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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (66 total).

Cyberbullying Research Center

Annotation: The Cyberbullying Research Center provides information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents. Cyberbullying can be defined as “Willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.” It is also known as “cyber bullying,” “electronic bullying,” “e-bullying,” “sms bullying,” “mobile bullying,” “online bullying,” “digital bullying,” or “Internet bullying.” The web site serves as a clearinghouse of information concerning the ways adolescents use and misuse technology. It is intended to be a resource for parents, educators, law enforcement officers, counselors, and others who work with youth. It contains facts, figures, and detailed stories from those who have been directly impacted by online aggression. In addition, the site includes numerous resources to help prevent and respond to cyberbullying incidents.

Keywords: Adolescent mental health, Adolescents, Adolescents, Aggression, Behavioral problems, Bullying, School violence, Technology, Telecommunications, Violence prevention

U.S. Administration for Children and Families (ACF)

Annotation: The U.S. Administration for Children and Families (ACF) administers programs focusing on the well-being of children and the self-sufficiency of families. Some services at ACF include programs involving persons with developmental disabilities, child care, child welfare services, prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect, runaway and homeless youth, Head Start, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and child support enforcement issues. ACF also supports an Healthy Marriage Initiative which focuses on low-income married couples with children, the Fatherhood Initiative, and the Family Violence Prevention and Services Program. ACF provides consumers with referrals, publications, and reference information. Some materials are available in Spanish. The agency also publishes newsletters, and sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Child abuse, Child care, Child support, Domestic violence, Family centered care, Family economics, Family relations, Family support programs, Fathers, Head Start, Spanish language materials, Training materials, Young children

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)

Annotation: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) provides educational materials on pregnancy, birth, contraception, reproductive health, and women's issues such as violence against women, smoking cessation, and underserved women. Members and invited experts serve on various ACOG committees focusing on adolescent health care, gynecologic practice, obstetrics, American Indian affairs, and other topics. Statistics from a variety of resources are posted on the Web site, along with guides to selected internet resources on topics such as vaccines, cultural competency, adolescent/pediatric health, pregnancy, sexuality, and smoking cessation. Services to consumers include inquiry responses and publications. A resource catalog is also available. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Prenatal care, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Childbirth, Contraception, Domestic violence, Gynecology, Legislation, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Professional education, Professional ethics, Professional societies, Publications, Reproductive health, Women', s health

Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (CPHV)

Annotation: The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (CPHV), established in 1983, is a nonprofit education and research organization that works to educate the public about the scope of handgun violence in the United States and the risks and responsibilities of handgun ownership. The center developed the nation's first K–12 curriculum on gun violence prevention, now used in several major school systems. CPHV publishes a newsletter and provides publications and reference information for consumers; some materials are available in Spanish. The center also sponsors conferences and training seminars. The center does not respond to individual inquiries.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Consumer education, Curricula, Firearms, Handguns, School health education, Violence prevention, Weapons

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV)

Annotation: The Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV) was founded in 1992 with a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York to provide informed assistance to groups committed to understanding and preventing violence, particularly adolescent violence. CSPV works from a multidisciplinary platform on the subject of violence and facilitates the building of bridges between the research community and the practitioner and policy community. CSPV has a threefold mission. First, the Information House, the nucleus of the Center, serves to collect, evaluate, store, and disseminate violence-related information. Second, CPSV offers technical assistance for the evaluation and development of violence prevention programs. Third, CPSV maintains a basic research component through data analysis and other projects on the causes of violence and the effectiveness of prevention and intervention programs. The center sponsors conferences and training seminars and publishes a variety of materials including newsletters, papers and fact sheets.

