Rehabilitation, Research, Therapeutics, Trauma

Burn Foundation

Annotation: The Burn Foundation promotes optimal burn care and works to prevent burn injury. It provides financial and program support to four regional burn treatment centers in southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware. The foundation is a depository of national burn data source information and also maintains an extensive database on the injury circumstances and hospital treatment costs to its four member burn centers. The organization publishes a newsletter and sponsors training seminars.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Burns, Financial support, Fires, Information services, Residential injuries, Scalds

Canadian Institute of Child Health (CICH)

Annotation: The Canadian Institute of Child Health (CICH) is a national multidisciplinary, nonprofit organization dedicated to promote the health and well-being of Canadian children. The institute seeks to promote and improve the health and well-being of mothers and infants in all settings; to promote healthy physical development of children in a safe environment and reduce childhood injuries; to promote healthy psycho-social development of children in supportive and nurturing environments; to facilitate empowerment of individuals and communities to achieve the above goals for Canadian children and their families; and to facilitate collaborative work between consumers, professional, nonprofessional, and government agencies that result in appropriate actions for identified needs. The Institute sponsors conferences and produces a variety of publications, including Our Promise to Children; The Health of Canada's Children; National Breastfeeding Guidelines; Child Sexual Abuse Prevention; Survey of Routine Maternity Care and Practices in Canada; National Guidelines for Neonatal Resuscitation; Moving and Growing Series; Losing a Baby; Dear Parents of Premature Babies; as well as a quarterly newsletter, Child Health. Materials are produced in French and Spanish (The publication, First Years Last Forever: How you can make a difference in the life of your child, is available in other non-English languages as well, including Ojibway )

Keywords: Child health, Injury prevention

Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice (CIPPP)

Annotation: The Center for Injury Prevention Policy & Practice (CIPPP) serves as a resource center for childhood injury prevention and is located within the Maternal and Child Health Division of the Graduate School of Public Health at San Diego University. The Center focuses on reducing child and adolescent injury, mortality, morbidity, and cost by facilitating increased capacity for childhood injury prevention at the state and local level. CIPPP hosts the Injury Prevention Web family of sites (see; provides a weekly update of injury research and prevention literature (see; provides technical assistance; conducts training workshops on injuries and prevention strategies; hosts an annual conference; and develops materials to assist government agencies, community organizations, and others with the development and implementation of injury prevention programs. Some materials are available in Spanish, Asian, and other languages.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Adolescent health, California, Child health, Data, Educational materials, Prevention programs, Program development, Research, Resources for professionals

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV)

Annotation: The Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV) was founded in 1992 with a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York to provide informed assistance to groups committed to understanding and preventing violence, particularly adolescent violence. CSPV works from a multidisciplinary platform on the subject of violence and facilitates the building of bridges between the research community and the practitioner and policy community. CSPV has a threefold mission. First, the Information House, the nucleus of the Center, serves to collect, evaluate, store, and disseminate violence-related information. Second, CPSV offers technical assistance for the evaluation and development of violence prevention programs. Third, CPSV maintains a basic research component through data analysis and other projects on the causes of violence and the effectiveness of prevention and intervention programs. The center sponsors conferences and training seminars and publishes a variety of materials including newsletters, papers and fact sheets.

Keywords: Information services, Injury prevention, Research, Technical assistance, Violence prevention

Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG)

Annotation: The Child Welfare Information Gateway provides information services to child welfare and related professionals and the public as the clearinghouse for the Children’s Bureau, compiling, synthesizing, and disseminating resources to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families. The Information Gateway provides access to publications, websites, and online databases covering a range of topics, including child welfare, child abuse and neglect, foster care, adoption, and the content areas for which the Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network (TTA) members provide support.

