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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (22 total).

Abstinence Clearinghouse

Annotation: The Abstinence Clearinghouse is a non-profit national educational organization that promotes the appreciation for and practice of sexual abstinence through distribution of age-appropriate, factual and medically-accurate materials. The clearinghouse was founded to provide a central location where character, relationship and abstinence programs, curricula, speakers, and materials could be accessed. The clearinghouse serves agencies on a national, state and local level, as well as international organizations. The clearinghouse hosts educational national and regional conferences, publishes and distributes publications and a newsletter, and provides technical assistance to schools and other societal institutions to assist in preventing behaviors that place young people at risk for HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases, and unintended pregnancy. Access to most materials is limited to members. The Abstinence Clearinghouse also consists of three advisory and support councils: the National Advisory Council, the Medical Abstinence Council, and the International Abstinence Council. The Clearinghouse's Washington D.C. office is located at 10 G Street NE Suite 502, Washington, DC 20002

Keywords: Abstinence, Clearinghouses, Sexuality education

Advocates for Youth (AFY)

Annotation: Advocates for Youth is dedicated to creating programs and advocating for policies that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Advocates provides information, training, and strategic assistance to youth-serving organizations, policy makers, youth activists, and the media in the United States and the developing world. Advocates publishes newsletters, as well as provider- and consumer-oriented publications on adolescent reproductive health. A publications catalog is available. Some materials are available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescents, Decision making skills, Information sources, Life skills, Peer education, Programs, Publications, Reproductive health, Sexual behavior, Sexuality education, Spanish language materials, Women

American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)

Annotation: The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) promotes the development and advancement of the fields of sexual therapy, counseling, and education.  AASECT provides professional education and certification of sex educators, counselors, and therapists as well as supervisors of sex therapists in training.  Services to consumers include referrals and publications. AASECT publishes the a monthly newsletter, Contemporary Sexuality.   The association sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Reproductive health, Sexuality


Annotation: Answer at Rutgers University, formerly the Network for Family Life Education, specializes in training adults to deliver effective sexuality-education programs to children and youth. It provides resources, advocacy, training and technical assistance in support of age-appropriate, balanced, comprehensive sexuality education. Answer's Web site, Sex, Etc., is about teens for teens, and covers girls' health; guys' health; sex; love and relationships; gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex youth; deciding about sex; birth control and condoms; sexually transmitted diseases; pregnancy; teen parenting; abortion; adoption; emotional health; abuse and violence; body image; and alcohol and drugs.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy prevention, Sexuality education

Children's Aid Society, Carrera Adolescent Sexuality and Pregnancy Prevention Program

Annotation: The Children's Aid Society (CAS) Carrera Adolescent Sexuality and Pregnancy Prevention Program (developed under the direction of the Bernice and Milton Stern National Adolescent Sexuality Training Center) serves as a primary pregnancy prevention model that uses a holistic aproach to help adolescents develop personal goals while increasing their sexual literacy and knowledge about the consequences of sexual activity. The program, which has been replicated across in states across the country, emphasizes the importance of education and employment. The Web site provides links to additional resources on sexuality education and adolescentr pregnancy prevention.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Family relations, Parent education, Sexuality education


Annotation: CHOICE is a community-based organization dedicated to increasing awareness of and access to sexual health services, especially among underserved populations who traditionally experience barriers to care. CHOICE operates five bi-lingual (Spanish-English) hotlines and programs of community education and outreach. The hotlines include: the CHOICE Hotline for general reproductive and women's health information, serving the five-county Philadelphia area; the Pennsylvania Department of Public Health AIDS Fact Line for information about HIV/AIDS related issues which serves the entire state; the Children's Health Line which helps families obtain free or low cost health care and insurance coverage for their children; the CHOICE Teen Line, which provides sexual health counseling and education to young callers; and the Blueprint for a Safer Philadelphia Community Hotline that is part of a local effort to reduce youth homicides through a public health model. CHOICE is on the list of instructional resources recommended and approved by the Philadelphia School District to provide sexual health education in the City's public schools. CHOICE is currently active in 180 schools, after-school programs, community sites, hospitals, and churches. CHOICE offers online resources in English and Spanish.

