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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 8 (8 total).

Community Commons

Annotation: Community Commons is an interactive mapping, networking, and learning utility for the broad-based healthy, sustainable, and livable communities' movement. Services include map-able geographic information systems for all communities in the United States; an application program interface, providing free interoperable access to data; contextualized mapping, reporting, data visualization, and sharing abilities; searchable profiles of place-based community initiatives and multi-sector collaborations; peer learning opportunities to explore similar topics and share best practices; spaces for individuals and communities to share narratives, interviews, videos, images, documents, and other online resources.

Keywords: Collaboration, Communication, Community health, Data, Networking, Public private partnerships, Social change, Social learning

FHI 360 ( )

Annotation: FHI 360 is a global development organization committed to solving social problems in the United States and around the world through education, social marketing, research, training, policy analysis, and innovative program design and management. FHI 360's programs focus primarily on health, education, youth development, and the environment. It acquired the programs, expertise, and assets of the Academy for Educational Development in 2011.

Keywords: Child development, Developing countries, International health, Adolescent health, Child health, Community development , Education, Educational change, Educational materials, Environment, International health, Policy analysis, Research, Social problems, Teaching, Training Program development, Youth, program management

George Gund Foundation

Annotation: The George Gund Foundation was established in 1952 as a private, nonprofit institution with the sole purpose of contributing to human well-being and the progress of society. It funds projects in the arts, economic development, education, environment, human services, green building policy, retinal degenerative diseases, and philanthropic services infrastructure. It focuses on the greater Cleveland, Ohio, area.

Keywords: Grants, Ohio, Philanthropy, Social change

Healthy Food America

Institute for People, Place & Possibility (IP3)

Annotation: Institute for People, Place & Possibility (IP3) helps organizations, communities, and governments improve the understanding of, investment in, and action toward the vitality of people, places, and the natural environment. Services include data visualization and geographic information systems mapping, evidence and impact research, and storytelling and social media. IP3 supports Community Commons, an interactive mapping, networking, and learning utility for the healthy/sustainable/livable communities' movement.

Keywords: Collaboration, Communication, Community health, Data, Networking, Policy development, Public private partnerships, Research, Social change, Social learning

Megaphone Project

Annotation: The Megaphone Project amplifies the voices of under-served communities and those who advocate for them in order to increase political access, inspire action and create social change. The project accomplishes this through message development, media production, and targeted media distribution. Their messages and media productions have contributed to reform in the criminal justice system, public housing, predatory lending, real estate development, public transit and day labor. The Web site provides film clips, access to a mailing list for project announcements, and a store for purchase of DVDs. Its focus is first on the city of Baltimore then on the state of Maryland.

Keywords: Advocacy, Audiovisual materials, Local initiatives, Social change, State initiatives

National Council on Gender (NCG)

Annotation: The National Council on Gender (NCG) elevates awareness of the importance of transforming gender norms across a wide range of social issues. The council comprises researchers, non-profit organizations, policymakers, and philanthropic institutions. The website provides information on the principles that guide the council's work and membership; the council's mission, goals, values, and priorities; what the council does to promote gender transformative policies and programs; membership organizations, agencies, and individuals; definitions of common gender words and terminology; recommended gender informed programs; recent reports on policies and programs by major agencies; and a training presentation on gender norms.

Keywords: Adolescents, Mental health, Relationships, Sexual identity, Social bias, Social change, Young men, Young women

Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA)

Annotation: Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) is a nonpartisan alliance of organizations with the common goal of improving children's health by preventing obesity. Partners and founders include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the California Endowment, Kaiser Permanente, Nemours, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation (a partnership with the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation). The partnership links and mobilizes the private sector, foundations, thought leaders, media, and local communities to action to further the goals of curbing childhood obesity within a generation.

Keywords: Child health, Obesity, Philanthropy, Public private partnerships, Social change


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.