Keywords: Information services, Injury prevention, Research, Technical assistance, Violence prevention

Center for Women Policy Studies (CWPS)

Annotation: The Center for Women Policy Studies works to help define women's needs in national policy debates and to influence policy development and implementation for women of color. The center maintains the National Resource Center on Women and AIDS Policy and provides programs on law and pregnancy, violence against women, work/family and workplace diversity, girls and violence, and welfare/poverty policy. Publications include a catalog and a newsletter. Some materials, including materials on HIV/AIDS, are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Domestic violence, Violence prevention, Women

Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG)

Annotation: The Child Welfare Information Gateway provides information services to child welfare and related professionals and the public as the clearinghouse for the Children’s Bureau, compiling, synthesizing, and disseminating resources to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families. The Information Gateway provides access to publications, websites, and online databases covering a range of topics, including child welfare, child abuse and neglect, foster care, adoption, and the content areas for which the Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network (TTA) members provide support.

Keywords: Adopted children, Adoptive parents, Biological parents, Child abuse, Child neglect, Children with special health care needs, Clearinghouses, Databases, Family violence, Information services, Information dissemination, Adoption, Injury prevention, Spanish language materials, Support groups

Children's Safety Network (CSN)

Annotation: The Children's Safety Network (CSN) National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center works with state and territorial Title V, maternal and child health, and injury and violence prevention programs to strengthen their capacity to create healthy, safe, and injury-free communities for children and families. The website contains state-specific injury fact sheets; information about specific injuries; best practices and strategies for implementation, key publications; links to related organizations, agencies, and resources; and webinars and other events. CSN's e-newsletter provides information about federal and national initiatives, research articles and best practices, and injury data. CSN is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s, Maternal and Child Health Bureau and provides services at no cost.

Keywords: Children, Injury prevention, National MCH resource center, Resource centers, Unintentional injuries, Violence prevention

Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV)

Annotation: The Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) is dedicated to the elimination of domestic violence in all forms through community education, networking, and the empowerment of battered women and children. The coalition serves as a forum for social action and the development of services for battered women and their families by bringing membership and community together. It is a diverse network of rural and urban service providers who work together through the coalition to coordinate services, provide training, exchange information, and work on issues of common concern. Services to consumers include referrals and reference information. The coalition publishes a newsletter and provides some materials in Spanish. The coalition sponsors frequent conferences and training programs.

Keywords: Battered women, Domestic violence, Violence prevention

Committee for Children

Annotation: The Committee for Children promotes the safety, well-being, and social development of children through developing bullying, youth violence, and child abuse prevention curricula and videos for educators, families, and communities. The Committee sponsors Steps to Respect, a bullying prevention program geared towards children in the upper elementary grades; Second Step, a curriculum for preschool to junior high students which teaches social skills to reduce impulsive and aggressive behavior in children and increase their level of social competence; and Talking About Touching, a personal safety curriculum. Information is provided on foundations of research and outcome evaluations for individual programs. Consultation and technical assistance on program implementation is also available. Links to related conferences, funding opportunities, and statistics are provided.

Keywords: Violence prevention, Audiovisual materials, Bullying, Child abuse, Curriculum development, Program evaluation, Technical assistance

Common Sense About Kids and Guns

Annotation: Common Sense About Kids and Guns is a nonprofit group of owners and non-owners of guns committed to protecting America's children from gun deaths and injuries. The organization disseminates information about common sense solutions for reducing gun-related injuries and deaths to children and adolescents and works to inspire Americans to take personal and community responsibility to keep children safe from guns. The organization provides a public forum and serves as a national clearinghouse. State information, safety tips, resources, a bulletin board, and news items are posted on the Common Sense Web site.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Firearms, Gun control, Gun violence, Violence prevention

Cornell University, Family Life Development Center (FLDC)

Annotation: The Family Life Development Center was established to improve professional and public efforts to understand and respond to risk factors in the lives of children, youth, families, and communities that lead to violence and maltreatment. Areas of special interest include child maltreatment and family violence, youth development, children in residential care, HIV/AIDS prevention, and military family life. As a multidisciplinary unit of the Cornell University College of Human Ecology, the Center works to achieve its mission through research, training, and outreach. It serves New York State, the nation and the international community.

