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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (22 total).

Breastfeeding Coalition of Washington

Annotation: The Breastfeeding Coalition of Washington (BCW) is a statewide coalition comprised of local coalitions working together to promote, protect and support breastfeeding as a vital part of the health and development of children and families. It is a program of WithinReach and receives funding from the Washington State Department of Health. BCW goals include protecting and promoting a public environment supportive and accepting of breastfeeding; increasing the incidence and duration of breastfeeding; providing up-to-date referral and educational materials to healthcare professionals, organizations and the community at large; advocating for policies in workplaces, educational institutions and childcare facilities to support breastfeeding families in a way that is culturally relevant and sensitive. The BCW offers a free newsletter, Breastfeeding Matters.

Keywords: Advocacy, Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding promotion, Coalitions, Lactation, Referrals, State initiatives, Washington

Educational Opportunities for Children and Families

Annotation: Educational Opportunities for Children & Families (EOCF) has been serving the southwest community of Washington state since 1967, when it was formed as a Community Action Agency to fight the War on Poverty. EOCF provides services to more than 2,000 low-income children and families in four southwest Washington counties through programs as Head Start, Early Head Start and Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP). EOCF offers a wide range of critical services to low-income children and families, including early childhood education; comprehensive health, mental health, nutrition, and disabilities; physical and developmental assessments; and support to families through case management, training and parent education. Translators are available for Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Keywords: Community health services, Child health services, Early childhood development, Family support services, Head Start, Low income groups, Screening, Washington

Health Education Resource Exchange (HERE)

Annotation: The Health Education Resource Exchange (HERE) is an online clearinghouse of public health education and health promotion materials, projects, people, events, and resources in Washington. HERE is designed for people who perform population-based health promotion activities in a variety of settings, primarily state and local health departments, community organizations, clinics, hospitals, and schools. Resources include free posters, brochures, and fact sheets, descriptions of local health promotion projects, strategies used in the field of health education and health promotion, a calendar of events and training opportunities of interest to health educators, a directory of professional colleagues in Washington, and periodic electronic newsletters.

Keywords: Clearinghouses, Health education, Health promotion, Spanish language materials, State initiatives, Washington

KC Kids - King County Kids Children Oral Health Program

Annotation: The KC KIDS 2008 program provides dental care coverage at no cost to children who qualify: (1) live in King County, Washington, (2) under the age of 20, (3) income meets program guidelines, and (4) have no other dental coverage. KC KIDS is a King County children's oral health pilot program, supported by a $1 Million gift from Washington Dental Service in partnership with King County Executive Ron Sims' Children's Health Initiative.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Local programs, Oral health, Uninsured persons, Washington

Oregon Community Foundation, Children's Dental Health Initiative

Oregon Health & Science University, Center for Health Systems Effectiveness

Annotation: The Oregon Health & Science University is a public academic health center with a system of hospitals and clinics across Oregon and southwest Washington; it is also an institution of higher learning with schools of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry and public health, and a research hub. The Center for Health Systems Effectiveness has the mission to provide the analyses, evidence, and economic expertise to build a better and more sustainable healthcare system.

Keywords: Medical research, Medical schools, Oregon, State agencies, Universities, Washington

Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Department

Annotation: The Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Department is responsible for promoting and protecting the health of Thurston County citizens. The four major areas within the department are Personal Health Services, which provides services to prevent illnesses and chronic diseases; Environmental Health, which monitors and responds to environmental conditions and issues that may impact the public's health; Social Services, which contracts to provide and coordinate mental health, chemical dependency and developmental disabilities services in Thurston and Mason counties; and Administration, which provides for the management and oversight of the department and includes a role in community leadership and planning.

Keywords: County governments, Health departments, Washington

University of Washington Libraries, ResearchWorks

Annotation: ResearchWorks is a permanent, safe service for providing access to articles, technical reports, datasets, images and other file types produced at the University of Washington by faculty and researchers.

Keywords: Archives, Libraries, Research, State initiatives, Washington

University of Washington School of Dentistry, Continuing Dental Education

University of Washington School of Dentistry, Department of Oral Medicine

Annotation: Dental Education in the Care of Persons with Disabilities (DECOD) is a special program of the University of Washington School of Dentistry that treats individuals with severe disabilities and prepares oral health professionals to meet their special oral health needs. It is a major resource for Washington residents who are most severely disabled and financially disadvantaged and who cannot obtain services in other community settings. DECOD clinics serve rehabilitation and independent living programs, older adults with disabilities, and residents of long-term care facilities and those who are homebound.

Keywords: Dental clinics, Dental education, Oral health, Special health care services, State programs, Washington

University of Washington School of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry

University of Washington, Health Sciences Library and Information Center

Annotation: The University of Washington's Health Sciences Library and Information Center provides information on its Web site for researchers, patients and families, instructors, students, grant-seekers, social workers, and health-care professionals. The site offers "toolkits" (annotated listings of databases, reference materials, training tools, tutorials, etc.) designed for different audiences (for example, there is a separate toolkit for nurses, pharmacists, instructors, and social workers). Also included are extensive listings of resources covering evidence-based practice; links to meta search engines; and access to a wide variety of health-related databases (many of these are accessible without a university I.D. and password).

