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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (133 total).

Alabama Child Death Review System

Annotation: The Alabama Child Death Review System was created on September 11, 1997 in order to review, evaluate, and prevent cases of unexpected and unexplained child death. ACDRS's mission is to understand how and why children die in Alabama, in order to prevent other child deaths. ACDRS, which includes both state and local child death review teams, focuses on prevention through statistical analysis, education and advocacy efforts, and local community involvement.

Keywords: State agencies, Alabama, Child death review, Infant death, Child death, Infant mortality

Alabama Department of Public Health, Oral Health Branch

Annotation: The Alabama Department of Public Health Oral Health Branch provides oral health education programs and materials, community water fluoridation, and a dental screening program. It also provides oral health data and information on finding a dentist.

Keywords: Alabama, Oral health, State health agencies

Alaska Health Education Library Project (AHELP)

Annotation: The Alaska Health Education Library Project (AHELP) is an electronic clearinghouse of current health promotion and health education resources that are specific to and available in Alaska. It contains information on health promotion programs, projects and materials, key contact people in health promotion program areas, a calendar of health observances and health promotion training and events, and resource organizations at the state and national level. AHELP has an online discussion list (listserv) for professionals involved in health education and health promotion.

Keywords: Alaska, Clearinghouses, Health sciences libraries, Listservs, State agencies

Alaska State Library

Annotation: The Alaska State Library provide reference and research services to state agencies and the public. Services include daily tracking of federal legislation and regulations, on-line computer searching, production of subject bibliographies and checklists, and current awareness services. The collections include a full depository of Alaska government publications, selective depository of federal and Canadian government publications, research materials on Alaska history, and a periodicals collection emphasizing topics of concern to state government.

Keywords: Alaska, Libraries, State agencies

Arizona Early Childhood Development and Health Board, First Things First

Arizona Health Sciences Library (AHSL )

Annotation: The Arizona Health Sciences Library (AHSL) is open to the public for on-site use; faculty, staff, students, and health care professionals licensed in Arizona may check out materials; electronic resources are accessible off-site for faculty, staff, and students.

Keywords: Arizona, Health sciences libraries, State agencies

Arkansas Center for Health Improvement (ACHI)

Annotation: The Arkansas Center for Health Improvement's (ACHI's) mission is to be a catalyst for improving the health of Arkansans through evidence-based research, public issue advocacy, and collaborative program development. It focuses on: (1) improvements in access to and quality of health care; (2) elimination of financial barriers due to a lack of health insurance coverage; and (3) mitigation of health risks in order to improve Arkansas’s underlying population health.

Keywords: Arkansas, Health agencies, State organizations

Arkansas State Library (ADH)

Annotation: The Arkansas State Library provides referrals, publications and reference information to consumers. Some materials are available in Spanish. They also publish a newsletter and sponsor conferences, training seminars and workshops.

Keywords: Arkansas, Libraries, State agencies

Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN)

California Department of Mental Health

Annotation: The California Department of Mental Health has oversight of a public mental health budget of more than $4 billion, including local assistance funding. Its responsibilities include: providing leadership for local county mental health departments; evaluation and monitoring of public mental health programs; administration of federal funds for mental health programs and services; the care and treatment of the severely mentally ill at the five state mental hospitals (Atascadero, Metropolitan, Napa, Coalinga and Patton State Hospitals) and at the Acute Psychiatric Programs located at the California Medical Facilities in Vacaville and Salinas Valley; and implementation of the Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63), which provides state tax dollars for specific county mental health programs and services.

Keywords: California, Health services delivery, Mental health, State agencies

California State Library (CSL)

Annotation: The California State Library is a public research library that helps a diverse people, their governments and their libraries meet their knowledge and information needs. The State Library makes available a variety of services to all Californians. These range from California historical documents, to California legislation, to books in braille and recorded formats, to English language literacy programs and public access to the Internet. Its regional depository library is open to the public. Services to consumers include referrals and reference information. All documents published by the U.S. Government Printing Office are available. Materials may only be checked out directly by state employees but will be provided through interlibrary loan to academic, public and special libraries. A number of the public policy reports by the California Research Bureau are on topics of interest to families and educators.