Keywords: Child abuse prevention, Families, Research, Training, Violence prevention

Council on Women and Girls

Annotation: The White House's Council on Women and Girls -- established with the signing of an Executive Order by President Barack Obama in March 2009 -- will focus on ensuring that each of the federal agencies is working to directly improve the economic status of women and ensure that administrative policies aim to balance work and family. The Council with also work hand-in-hand with the Vice President, the Justice Department’s Office of Violence Against Women, and other government officials to find new ways to prevent violence against women, at home and abroad. Another top priority of the Council is to help build healthy families and improve women’s health care.

Keywords: Women, Adolescent females, Barriers, Economics, Female children, Gender discrimination, Health promotion, Violence prevention, Women', Work family issues, Working women, s health

DisAbled Women's Network Ontario (DAWN)

Duluth Family Visitation Center

Annotation: The Duluth Family Visitation Center offers support for victims of domestic violence and their children as well as supervised visitation, monitored visitation, and monitored exchange services to families affected by domestic violence. The center provides information, resources, online data sources, and intervention tools to help curb domestic violence and heal the effects of abuse.

Keywords: Child abuse, Domestic violence, Parenting, Visitation

Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR)

Annotation: Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR), a national nonprofit organization founded in 1982, helps educators create safe, caring, respectful, and productive learning environments and also helps educators work with young people to develop the social skills, emotional competencies, and qualities of character they need to succeed in school and become contributing members of their communities. ESR also helps educators respond to local, national, and international crises related to interpersonal and systemic violence, intolerance, and global conflicts and war. Materials address all age groups from early childhood through grade 12.

Keywords: Adolescents, Character, Children, Education, Social learning, Social responsibility, Terrorism, Violence, Young children

FaithTrust Institute (CPSDV)

Annotation: FaithTrust Institute, formerly the Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, is an educational resource that works primarily with religious communities to address issues of sexual abuse and domestic violence. The Institute's mission is to engage religious leaders in the task of ending sexual and domestic violence by preparing them to respond effectively and compassionately to victims, offenders, and their families. The services offered by the Institute include: organizing training workshops and seminars for religious and secular communities and organizations; producing high quality education video and written resources; and providing consultation to professionals seeking advice on specific cases of sexual abuse or domestic violence. The Institute publishes a quarterly newsletter, Working Together, and a new journal on religion and abuse. Limited materials are available in Spanish. The Institute also provides a national clearinghouse on religion and abuse that includes books, periodicals, videos and an extensive referral system.

Keywords: Domestic violence, Injury prevention, Sexual abuse, Training, Violence prevention

Fight Crime: Invest in Kids

Annotation: Founded in 1996, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids is a bipartisan, nonprofit anti-crime organization led by police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, victims of violence, and leaders of police officer associations. The organization's mission is to evaluate the effectiveness of crime-prevention strategies and to put that information into the hands of policy-makers and the public. Fight Crime develops policy recommendations; analyzes the impact of public policy proposals; educates opinion leaders, policy-makers, and the public; and serves as an information clearinghouse. Fight Crime has a national office in Washington, D.C. and other offices in California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania.

Keywords: Public policies, Crime prevention, Clearinghouses, Juvenile delinquency, Policy development, Violence prevention

Futures Without Violence (FWV)

Annotation: Futures Without Violence (formerly the Family Violence Prevention Fund) works to prevent and end violence against women and children around the world through education, advocacy, and leadership programs. Focus areas include health, child wellbeing, leadership training, and policy. The website provides information and resources for women and girls, men and boys, tweens and teens, judges, and employers and employees. Several resources are available in Spanish and other languages.

Keywords: Advocacy, Battered women, Domestic violence, Public policy, Violence prevention

Hillsborough County, Community Violence Prevention Collaborative

Annotation: The Hillsborough County Community Violence Prevention Collaborative was created in the summer of 2013 as an initiative to transform the way local policy makers address violence. The initiative shifts policy from a public safety to a public health model and aligns community and professional stakeholders to develop a comprehensive prevention and intervention approach.

Keywords: Community programs, Florida, Violence prevention

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.