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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 15 (15 total).

American Academy of Pediatrics, Council on School Health

Annotation: The American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) Council on School Health is responsible for policy statements from inception to education, implementation, advocacy, and evaluation. The council is a byproduct of the merger of the AAP Section and the Committee on School Health. The council's products include policy statements on soft drinks in schools and camp health. The council's Web site provides news and events, answers to frequently asked questions, policies, and resources for health professionals working with schools or caring for school-aged children in their practices, school personnel, and parents and other caregivers. Selected resources include Health, Mental Health, and Safety Guidelines; School Health Leadership Training Kit; Emergency Guidelines for Schools; HIPAA form for communicating with schools; pediatric school health contacts; school asthma materials; and the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement.

Keywords: Professional societies, School health, Policy development, School age children

Campaign for Educational Equity

Annotation: Launched in 2005, the Campaign for Educational Equity is committed to expanding and strengthening the national movement for quality public education for all by providing research-based analyses of key education policy issues. The campaign takes a comprehensive approach to educational equity, rooted in the belief that because educational inequity poses a multi-faceted challenge, any response must be equally comprehensive. In addition to widely-studied educational interventions like early childhood education, small class sizes, and high quality teaching, The campaign advocates for prudent and well-managed investments in parental involvement, children's health and other factors that affect student performance.

Keywords: Advocacy, Child health, Educational attainment, Public education, School age children, School readiness

Center for Collaborative Solutions

Annotation: The Center for Collaborative Solutions (CCS) is a nonprofit organization that facilitates and drives organizational change by helping others to discover innovative and effective ways to achieve shared goals. Services are provided to create high quality, collaborative partnerships, teams, programs, and workplaces. The work of CCS is built around two divisions within the organization: workplace services and afterschool services. Current projects include an afterschool health initiative that includes a California state-wide Nutrition Education Leadership Learning Community and a California statewide labor=management committee to address rapidly increasing health care costs in public education.

Keywords: Child care, Organizatonal change, School age children, Workplace

Colorado Association for School-Based Health Care (CASBHC)

Annotation: The Colorado Association for School-Based Health Care (CASBHC) advocates for health care in schools for Colorado's children and adolescents. Established in 1996, CASBHC is a 501(c)(3) organization. The CASBHC's goals include that every child in Colorado: should receive the care necessary to optimize health and well-being; should have preventive and primary health care available where children are, in school; that good health is essential for student success and that delivering health care in schools will improve academic achievement; and that school-based health centers should provide children with the tools they need to make healthy choices now and in the future. The name has been changed to Youth Heathcare Alliance.

Keywords: Advocacy, Colorado, School based clinics, School health education, School health services, School-age children, State organizations

Education and the Public Interest Center (EPIC)

Annotation: The Education and the Public Interest Center (EPIC) at the University of Colorado at Boulder partners with the Education Policy Research Unit (EPRU) and the Commercialism in Education Research Unit (CERU) at Arizona State University to produce policy briefs and think tank reviews. These centers provide a variety of audiences, both academic and public, with information, analysis, and insight to further democratic deliberation regarding educational policies.

Keywords: Education, Health promotion, Research, School age children

First 5 Humboldt

Annotation: FIRST 5 HUMBOLDT, together with families and communities, promotes comprehensive, integrated systems of services for early childhood development in order to foster secure, healthy and loving children eager to learn and develop their full potential. Services include parent and family support; early childhood care and education; and health and well being support including mental, dental, emotional, social, and financial support.

Keywords: Local MCH programs, California, County programs, Family support services, School age children, Young children

Healthy Schools Network

Annotation: Healthy Schools Network is a leading national voice for children's environmental health at school. The network's policy campaigns address three core facets: 1) child-safe standards for school design, construction, and siting; 2) child-safe policies for housekeeping and purchasing; and 3) environmental public health services for children. The network's resources include fact sheets, guides, peer-reviewed reports, and state-by-state data and policy profiles. The network convenes the Coalition for Healthier Schools, which provides a platform and forum for environmental health through regular conference calls and annual meetings. The center's National Collaborative on Green Cleaning and Chemical Policy Reform in Schools has worked to strengthen certification standards for cleaning products; develop a training toolkit; and provide information and technical comments to policymakers, schools, and communities.

Keywords: Advocacy, Coalitions, Collaboration, Community action, Environmental exposure, Environmental health, Hazards, Health policy, Networking, Policy development, Prevention, Public awareness campaigns, Risk factors, School age children, School health, Schools, Students, Training

National Association of Private Special Education Centers (NAPSEC)

Annotation: National Association of Private Special Education Centers (NAPSEC) is a nonprofit association whose mission is to ensure access for individuals to private special education as a vital component of the continuum of appropriate placements and services in American education. The association represents programs that provide special education for both privately and publicly placed children and adults and serves as the national voice in Washington for its membership of educators regarding policies that affect individuals with disabilities. Activities include a free referral service for parents, educators, counselors, and others seeking placement options for individuals with disabilities, annual and legislative conferences, a quarterly newsletter, and a monthly national issues service covering legislative initiatives, regulatory actions, educational issues, and judicial decisions. The association also publishes a member directory.

