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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (73 total).

A.T. Still University, Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health

Apple Tree Dental

Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP)

Annotation: The Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) supports state maternal and child health programs and provides national leadership on issues affecting women and children. AMCHP accomplishes its mission through the active participation of its members and partnerships with government agencies, families and advocates, health care purchasers and providers, academic and research professionals, and others at the national, state, and local levels. AMCHP tracks and analyzes emerging policy issues that impact family health and distributes the information to subscribers electronically via the AMCHP Legislative Alert. Issues areas include adolescent and school health; best practices; child health; data and assessment; family involvement; Medicaid, State Children's Health Insurance Program, and welfare; mental health; and women's and perinatal health. It also has a National Center for Health Reform Implementation.

Keywords: Maternal health, Advocacy, Block grants, CSHN programs, Child health, Children with special health care needs, Federal MCH programs, Guidelines, Models, Professional societies, Public policies, State programs, Technical assistance, Title V

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)

Annotation: The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is a non-profit association that represents the public health agencies of the U.S. and territories and is engaged in a wide range of legislative, scientific, educational, and programmatic issues and activities on behalf of public health. Its mission is to formulate and influence sound national public health policy and to service state health departments in the development and implementation of programs and policies to promote heath and prevent disease. Program areas include access, infectious disease, preparedness, standards, workforce development, environmental health, public health informatics, state health services, accreditation and performance, and prevention and health promotion. Services to consumers include publications, newsletters (including the electronic Primary Care and Prevention Network News), and reference information. The Web site includes resources on evidence-based public health interventions and links to each state's public health department.

Keywords: Public Health, Access to health care, Advocacy, Conferences, Health promotion, Information services, Information sources, Legislation, Policy development, Professional societies, Program development, Program evaluation, Public health infrastructure, Public health programs, Public policies, Publications, State programs

Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN)

California Food Policy Advocates

Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS)

Annotation: The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) partners with states across the country to promote the delivery of quality heatlh-care services and innovations in publicly financed health care, especially for individuals with complex, high-cost needs. CHCS facilitates problem-solving exchanges and peer learning among a diverse range of health care stakeholders to improve access, integrate fragmented services, reduce avoidable expenditures, and link payment with quality. CHCS works directly with state and federal agencies, health plans, providers, and consumer organizations to design and implement cost-effective strategies that improve care for people with complex and high-cost needs. The Center's technical assistance and training activities are organized under four broad priority areas: 1) Health care coverage and access; 2) Integrating care for people with complex needs; 3) quality, delivery systems, and payment reform; and 4) leadership and capacity building. CHCS maintains an online library of publications, technical tools, and other resources on accelerating health care delivery innovations.

Keywords: Health care financing, Electronic publications, Managed care, Medicaid managed care, Model programs, Prevention programs, State Children', s Health Insurance program

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Annotation: The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a bipartisan public policy institution focused on strategic issues such as trade, finance, politics and America's external geopolitical role. It conducts research into emerging issues and trends. It conducts non-classified analysis for the government and private business. The Center produces a newsletter, journals, and many reports and publications. The Center also sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: International programs, United States

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Annotation: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is a consortia structure based on the agency's four key lines of business including (1) Medicare health plans operations, (2) financial management and fee for service operations, (3) Medicaid and children's health operations; and (4) quality improvement and survey and certification operations. Ten regional offices represent the agency in delivering key messages; putting into practice regulations, policy, and program guidance; and monitoring programs and evaluation of contractors/grantees. The website provides information on Medicare; Medicaid; the Children's Health Insurance Program; regulations and guidance; research, statistics, data, and systems; outreach and education; and tools. CMS was previously called the Health Care Financing Administration.

Keywords: Health care financing, Conferences, Data analysis, Diagnosis related groups, EPSDT, Federal agencies, Health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Program evaluation, Publications, Quality assurance, Spanish language materials, State agencies, State children', State programs, Statistics, Training, immunization, s health insurance program

Children's Trust Fund


Annotation: CityMatCH is a national organization of maternal and child health (MCH) leaders working to improve the health and well-being of urban women, children, and families by strengthening the public health organizations and leaders in their communities. The Perinatal Periods of Risk (PPOR) Learning Network brings community stakeholders together to build consensus, support, and partnership around infant mortality data. CityMatCH convenes an annual conference, a webinar series, and leadership training for emerging and mid-level leaders in urban MCH. Resources include the CityLights newsletter, the MCH Life Course Toolbox, NewsBriefs, a Toolkit for Policy Development, and issue specific publications.