Keywords: Adopted children, Adoptive parents, Biological parents, Child abuse, Child neglect, Children with special health care needs, Clearinghouses, Databases, Family violence, Information services, Information dissemination, Adoption, Injury prevention, Spanish language materials, Support groups

Children's Research Center (CRC)

Annotation: The Children's Research Center is a division of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD). The CRC works to reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect by influencing public policies that affect the child welfare system, by conducting policy research and by assisting child welfare agencies in improve consistency and effectiveness in delivery systems. The center provides research to identify factors related to continued abuse and neglect, development of risk assessment instruments, protocols, and standards for case management, and evaluation and technical assistance to assure proper implementation. CRC sponsors conferences, workshops, and training seminars, and publishes a newsletter, journal, and research reports.

Keywords: Child abuse, Child neglect, Children, Injury prevention, Standards, Technical assistance

Children's Safety Network (CSN)

Annotation: The Children's Safety Network (CSN) National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center works with state and territorial Title V, maternal and child health, and injury and violence prevention programs to strengthen their capacity to create healthy, safe, and injury-free communities for children and families. The website contains state-specific injury fact sheets; information about specific injuries; best practices and strategies for implementation, key publications; links to related organizations, agencies, and resources; and webinars and other events. CSN's e-newsletter provides information about federal and national initiatives, research articles and best practices, and injury data. CSN is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s, Maternal and Child Health Bureau and provides services at no cost.

Keywords: Children, Injury prevention, National MCH resource center, Resource centers, Unintentional injuries, Violence prevention

Civil Justice Foundation (CJF)

Annotation: The Civil Justice Foundation works to prevent personal injury by supporting injured citizens' organizations as well as injury prevention research efforts. Among past grant recipients are the Association of Birth Defect Children, the Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence, Agent Orange Community Support, and the Children's Advocacy Institute. Grant decisions are made by a 25-person board of consumer activists and trial lawyers. The foundation publishes a newsletter.

Keywords: Funding, Health programs, Injury prevention, Services

Columbus Children's Hospital, Center for Injury Research and Policy

Annotation: Based on scientific principles, the Children's Center for Injury Research and Policy conducts research activities to address prevention, acute care, rehabilitation and biomechanics related to injury in children and to increase energy and capacity related to pediatric injury research and prevention which will have the maximum positive impact on the health and wellbeing of children, their families and communities. Goals include increasing the scientific understanding of the epidemiology, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and biomechanics of injuries through high quality, cutting-edge, translational research; providing leadership and technical assistance for injury research and prevention from local to international levels; educating medical and public health professionals and trainees about injury research, and effective prevention strategies for injury prevention; educating the public and key public policy decision-makers regarding the importance of injury research and prevention; and providing leadership in the development, implementation, and scientific evaluation of public policy addressing the prevention of injuries.

Keywords: Child health, Emergency medical services for children, Injury prevention, Ohio

Conservation Law Foundation

Annotation: The Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) is a nonprofit, public interest, member supported organization that uses the law to improve the management of natural resources and protect the environment and pubic health throughout New England. Its current work is in the areas of clean energy and climate change; ocean conservation; clean water; healthy forests; and healthy communities, including transportation, livable cities, and a farm and food initiative.

Keywords: Environmental hazards, Injury prevention, Lead poisoning

Consumer Federation of America (CFA)

Annotation: The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) was established in 1968 as a nonprofit organization of national, state, and local groups committed to consumer advocacy and education. The federation lobbies for the passage of legislation to protect consumers in such areas as energy, food, health and safety, communications, handicaps, insurance, transportation, and the environment. Publications include CFA News, policy updates, studies, testimony, and more than a dozen consumer publications on topics ranging from managing consumer debt to resolving consumer complaints to safeguarding playgrounds. CFA's State and Local Resource Center, funded by Consumers Union and others, seeks to strengthen grassroots consumer organizations through grants, technical assistance, workshops, publications, and other services.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Advocacy, Bicycle helmets, Child health, Consumer Product Safety Network, Consumer education, Consumer education materials, Data, National organization, Residential injuries

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