Keywords: Disabilities, Referrals, School age children, Special education

National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatits, STD, and TB Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH)

Annotation: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Division of Adolescent and School Health promotes the health and well-being of children and adolescents to enable them to become healthy and productive adults. The website provides information on coordinated school health, health and academics, and school health surveillance. Publications and information on policy, health topics, data and statistics, program evaluation, training, and funded programs and funding opportunities are also provided. Success stories and resources for parents and teachers are also available.

Keywords: Academic achievement, Adolescents, Federal programs, Financing, Health behavior, Health policy, Health promotion, Population surveillance, Program development, Program evaluation, Risk taking, School age children, School health education, School health programs, Statistical data, Students, Teaching, Training

National Center for Safe Routes to School

Annotation: Established in May 2006, the National Center for Safe Routes to School assists states and communities in enabling and encouraging children to safely walk and bicycle to school. The National Center serves as the information clearinghouse for the federal Safe Routes to School program. The organization also provides technical support and resources and coordinates online registration efforts for U.S. Walk to School Day and facilitates worldwide promotion and participation. The National Center is part of the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center with funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.

Keywords: Resource centers, Bicycles, Child safety, Injury prevention, School age children, Walking

National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement

Annotation: The National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement was created to promote an appreciation of the role schools can serve to support students, staff ,and families at times of crisis and loss; enhance the training of individuals in school-related professional education programs in the areas of crisis and loss; link efforts to provide trauma-related and bereavement support services within school settings; and collaborate with professional organizations, governmental and non-governmental agencies and community groups to further help students, staff and families at times of crisis and loss. The center provides information, training materials, consultation and technical assistance for school systems, professional training programs, professional organizations, governmental and non-governmental agencies, communities, children's groups and projects in the areas of crisis and loss. Web content can be viewed in both English and Spanish. The center was established in December 2005 with funding from the September 11th Children's Fund and the National Philanthropic Trust. 

Keywords: School health, Bereavement, Communication, Coping, Disasters, Emotional adjustment, Grief, Posttraumatic stress disorder, Professional education, Professional training Spanish language materials, School age children, Support groups, Trauma, Violence

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Team Nutrition

Annotation: Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support child nutrition programs through training and technical assistance for foodservice, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity. The initiative provides resources to schools and child care facilities participating in the federal child nutrition program including educational materials and a newsletter. The website contains a graphics library, information on local wellness policy and training grants, and other resources.

Keywords: Child care centers, Child nutrition programs, Communities, Federal programs, Food consumption, Food service, Grants, Nutrition education, Physical activity, School age children, Schools, Students, Technical assistance, Training

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS)

Annotation: The Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS) administers, coordinates, and recommends policy for improving the quality and excellence of programs and activities in the following areas: safe and supportive schools; health, mental health, environmental health, and physical education; drug and violence prevention; character and civic education; and homeland security, emergency management, and school preparedness.

Keywords: Environmental health, Federal programs, Health promotion, Mental health, Physical education, Public policy, Safety, School age children, Schools, Violence prevention

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, School Health Resource Services (SHRS)

Annotation: School Health Resource Services provides technical information, resource materials, and research assistance needed to implement or improve school health programs and services. The reference collection includes administrative information on school health program establishment, evaluation, and revision, including development of school-based, school-linked health centers for students, staff, and families. Clinical references related to the care of school-age children and youth include national school health policies and reports, conference papers, demographic data, model programs, legislation, and historical data. State materials include policy and procedure manuals, school health statutes and legislation, and statistical surveys of school health activities. Examples of school health program reviews, continuous quality improvement programs, and minimum data sets are also available. Referrals, reference information, and publications are available to consumers. Other services include quarterly updates of What's New in School Health Resources, a newsletter, and resource packets on specific school health topics, such as needs assessments and school-based mental health programs. The organization's School Health Reference Database, which contains more than 5000 school health related documents, can be searched online (full-text copies of non-copyrighted publications can be ordered for a nominal charge).

Keywords: Model programs, School age children, School based clinics, School health

Youth Crime Watch of America (YCWA)

Annotation: Youth Crime Watch of America, the young person's component of Citizen's Crime Watch, provides an opportunity for students to get involved personally in creating and maintaining crime-free and drug-free environments. Programs are designed for use in both elementary and secondary schools. The organization conducts workshops; promotes the exchange of ideas and information; sponsors a national youth crime prevention conference; conducts on-site training in schools and communities; provides resource materials; and publishes a newsletter. Materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Adolescents, Crime prevention, School age children


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.