Keywords: State surveys, Health agencies, Immunization, Information sources, Local MCH programs, MCH services, Networking, Program descriptions, Publications, Urban health

Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Health, Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education

Annotation: Connecticut's Bureau of Health, Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education provides programs and services for students to assess, protect, and promote health; administers federal grants for child and school nutrition programs; and provides adult education instructional programs predominately through local school districts and various community and faith-based organizations.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adult education, Child health, Connecticut, Nutrition programs, Public health, State agencies

Every Child Matters Education Fund

Annotation: The Every Child Matters Education Fund, using public education campaigns, provides opportunities for focusing public attention on important children’s issues including the prevention of child abuse and neglect, improving the health of low-income children, and finding solutions in child care, early childhood education, after-school programs, and responsible decisions on federal budget and tax issues. The fund also conducts opinion polls, nationally and in specific states, about how voters view children's issues in the context of federal elections. The Web site provides data on children's issues in all 50 states, lists federal and state elected and appointed officials, and provides information on assistance programs in each state.

Keywords: Child advocacy, Federal programs, Public awareness campaigns, State programs

Family Voices

Annotation: Family Voices aims to achieve family-centered care for children and adolescents with special health care needs. Family Voices provides families with tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private policies, build partnerships with professionals, and serve as trusted health care resources. Family Voices provides technical assistance, training, and connections among Family-to-Family Health Information Centers and partnering organizations. The website features health information and resources including publications, news, projects, events, and advocacy efforts.

Keywords: Parent groups, Advocacy, Children with special health care needs, Community programs, Consumer education, Family resource centers, Health insurance, Health policy, Legislation, Medicaid, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Spanish language materials, State children', State programs, s health insurance program

Family-to-Family Health Information and Education Center

Annotation: Mississippi's Family-to-Family Health Information and Education Center is a family-focused, family-managed resource center that empowers families of children with special health care needs to be partners in decisions concerning the health of their children. The F2F Center is a collaboration of The University of Southern Mississippi Institute for Disability Studies, the Children’s Medical Program of the Mississippi State Department of Health, and LIFE of Mississippi, Inc. Through project activities, the F2F Center works to enable families to be knowledgeable, comfortable and competent in addressing the Title V system with regard to their child’s unique health care needs as well as advocating for ongoing and continuous quality improvement. The Center is funded by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Disabilities, Family centered services, MCH programs, Mississippi, State agencies

FastStats State and Territorial Data

Florida Association of Healthy Start Coalitions

Annotation: The Florida Association of Healthy Start Coalitions is dedicated to strengthening maternal and child health by ensuring that all Florida families have access to a continuum of affordable and quality health and related services and advocating for public policy initiatives to facilitate those services. The coalition aids over 30 statewide Healthy Start programs in Florida to assist at-risk mothers receive the care they need for a healthy pregnancy and baby through local coalitions providing high-quality prenatal care for mothers and health care for infants and children.

Keywords: Advocacy, Child health, Florida, Healthy Start, Infant health, Infant mortality, Maternal health, Prevention programs, State programs

FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (FRIENDS CBCAP)

Annotation: The FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Programs provides training and technical assistance to federally funded CBCAP Programs. The Center assists in building networks, collecting data, promoting stakeholder involvement, and providing access to resources. The Web site provides access to online learning tools, print materials, a listserv, weblinks, and information on upcoming meetings and events. The Center is a participant in the Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network (TTA).

Keywords: Child abuse, Child neglect, Child welfare, Community programs, Family centered services, Family resource centers, Family support programs, Parent support services, Prevention programs, State programs

IDEA Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association

Annotation: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association is organized as a not-for-profit corporation to promote mutual assistance, cooperation, and exchange of information and ideas in the administration of Part C and to provide support to state and territory Part C coordinators. The association is committed to: Identifying and representing the interests of state and territory infant and toddler early intervention programs at the national level; developing and recommending models, standards, policies, and programs that promote quality services to eligible infants and toddlers and their families; and strengthening current leadership and fostering new leadership in early intervention programs at the local, state or territory, and national levels.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Early intervention programs, IDEA, Part C, Service coordination, State programs

Illinois Children's Healthcare Foundation (ILCHF)

Annotation: The Illinois Children's Healthcare Foundation (ILCHF) works to ensure that every child in Illinois has the opportunity to grow up healthy. Working through grantee partners across the state, the Foundation focuses its grantmaking on identifying and funding solutions to the barriers that prevent children from accessing the ongoing health care they need. Current grant making focuses on improving children's oral health and addressing the mental health needs of children in Illinois. The website provides news, blog posts, information on funding and grantees, and publications.

Keywords: Children, Foundations, Illinois, State programs

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.