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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 15 (15 total).

Claude Moore Health Sciences Library

Annotation: The Claude Moore Health Siences Library at the University of Virginia serves as a biomedical information resource for the university at large, the local community, and the Commonwealth of Virginia through proactive outreach services, and the nation through cooperative programs with other libraries and agencies. The library is open to the public and some services are provided to local health care professionals and the public, in addition to specialized services provided to those affiliated with the University of Virginia.

Keywords: Health sciences libraries, State agencies, Virginia

George Mason University, Center for Health Policy, Research, and Ethics

Mid-Atlantic Network of Youth and Family Services (MANY)

Annotation: The Mid-Atlantic Network of Youth and Family Services (MANY) is a network designed to strengthen and coordinate resources and services for youth in high risk situations and their families. MANY offers consultation, training workshops, and information on program innovations, funding, legislation, and policy. The Network also maintains an online Knowledge Center, which is organized to address the 6 key components of operating community services that support the positive development of youth.

Keywords: Adolescents, Delaware, District of Columbia, Homeless persons, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Runaways, Technical assistance, Virginia, West Virginia, Youth

New York-Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Genetic and Newborn Screening Services (NYMAC )

Annotation: The New York-Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Genetic and Newborn Screening Services (NYMAC) was established in September 2004 as one of seven regional collaboratives in the country funded by the Genetic Services Branch in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)'s Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The charge of this group is to develop a regional approach to address the maldistribution of genetic resources in the New York-Mid-Atlantic region, which includes Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. The Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health is the lead institution for this project.

Keywords: Regional genetics networks, Federal programs, Genetic services, Genetics, Newborn infants, Neonatal screening, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia., Public health

Northern Virginia Health Foundation

Annotation: The Northern Virginia Health Foundation makes strategic grants to nonprofit organizations that address the health care needs of residents of Northern Virginia, with particular emphasis on those who live in Alexandria City, Arlington County, Fairfax City and Fairfax County. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded grants to organizations that increase access to primary care, mental health, oral/dental health, and/or specialty care for low income uninsured or underinsured residents of Northern Virginia.

Keywords: Foundations, Local initiatives, Virginia

Sudden Infant Death Services of the Mid-Atlantic (SIDS Mid-Atlantic)

Annotation: Sudden Infant Death Services of the Mid-Atlantic (SIDS Mid-Atlantic) has as its mission to support family members and others who have been affected by the sudden and unexpected death of an infant; and to educate the public and professional community about infant death, including sudden infant death syndrome and its risk factors. SIDS Mid-Atlantic serves Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. SIDS Mid-Atlantic has also merged with Two Tiny Hands ( to provide support to siblings of babies who have died. A Spanish-speaking staff member and some materials in Spanish are provided.

Keywords: Bereavement, District of Columbia, Maryland, Prevention programs, SIDS, Spanish language materials, State organizations, Support groups, Virginia

Virginia Commonwealth University, Center for Public Policy (CPP)

Annotation: The Center for Public Policy is a part of the Virginia Commonwealth University, oriented towards the study of health policy, urban studies and politics. Aside from research, the Center conducts training programs and conferences, and prepares publications. The Center's research is focused on the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Center also directs an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in public policy and administration with concentrations in health policy, urban policy, and public management in state and local government.

Keywords: Health policy, Public policies, Research, Urban environment, Virginia

Virginia Department of Health, Office of Family Health Services

Virginia Home Visiting Consortium

Annotation: The Virginia Home Visiting Consortium is a collaboration of statewide early childhood home visiting programs that serve families of children from pregnancy through age 5. The Consortium reports to the Early Childhood Advisory Council and is a partner in Virginia’s Plan for Smart Beginnings. State Coordinators of each home visiting program are the Consortium membership. Since 2006, the Consortium has been improving the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of early childhood home visiting services in Virginia through interagency collaboration and by focusing on five areas: (1) state policies and procedures; (2) technical assistance to local coalitions and communities; (3) core training for all early childhood home visitors; (4) interagency efforts to improve screening, data collection and evaluation processes; and (5) collaborative programs with medical providers and child care providers.

Keywords: Children, Home visiting, Infants, State initiatives, Virginia

Voices for Virginia's Children

Annotation: Voices for Virginia's Children strives to build and educate a network of groups and individuals who understand the challenges facing Virginia's children, in part as the leader of active and diverse coalitions which address specific critical issues relating to children. In addition to its issue priorities, Voices has developed exceptional expertise in two functions: strategic communication and data and research analysis and dissemination. Voices continues to seek improvements in services for Virginia's children, most notably in early care and education, children's health, mental health, and foster care.

Keywords: Child care, Child health, Child mental health, Children, Early childhood education, Foster care, State initiatives, Virginia

West Virginia Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative

Annotation: The West Virginia Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (APPI) provides development, oversight and coordination of adolescent pregnancy prevention activities. A focus area within the Family Planning Program, the goal of APPI is to reduce the number of pregnancies among adolescent through improved decision making, abstinence, or access to contraceptive services. This statewide initiative provides Pregnancy Prevention Specialists who work to increase public awareness of problems associated with early sexual activity and childbearing and collaborate with existing community organizations to promote local activities for adolescent pregnancy prevention. Educational presentations are available for classrooms, community groups, faith organizations and parents on adolescent pregnancy prevention.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Prevention programs, State agencies, West Virginia

West Virginia Community Voices

Annotation: West Virginia Community Voices works to improve health care for underserved populations in West Virginia through the development of state and community partnerships. Such partnerships include the West Virginia Perinatal Partnership and the West Virginia Partners for Oral Health. The organization's goals are: (1) improve community capacity to develop and access quality health and social services by mobilizing, promoting and supporting community action; (2) promote policies that improve health care access for children and families; and (3) create the infrastructure to address the health status disparities between minority and white populations.

Keywords: Access to health care, Collaboration, Community participation, Minority groups, Oral health, State organizations, West Virginia

West Virginia Head Start Association

West Virginia Library Commission (WVLC)

Annotation: The West Virginia Library Commission provides support, assistance, and counsel to libraries in the state. WVLC Reference Services provides information to residents both directly and through their local libraries.

Keywords: Libraries, State agencies, West Virginia

West Virginia University, School of Dentistry

Annotation: Founded in 1957, the mission of the School of Dentistry is to provide the state with a nationally recognized oral health center for education, research and service while improving the dental and oral health of all citizens, especially West Virginians. One of the primary ways this mission is accomplished is to educate competent oral health care professionals for the state.

Keywords: Dental care, Dental education, Dental schools, Oral health, Professional education, State programs, West Virginia


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.