Keywords: Gynecology, AIDS, Advocacy, Advocacy, Child care, Children, Family planning, HIV, Health education, Health insurance programs, Hotlines, Information services, Maternal care, Reproductive health, Sexuality education

DisAbled Women's Network Ontario (DAWN)

Future of Sex Education (FoSE)

Annotation: The Future of Sex Education Project (FoSE) began in July 2007 when staff from Advocates for Youth, Answer and SIECUS first met to discuss the future of sex education in the United States. At the time, each organization was looking ahead to the possibility of a future without federal abstinence-only-until-marriage funding and simultaneously found themselves exploring the question of how best to advance comprehensive sexuality education in schools. In May of 2008, Advocates, Answer and SIECUS formalized these discussions with funding from the Ford, George Gund and Grove Foundations, and the FoSE Project was launched.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Family life education, Psychosexual development, Sexual behavior, Sexual development, Sexuality education

Guttmacher Institute ( )

Annotation: The Guttmacher Institute is a nonprofit corporation for research, policy analysis, and public education in the field of reproductive health. Services to consumers include publications and reference information. The institute publishes Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, International Family Planning Perspectives, The Guttmacher Policy Review, fact sheets, briefing papers, and special reports. A publications catalog is available. Some materials are available in Spanish, French, Asian, and other languages. The institute also has a list service, accessible through its Web site. The International Data Center allows users to build, download, and print custom tables, graphs, and maps using information from countries and regions.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Adolescent pregnancy, Data, Family planning, Foreign language materials, Information services, Listservs, Medical research, Online systems, Policy analysis, Prenatal care, Public education, Publications, Reproductive health, Sexuality education

Healthy Teen Network

Annotation: Healthy Teen Network, formerly the National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting, and Prevention, is a national resource network of individuals and organizations focused on solving problems related to adolescent pregnancy prevention, sexuality, pregnancy, and parenting. The organization serves as a resource sharing and communication network to inform service providers and others about available resources and successful program models. Some materials are available in Spanish. It publishes a quarterly newsletter and also prepares alerts on funding opportunities and legislation. The organization also sponsors conferences. In 2010 it launched an evidence-based resource center.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescent parents, Community programs, Parenting, Prevention programs, School based clinics, Self help clearinghouses, Sexuality

Indiana University, Center for Adolescent and Family Studies

Annotation: The Center for Adolescent and Family Studies (formlerly the Center for Adolescent Studies) at Indiana University works to further the understanding of the psychological, biological and social features of normal adolescence. The center functions as a resource center for educators, health practitioners, parents and researchers by providing electronic guides to Web resources on health related topics such as violence prevention, depression, eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, sexuality, and AIDS. It also provides links to research conducted by the Indiana University School of Education on adolescent issues, resources for teachers focusing on the social and emotional growth of students, and information on upcoming conferences. Links to Youth Service America, a youth volunteer service project, and the Starbright Foundation, which addresses the psychosocial issues surrounding youth with chronic illnesses, are also provided.

Keywords: Adolescent development, Adolescent health, Adolescent mental health, Adolescent sexuality, Violence prevention

Medical Institute for Sexual Health (MISH)

Annotation: The Medical Institute for Sexual Health is a nonprofit organization that identifies, evaluates and communicates scientific information to promote healthy sexual decisions and behavior to medical professionals, educators, government officials, parents, and the media. It provides an electronic newsletter, an annual conference, and medical e-mail advisories that highlight recent research. It also publishes brochures, videos, reports, national guidelines for sexuality and character education, and a comparison of abstinence vs. safer sex sexuality education. Spanish-language brochures are available.

Keywords: Abstinence, Disease prevention, Sexuality education, Sexually transmitted diseases

National Coalition to Support Sexuality Education (NCSSE )

Annotation: The National Coalition to Support Sexuality Education (NCSSE) consists of over 140 national organizations committed to medically accurate, age-appropriate, comprehensive sexuality education for all children and youth in the United States. NCSSE hosts meetings on key issues in sexuality education; supports member organizations in advocating for comprehensive sexuality education policies and programs at the state and national level; and provides a forum for networking, resource sharing, and collaboration among national organizations supporting comprehensive sexuality education. An extensive listing of curricula and other resources is available on the Web site; topics include sexuality education resources and curricula, abstinence-only curricula, HIV and AIDS curricula, guidelines for sexuality education programs, resources for families, and resources for faith-based organizations.

