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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (50 total).

ACT for Youth

Annotation: ACT (Assets Coming Together) for Youth connects positive youth development resources and research to practice in New York State and beyond. The ACT for Youth Center of Excellence provides technical support, training, and evaluation for youth-serving programs funded by the NYS Department of Health, youth development and adolescent sexual health resources housed on the ACT for Youth Web site, a home base for the ACT Youth Network, which connects young community activists across New York State.

Keywords: Adolescent development, Adolescents, Advocacy, New York, Sexual health, State initiatives, Youth development, Youth services

Breastfeeding Coalition of Washington

Annotation: The Breastfeeding Coalition of Washington (BCW) is a statewide coalition comprised of local coalitions working together to promote, protect and support breastfeeding as a vital part of the health and development of children and families. It is a program of WithinReach and receives funding from the Washington State Department of Health. BCW goals include protecting and promoting a public environment supportive and accepting of breastfeeding; increasing the incidence and duration of breastfeeding; providing up-to-date referral and educational materials to healthcare professionals, organizations and the community at large; advocating for policies in workplaces, educational institutions and childcare facilities to support breastfeeding families in a way that is culturally relevant and sensitive. The BCW offers a free newsletter, Breastfeeding Matters.

Keywords: Advocacy, Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding promotion, Coalitions, Lactation, Referrals, State initiatives, Washington

California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC)

Annotation: The California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative is devoted to eliminating preventable maternal death and injury and promoting equitable maternity care in California by bringing resources, tools, measures, and quality improvement techniques to providers, administrators, and public health leaders. The web site offers current information about California maternal outcomes, specific projects that are in process, annotated bibliographies of important topics, resources developed or have received from other organizations, key links, and specific information to assist in performing quality improvement for maternity topics. The site also serves as a communications tool for the many CMQCC committees that are working on state-wide projects.

Keywords: Research, California, Health services delivery, Maternal health, Pregnancy, Pregnant women, Quality assurance, State initiatives

Child Care Resources (CCRI)

Annotation: Child Care Resources (CCRI) is a private, non-profit child care resource and referral agency that works with families and communities to ensure that all children have access to high quality, affordable early learning and school-age opportunities and experiences that enable them to succeed in school and life. Centers of expertise include family information services, program and business consultation, financial aid, and research and policy development. It serves Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Union, Rowan, and Stanly counties in North Carolina.

Keywords: Child care, County initiatives, North Carolina, Referrals, State organizations

Connecticut Oral Health Initiative

Connecting Smiles

Annotation: The Connecting Smiles initiative aims to improve oral health of the citizens of South Carolina by strengthening the linkage between individuals, community-based programs and medical and dental providers.

Keywords: Oral health, South Carolina, State initiatives

Disability and Health Data System (DHDS)

Annotation: The Disability and Health Data System (DHDS) is a state-level disability surveillance tool designed to assist partners, researchers, advocates, and the general public in the assessment of the health and wellness of people with disabilities. The DHDS features three types of data: disability, psychological distress, and disability-associated health care expenditures. The data are presented in a variety of formats including interactive maps and data tables. The display options provide users with the ability to identify location-specific data for a single time period, along with multiple time period trends. Users can view the data by states, territories, divisions, and regions. The tool was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Division of Human Development and Disability at the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.

Keywords: Assessment, Data sources, Disabilities, Health care costs, Population surveillance, State initiatives, Stress

Early Childhood Iowa

Annotation: Early Childhood Iowa (ECI) is a confederation or alliance of stakeholders in early care, health and education systems that affect children age 0 to 5 in the state of Iowa. The structure of ECI includes six system component groups that describe the necessary elements of an effective and comprehensive system involving governance, planning and administration; professional development; public engagement; quality services and programs; resources and funding; and results accountability. On July 1, 2023, Early Childhood Iowa will became part of the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services

Keywords: Advocacy, Child care, Child health, Early childhood education, Infants, Iowa, Iowa, State initiatives, Young children

EverThrive Illinois

Annotation: Everthrive Illinois (formerly Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition) works to improve the health of women, children, and families over the lifespan through community engagement, partnerships, policy analysis, education, and advocacy. The website provides information about Illinois' maternal and child health priorities and resources from the Chicago Area Immunization Campaign, the Illinois Coalition for School Health Centers, the Illinois Premature Health Infant Network, the Campaign to Save our Mothers and Babies, and Health Reform Implementation and Education. Resources include a newsletter and other e-communications about news, events, and initiatives.

Keywords: Child health, Family health, Illinois, State initiatives, Women', s health

First Things First

Annotation: First Things First supports the healthy development and learning of young children from birth to age 5 in Arizona. The website explains why the early years are critical for a child's healthy development and why investing in quality early childhood programs benefits children, families, communities, and the state. The website includes information for parents and families on topics such as brain development, ages and stages, child care and preschool, and literacy. Resources include a parent kit; a birth to five helpline; annual and biennial reports on statewide and regional needs and assets, and regional impact; research on brain science, quality early learning, and parenting education and family support; and data and statistics relevant to early childhood on national, state, and local levels.