Keywords: California, Libraries, State agencies

Center for Rural Pennsylvania

Annotation: The Center for Rural Pennsylvania is a bipartisan, bicameral legislative agency that serves as a resource for rural policy within the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The center works with executive agencies and federal, regional and community organizations to maximize resources and strategies that can better serve the needs of Pennsylvania's 2.8 million rural residents. The center promotes and sustains the vitality of Pennsylvania's rural and small communities by: awarding grants for applied research and model projects; maintaining and disseminating information on rural trends and conditions; publishing research and project results; and sponsoring local, state and national forums on rural issues.

Keywords: Pennsylvania, Rural environment, Rural population, State agencies

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Annotation: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is a consortia structure based on the agency's four key lines of business including (1) Medicare health plans operations, (2) financial management and fee for service operations, (3) Medicaid and children's health operations; and (4) quality improvement and survey and certification operations. Ten regional offices represent the agency in delivering key messages; putting into practice regulations, policy, and program guidance; and monitoring programs and evaluation of contractors/grantees. The website provides information on Medicare; Medicaid; the Children's Health Insurance Program; regulations and guidance; research, statistics, data, and systems; outreach and education; and tools. CMS was previously called the Health Care Financing Administration.

Keywords: Health care financing, Conferences, Data analysis, Diagnosis related groups, EPSDT, Federal agencies, Health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Program evaluation, Publications, Quality assurance, Spanish language materials, State agencies, State children', State programs, Statistics, Training, immunization, s health insurance program

Children's Trust Fund


Annotation: CityMatCH is a national organization of maternal and child health (MCH) leaders working to improve the health and well-being of urban women, children, and families by strengthening the public health organizations and leaders in their communities. The Perinatal Periods of Risk (PPOR) Learning Network brings community stakeholders together to build consensus, support, and partnership around infant mortality data. CityMatCH convenes an annual conference, a webinar series, and leadership training for emerging and mid-level leaders in urban MCH. Resources include the CityLights newsletter, the MCH Life Course Toolbox, NewsBriefs, a Toolkit for Policy Development, and issue specific publications.

Keywords: State surveys, Health agencies, Immunization, Information sources, Local MCH programs, MCH services, Networking, Program descriptions, Publications, Urban health

Claude Moore Health Sciences Library

Annotation: The Claude Moore Health Siences Library at the University of Virginia serves as a biomedical information resource for the university at large, the local community, and the Commonwealth of Virginia through proactive outreach services, and the nation through cooperative programs with other libraries and agencies. The library is open to the public and some services are provided to local health care professionals and the public, in addition to specialized services provided to those affiliated with the University of Virginia.

Keywords: Health sciences libraries, State agencies, Virginia

Coe Library

Annotation: Coe Library is the largest of four libraries at the University of Wyoming, with a collection including materials in both the health and social sciences. As a U. S. government depository library Coe houses more than 2 million federal publications in print, microform and electronic formats. Free library services are available to UW students, faculty, staff, alumni, and Wyoming residents and patrons of the libraries with which UW has established borrowing agreements; nonresidents may obtain borrowing privileges for a modest fee.

Keywords: Health libraries, State agencies, Wyoming

Colorado Child Fatality Review Committee

Annotation: The Colorado Child Fatality Review Committee is a multidisciplinary group of professionals representing public health, medicine, law and law enforcement, child welfare, forensics, mental health, and other special interests related to the health and safety of children. The committee has been reviewing all child deaths in Colorado since 1989 to: describe trends and patterns of child death in Colorado, identify and investigate the prevalence of risk factors for child death, characterize high-risk groups in terms compatible with the development of public policy, evaluate the service and system responses to children and families who are at high risk and to offer recommendations for improvement in those responses, and improve the quality and scope of data necessary for child death investigation and review. Specific benefits have resulted from the child fatality review process. These include a better understanding of how children are dying in Colorado, greater accountability among professionals, participation in the development of prevention strategies, statewide child death investigation training, stimulation of policy assessment, and improvement in dialogue with the media.

Keywords: Child death, Colorado, Infant death, Infant mortality, Prevention, SIDS, State agencies

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Maternal and Child Health Program

Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Health, Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education

Annotation: Connecticut's Bureau of Health, Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education provides programs and services for students to assess, protect, and promote health; administers federal grants for child and school nutrition programs; and provides adult education instructional programs predominately through local school districts and various community and faith-based organizations.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adult education, Child health, Connecticut, Nutrition programs, Public health, State agencies

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.