Keywords: Sexuality, Advocacy, Coalitions, Collaboration , Health promotion, Information dissemination, Reproductive health, Sexuality education

National LGBT Health Education Center

Annotation: The National LGBT Health Education Center provides educational programming and consultation for health care organizations throughout the nation and the world with the goal of eliminating health disparities among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The Center is a part of The Fenway Institute, the research, training, and health policy division of Fenway Health, a federally qualified LGBt-focused health center. The website contains a blog, a training and events calendar, and publications and resources.

Keywords: Health education, National programs, Sexuality

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

Annotation: The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is dedicated to the principle that every person has the fundamental right to choose whether or when to have children. The federation works to ensure access to sexuality education and family planning services. Planned Parenthood health centers offer sexual and reproductive health care, including family planning, gynecological care, STI/STD testing and treatment, pregnancy testing, and abortion services. Its Web site offers information on birth control, emergency contraception, abortion, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, gynecological exams, teens, and sexuality. The website provides an A-to-Z guide to health information and services, which can be viewed in English or Spanish.

Keywords: Family planning, Abortion, Adolescent pregnancy, Advocacy, Contraception, Health education, Internet, Online databases, Public awareness materials, Publications, Reproductive health, Reproductive rights, Sexuality education, Spanish language materials

Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey, Center for Sex Education

Annotation: The Center for Sex Education is the national education division of Planned Parenthood of Central and Greater Northern New Jersey. The center provides three core services in sexuality education: publishing sexuality education manuals, hosting the National Sex Ed Conference, and providing membership services through the Sex Ed Network, an online resource that allows access to downloadable lesson plans and the American Journal of Sexuality Education. The center also has a store and a blog, Sexually Smarter.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Contraception, Family planning, Reproductive health, Sexuality education

Program Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention (PASHA)

Annotation: The Program Archive on Sexuality, Health, and Adolescence (PASHA), funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Office of Adolescent Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, is a collection of effective program replication kits designed to reduce adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (including HIV and AIDS) in adolescents. Each kit includes materials needed to implement and evaluate the intervention. PASHA's website includes a search assistant for finding programs, an overview table of replication kits, scientific papers related to the collection, and program selection criteria.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescent sexuality, Archives, Diffusion of innovation, Health behavior, Model programs, Program evaluation, Risk taking, Sexually transmitted diseases

Religious Institute

Annotation: The Religious Institute develops and supports a network of clergy, religious educators, theologians, theological ethicists, and other religious leaders committed to promoting sexual justice in the faith community and society. It promotes the goals and vision of the Religious Declaration. It is an ecumenical, interfaith organization dedicated to advocating for sexual health, education and justice in faith communities and society. The institute works to build the capacity of religious institutions and clergy to offer sexuality education within the context of their own faith traditions and to advocate for sexual rights. It also strives to help congregations become sexually healthy faith communities and to educate the public and policy makers about sexual justice issues. Areas of focus include reproductive justice; inclusion of gays, lesbians, bisexual, and transgender people; abuse prevention; religious leader preparation; and international issues. The Institute provides technical assistance to faith communities and sexual and reproductive health organizations and publishes a newsletter, research reports, congressional guidebooks, and books for general audiences on sexual justice issues.

Keywords: Moral values, Civil rights, Clergy, Ethics, Marriage, Religion, Religious organizations, Reproductive rights, Sexuality, Sexuality education

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)

Annotation: The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) is a nonprofit organization that develops, collects, and disseminates information, promotes comprehensive education about sexuality, and advocates the right of individuals to make responsible sexual choices. SIECUS offers a community action kit for advocates and maintains a SexEd online library that provides resources and tools for educators who teach about sexuality. Lessons, curricula, research, and professional development opportunities are among the library's offerings. The council also produces a wide variety of resources for parents, teenagers, policymakers, healthcare providers ,and others in its efforts to ensure that everyone has access to accurate and up-to-date information about sexuality.

Keywords: Sexuality, Advocacy, Health promotion, Information dissemination, Reproductive health, Sexuality education

Sociometrics Corporation, Data Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention (DAAPPP)

Annotation: Sociometrics Corporation's Data Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention (DAAPPP) includes studies focused on adolescent sexual health issues. Studies address a variety of topics including the incidence, prevalence, antecedents, and consequences of adolescent pregnancy and family planning; and behavioral factors related to sexually transmitted infections.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescent sexuality, Archives, Data, Family planning, Health behavior, Outcome and process assessment, Predisposing factors, Sexually transmitted diseases, Surveys

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.