Keywords: Arizona, Child care, Child health, Child safety, Early childhood development, Early childhood education, Family support, Learning, Parent education, Research, School readiness, State initiatives, Statistical data, Young children

Florida Disabilities Development Council (FDDC)

Annotation: The purpose of the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC) is to engage in advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that contribute to a coordinated, consumer and family centered, consumer and family directed, comprehensive system of community services and individualized supports that enable individuals with developmental disabilities to exercise self-determination, be independent, be productive, and be integrated and included in all facets of community life.

Keywords: Advocacy, Children, Developmental disabilities, Families, Family centered services, Family support services, Florida, Infants, Special health care needs, State initiatives

Florida Institute for Health Innovation (FIHI)

From the First Tooth / Before the First Tooth (FTFT BTFT)

Annotation: From the First Tooth (FTFT) began as a pilot program of the Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation in 2008 and grew to a statewide effort in 2010 through the leadership of MaineHealth in partnership with EMHS and MaineGeneral. An Advisory Committee and National Advisors continue to guide the initiative. In 2015, the pediatric oral health initiative expanded to include a focus on pregnant and postnatal women. FTFT is now a six state collaborative located in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Each state offers slightly different assistance to medical practices but all are working together with health professionals to improve children’s oral health in the region. Before the First Tooth provides information about prenatal dental care.

Keywords: Collaboration, Dental care, Geographic regions, New England, Pediatric care, Prenatal care, State initiatives, Training

Future Smiles

Annotation: Future Smiles is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides oral hygiene and disease prevention services at local schools, Family Enrichment Centers, health fairs, and other community events in southern Nevada. Restorative care is referred out to the community through a network of oral health professionals who collaborate with Future Smiles. Futures Smiles' mobile school-based dental sealant program, operates at three sites. They also participate in community health fairs and oral health presentations, along with school-based brush-at-lunch programs.

Keywords: Dental care, Nevada, Oral health, School health services, State initiatives

Georgia Oral Health Coalition

Annotation: The mission of the Georgia Oral Health Coalition is to improve oral health and quality of life for all Georgians. Its aim is to increase access to dental care, prevent and reduce dental caries, periodontal disease, oral-facial trauma, and tobacco use, and detect oral cancer in early stages in order to reduce its incidence. Members include dental care providers, dental and medical associations, dental insurers, and public health coalitions in the state.

Keywords: Coalitions, Dental care, Georgia, Oral health, State initiatives

Georgia Tobacco Use Prevention Program

Annotation: The Georgia Tobacco Quit Line (GTQL) is a free evidence-based public health service available to help Georgians quit smoking, vaping and stop using all forms of tobacco products. GTQL is monitored by the Georgia Tobacco Use Prevention Program (GTUPP) and partners with a national tobacco cessation vendor to provide telephone, text and web-based services. The service follows the United States Public Health Service Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Keywords: Georgia, State initiatives, Tobacco cessation

Hands on Health South Carolina (Hands on Health-SC)

Annotation: Hands on Health South Carolina provides information resources and links to health and wellness websites that focus on health issues of particular importance to South Carolina citizens and communities. The website includes information about health problems, environment and health, health services, and health news. Additional content includes information about health projects in South Carolina; multimedia resources; and information about health-related websites, careers, and dictionaries. Spanish-language resources and tools for health professionals are also provided.

Keywords: Consumer education materials, Health promotion, Information sources, South Carolina, State initiatives, Web sites

Health Education Resource Exchange (HERE)

Annotation: The Health Education Resource Exchange (HERE) is an online clearinghouse of public health education and health promotion materials, projects, people, events, and resources in Washington. HERE is designed for people who perform population-based health promotion activities in a variety of settings, primarily state and local health departments, community organizations, clinics, hospitals, and schools. Resources include free posters, brochures, and fact sheets, descriptions of local health promotion projects, strategies used in the field of health education and health promotion, a calendar of events and training opportunities of interest to health educators, a directory of professional colleagues in Washington, and periodic electronic newsletters.

Keywords: Clearinghouses, Health education, Health promotion, Spanish language materials, State initiatives, Washington

Healthiest State Initiative

Annotation: The Healthiest State Initiative is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization driven by the goal to make Iowa the healthiest state in the nation. By engaging worksites, communities, schools, retail food, organizations, institutions and individuals, the initiative aims to inspire Iowans and their communities to improve their health and happiness, and ultimately achieve the goal.

Keywords: Iowa, Public health, State initiatives

Healthy Programs in Michigan

Annotation: This group promotes the evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs that are available in Michigan communities and to support the partnerships that are active in their implementation. The programs featured have met the evidence-based criteria of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Arthritis Program and Administration on Aging. Information about partnerships and programs, including class and workshop schedules, leader training, promotional materials, and more are available from their website.

Keywords: Community based services, Evidence based medicine, Local initiatives, Michigan, State initiatives

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.