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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 19 (19 total).

American Syringomyelia Alliance Project (ASAP)

American Trauma Society (ATS)

Annotation: The American Trauma Society (ATS), a membership organization for health care trauma personnel, works to save lives through improved trauma care and injury prevention. ATS provides critical information on trauma to its members, to policy makers, and to the public. It supports the needs of families. It is also a strong supporter of injury prevention, creating and producing programs and providing these programs to its members. ATS programs cover the life-time of a person beginning with safety for children (the “Traumaroo Program”), teen behavior (alcohol, driving, etc.), adult and senior years (falls and driving). The society provides brochures and other print materials, videos, and posters to assist members in their community injury prevention programs.

Keywords: Emergency medical services, Injury prevention, Safety education, Therapeutics, Trauma

Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA)

Annotation: The Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) promotes research on the prevention and cure of anxiety disorders and works to improve the lives of people with anxiety disorders. The association conducts public awareness campaigns, fosters the exchange of scientific information, advocates health care system improvements, sponsors an annual conference, and coordinates a national self-help group network. Publications include educational materials and a bi-monthly newsletter, the ADAA Reporter.

Keywords: Phobias, Advocacy, Anxiety, Educational materials, Medical research, Mental health, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Panic disorder, Post traumatic stress disorder, Public awareness campaigns

Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA)

Annotation: Founded in 1980, the Brain Injury Association of America seeks to create a better future through brain injury prevention, research, education and advocacy. Services to consumers include inquiry responses, information packets, and referrals to local resources. Publications include The National Directory of Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services, various brochures, including the eight-part "Road to Rehabilitation" series. Some materials are available in Spanish. The association also sponsors workshops, conferences, training seminars, and Brain Surgery Awareness Month in March.

Keywords: Advocacy, Brain injuries, Support groups, Education, Injury prevention, Intervention, Long term care, Rehabilitation, Research, Therapeutics, Trauma

Center on Brain Injury Research and Training (CBIRT)

Annotation: Established in 1993 at the Teaching Research Institute, a division of Western Oregon University, the Center on Brain Injury Research and Training (CBIRT) conducts research and training to improve the lives of children and adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI). CBIRT’s research focuses on developing interventions to improve outcomes related to education, employability, and quality of life. Training activities promote the use of best practices among educators and other professionals who serve individuals with TBI.

Keywords: Brain damage, Children, Injuries, MCH research, Transition to independent living, Trauma

Gift from Within

Annotation: Gift from Within is a non-profit organization dedicated to those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those at risk for PTSD, and those who care for traumatized individuals. It develops and disseminated educational materials, including videotapes, articles, books, and other resources and maintains a roster of survivors who are willing to participate in an international network of peer support.

Keywords: Posttraumatic stress disorder, Trauma, Peer support programs, Resource centers

Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT )

Annotation: The Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) works to improve the quality of life and promote violence-free living for individuals on a local, national, and international level by conducting research, sharing and disseminating information, improving networking among professionals, and assisting with program evaluation, consultation, and training. Formed when the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute merged with the Alliant International University,the institute promotes collaboration across disciplines and and encorporates many centers that focus on family violence, sexual assault, youth and school violence, workplace volence, violence prevention, and traumatic stress. IVAT publishes a bulletin, journals, and resource lists; and hosts an international conference.

Keywords: Violence, . School violence, Assault, Domestic violence, Family violence, Sexual assault, Trauma, Violence prevention

International Association of Dental Traumatology

Annotation: The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) is a non-profit, public benefit professional organization whose mission is to promote optimal prevention, research, and treatment service in the field of traumatic dental injuries through interaction with dental and medical colleagues, the public, and interested parties in education, sports, industry and appropriate governmental agencies. IADT produces a journal and a mobile application, and hosts the International World Congress on Dental Traumatology. The website provides information for patients and professionals. Topics include IADT membership, administration, guidelines, fellowship, educational material, social media, and partnerships.

Keywords: Dental care, Dental societies, Facial injuries, International health, Trauma care

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)

Annotation: The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), is a membership based organization that is dedicated to the stimulation of policy, program, and service initiatives that seek to reduce traumatic stress and its immediate and long-term consequences. Members include professionals who work with victims of crime, abuse, neglect, family or community violence, exploitation, or oppression; Holocaust survivors; refugees; torture victims; war veterans; survivors of disasters; and persons in high-risk occupations. The society is dedicated to the discovery and dissemination of knowledge and provides a forum for the sharing of research, clinical strategies, public policy concerns, and theoretical formulations on trauma in the United States and around the world. Publications include the Journal of Traumatic Stress and Traumatic StressPoints.

Keywords: Mental health, Stress, Trauma

International Trauma Anesthesia and Critical Care Society (ITACCS)

Annotation: The International Trauma Anesthesia and Critical Care Society (International TraumaCare [ITACCS]) is a worldwide nonprofit organization of anesthesiologists, traumatologists, and intensivists who have dedicated their careers to the care of adult and pediatric trauma patients, trauma research, trauma education, and disaster response training and management. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. The Society publishes a peer-reviewed journal and monographs on specific topics of interest to trauma care specialits. It also hosts a list serv and sponsors conferences and training seminars held in a variety of venues throughout the year.