Keywords: Electronic publications, Health sciences libraries, Information services, Online databases, Washington

University of Washington, School of Public Health

Annotation: The University of Washington School of Public Health is one of 17 schools and colleges at the University of Washington and is the only accredited school of public health in the Northwest. The school's five departments include biostatistics, environmental and occupational health sciences, epidemiology, global health, health services. The school also offers interdisciplinary programs in health administration, maternal and child health, nutritional sciences, pathobiology, and public health genetics. The school's research centers and institutes include the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice, which focuses on enhancing public health workforce development and practice-based research through outreach within the public health community.

Keywords: Health education, Public health schools, Washington

Washington Poison Center (WAPC)

Annotation: The Washington Poison Center is a statewide provider of immediate, free and expert treatment advice and assistance on the telephone in the case of exposure to poisonous, hazardous or toxic substances. The WPC is accessible toll-free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Topics include general safety, medicine, food, plants, pets, adolescents,seniors, hazards, first aid, and fun and games. The center provides Mr. Yuk stickers, prevention and treatment guides in various languages, fact sheets, coloring and activity books, a teacher's guide with lesson plans and activity ideas, mini-posters, videos, and other materials. Callers not residing in Washington state are referred automatically by the national poison help line to poison control centers in their state. Languages include Chinese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Keywords: Teratogens, Hotlines, Poison control centers, Reproductive hazards, Risk assessment, Teratology, Washington

Washington State Department of Early Learning

Annotation: Established in 1982 as the Washington Council for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, the Council for Children & Families was the first state agency nationwide dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect. Since its inception, the CCF has led in promoting child and family development and raising awareness about abuse and neglect. CCF is funded by the state’s general fund, the federal Community Based Child Abuse Prevention program, the Children’s Trust Fund and private donations. In 2012 it was incorporated into the Washington state Department of Early Learning.

Keywords: Child abuse, Child neglect, Children, Families, Prevention, State agencies, Washington

Washington State Hospital Association (WSHA)

Annotation: The Washington State Hospital Association is a membership organization representing community hospitals and several health-related organizations. The association provides issues management and analysis, information, advocacy and other services. It has developed the Health Work Force Institute to expand the labor work force for health institutions, and in 2005 launched the Patient Safety program to help hospitals improve patient safety by supporting the adoption of common, evidence-based protocols that have been proven to save lives. WSHA works to improve the health of the people of the state by becoming involved in all matters affecting the delivery, quality, accessibility, affordability and continuity of health care.

Keywords: Advocacy, Hospitals, State organizations, Washington

Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP)

Annotation: The Washington State Institution for Public Policy is a state-funded and founded institution devoted to researching and analyzing policy at the request of officials of the government. It is located at Evergreen State College. Projects include Juvenile Crime, Child Witness and Primary Education studies and others.

Keywords: Public policies, Washington

Washington State Library (WSL)

Washington State Oral Health Coalition

Annotation: The Washington State Oral Health Coalition (WSOHC) is a broad-based group of organizations and individuals whose mission is to promote and advocate for optimal oral health for all Washington State residents. In support of the WSOHC mission, the coalition believes in the following principles: universal access to oral health care; promoting oral health services that are community-based, preventive and culturally appropriate; creating partnerships with public, private, and community-based stakeholders, decision-makers, and the public regarding oral health issues; clear and open communication with all stakeholders to facilitate mutual goals and objectives; both the right and responsibility of individuals to participate on decisions affecting their own oral health; encouraging creative approaches to oral health issues; advocating for and promoting oral health intervention strategies which are based upon sound scientific principles; recognizing the value and strength of the current dental delivery system; and accomplishing the mission through teamwork and continuous improvement.

Keywords: Advocacy, Collaboration, Health services delivery, Oral health, Public policy, State initiatives, Washington, Work force

Western States Genetics Services Collaborative (WSGSC )

Annotation: The Western States Regional Genetics Services Collaborative (WSGSC) is a federally funded project that seeks to improve the health of children living in the Western states who have disorders detected by the newborn screening blood test, birth defects and with other genetic disorders. WSGSC (working with California, Guam, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington state) has three main goals: 1) to establish and maintain the infrastructure needed to support WSGSC activities; 2) to refine, pilot, and evaluate a regional practice model that improves access to specialty genetic services, comprehensive primary care, and care coordination for children with heritable conditions living far away from comprehensive genetics and metabolic centers; and 3) to increase the capacity of the collaborating states' and territory's public health agencies to perform their genetics-related assessment, policy development, and assurance functions. The project is a cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Children with Special Health Needs Program, Genetic Services Branch.

Keywords: Genetics, Federal programs, Genetic services, Newborn infants, Neonatal sceening, California, Guam, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Public health, Regional genetics network

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.