Keywords: Anesthesia, Critical care, Trauma

National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP)

Annotation: The National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) has the mission to foster excellence and provide medical leadership so that all individual and communities receive quality out-of-hospital emergency medical services. The association develops guidelines and strategies to prevent discomfort, disability, and death in the community. It provides electronic communications, an EMS literature retrieval service, and a comprehensive network for all professionals servicing the EMS industry. Publications include a journal, Prehospital Emergency Care; a newsletter, NAEMSP News; and several textbooks. NAEMSP also sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Emergency medical services, Injury prevention, Resources for professionals, Therapeutics, Training, Trauma

National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSD)

Annotation: The National Association of State EMS Directors (NASEMSD) brings together the emergency medical services (EMS) directors of each state, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories. The association provides leadership in developing effective emergency medical systems and helps to formulate national EMS policy. It also sponsors an annual conference, and maintains databases on U.S. ambulance services and on physicians who provide medical direction to EMS provider agencies.

Keywords: Emergency medical services, Ambulances, Child health, Child injury, Emergency Medical System, Injuries, Injury prevention, National organizations, Resources for professionals, Therapeutics, Trauma

National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement

Annotation: The National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement was created to promote an appreciation of the role schools can serve to support students, staff ,and families at times of crisis and loss; enhance the training of individuals in school-related professional education programs in the areas of crisis and loss; link efforts to provide trauma-related and bereavement support services within school settings; and collaborate with professional organizations, governmental and non-governmental agencies and community groups to further help students, staff and families at times of crisis and loss. The center provides information, training materials, consultation and technical assistance for school systems, professional training programs, professional organizations, governmental and non-governmental agencies, communities, children's groups and projects in the areas of crisis and loss. Web content can be viewed in both English and Spanish. The center was established in December 2005 with funding from the September 11th Children's Fund and the National Philanthropic Trust. 

Keywords: School health, Bereavement, Communication, Coping, Disasters, Emotional adjustment, Grief, Posttraumatic stress disorder, Professional education, Professional training Spanish language materials, School age children, Support groups, Trauma, Violence

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

Annotation: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) is a coalition of 54 treatment centers working to improve the quality, effectiveness, and availability of therapeutic services delivered to all children and adolescents experiencing traumatic events. The Network -- a Congressional initiative funded by the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, US Department of Health and Human Services -- will collect data for systematic study; help to educate professionals and the public about the effects of trauma on children; and develop and disseminate effective, evidence-based treatments. The National Resource Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NRC-CTS) supports the mission of NCTSN by providing relevant information and resources to professionals and the public, including survivors of childhood trauma, their families, and communities. The Resource Center provides referrals, inquiry responses, reference information, and publications for consumers. The NCTSN Web site provides access to full-text reports, related reading lists, an archive of NCTSN newsletters, and the PILOTS database of scientific literature on traumatic stress. Some client brochures about child traumatic stress are available in foreign languages.

Keywords: Evidence based medicine, Coalitions, Emergency medical services, Resource centers, Therapeutics, Trauma, Treatment services

National Resource Center for Traumatic Brain Injury

Annotation: The National Resource Center for Traumatic Brain Injury (NRCTBI) provides practical information for professionals, individuals with brain injury, and family members. It provides an e-mail list; publications for professionals, families and children; free articles, book chapters, and other resources; and an annual conference. It is funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research In the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Educatino and Rehabilitative Services..

Keywords: Brain injuries, Head injury, Resource centers, Trauma

Perspectives Network (TPN, Inc.)

Annotation: The Perspectives Network is an online organization that supports persons with acquired brain injury and their families with such things as online material archives, brain maps, and tools, as well as extensive resource listings. The network also provides brain injury survivor identification cards, and public awareness and education brochures. Frequently asked questions are available in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Greek, German, Chinese, and Danish.

Keywords: Brain injuries, Head injury, Trauma

Society of Trauma Nurses (STN)

Annotation: The Society of Trauma Nurses (STN) provides a professional forum for nurses involved in all facets of trauma care, from prevention through rehabilitation. The society provides a network for sharing information on patient care issues and trauma nursing research and development. STN also provides content expertise for regional meetings on trauma nursing, publishes a quarterly newsletter, and sponsors one major conference in March every year.

Keywords: Children, Trauma

Southwest Region-National Child Protection Training Center

Annotation: The Southwest Region National Child Protection Training Center (SWR-NCPTC) promotes and develops Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) programs at colleges, universities, seminaries, and medical and law schools within the region. The Center also develops ‘‘laboratory’’ training facilities that include mock houses, medical facilities, courtrooms, and forensic interview rooms that provide a real world experience to students and professionals; offers training and technical assistance in the areas of child maltreatment and advocacy, and builds a continuum of sustainable trauma-informed care and training systems.

Keywords: Child abuse, Child neglect, Child safety, New Mexico, Professional training, Regional agencies, Trauma

U.S. Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)

Annotation: The U.S. Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) leads federal efforts to promote the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. The center helps states improve and increase the quality and range of their treatment, rehabilitation, and support; make it easier for people to access mental health programs; encourage a range of programs such as systems of care to respond to the increasing number of mental, emotional, and behavioral problems among children; support outreach and case management programs for people who are homeless and the improvement of these services; and ensure that scientifically-established findings and practice-based knowledge are applied in preventing and treating mental disorders.

Keywords: Access to health care, Adolescents, Children, Federal programs, Mental disorders, Mental health programs, Mental health services, Prevention programs, Program improvement, Systems development, Trauma care


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.