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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 6 (6 total).

American Academy of Pediatrics, Council on Environmental Health (COEH)

Annotation: The American Academy of Pediatric's Council on Environmental Health (COEH) advises the AAP Board of Directors on environmental health issues and supports legislative initiatives designed to protect the health of the fetus, infant, and child from toxic exposure and debilitating or hazardous environmental agents. The Council also leads educational initiatives related to children's environmental health. The website provides links to patient education materials, Council newsletters, environmental health-related articles in AAP News, and Council-authored policy statements on issues such as air pollution, lead screening, secondhand smoke, and radiation disasters.

Keywords: , Child health, Environmental exposure, Environmental health, Risk factors

Best Babies Zone (BBZ)

Annotation: The Best Babies Zone (BBZ) Initiative is a multi-sector approach to reducing infant mortality and racial disparities in birth outcomes and improving birth and health outcomes by mobilizing communities to address the social determinants that affect health. The uniqueness of this national initiative lies in the fact that not only is the approach zonal, but it is comprehensive – addressing four critical sectors – economics, education, health, and community – in order to strengthen environments that support better and healthier outcomes. BBZ is funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and is being implemented in three cities – Cincinnati, Ohio; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Oakland, California.

Keywords: Barriers, Cities, Communities, Community action, Environmental influences, Infant mortality, National initiatives, Public private partnerships, Racial factors, Risk factors, Socioeconomic factors

Healthy Eating Research

Annotation: Healthy Eating Research (HER) is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. HER supports research to identify, analyze, and evaluate environmental and policy strategies that can promote healthy eating among children and prevent childhood obesity. Special emphasis is given to research projects that benefit children and adolescents and their families, especially in lower-income and racial and ethnic populations at highest risk for obesity.

Keywords: Disease prevention, Ethnic factors, Health disparities, Health policy, Health promotion, Low income groups, MCH research, National programs, Nutrition policy, Obesity, Policy development, Risk factors

Healthy Schools Network

Annotation: Healthy Schools Network is a leading national voice for children's environmental health at school. The network's policy campaigns address three core facets: 1) child-safe standards for school design, construction, and siting; 2) child-safe policies for housekeeping and purchasing; and 3) environmental public health services for children. The network's resources include fact sheets, guides, peer-reviewed reports, and state-by-state data and policy profiles. The network convenes the Coalition for Healthier Schools, which provides a platform and forum for environmental health through regular conference calls and annual meetings. The center's National Collaborative on Green Cleaning and Chemical Policy Reform in Schools has worked to strengthen certification standards for cleaning products; develop a training toolkit; and provide information and technical comments to policymakers, schools, and communities.

Keywords: Advocacy, Coalitions, Collaboration, Community action, Environmental exposure, Environmental health, Hazards, Health policy, Networking, Policy development, Prevention, Public awareness campaigns, Risk factors, School age children, School health, Schools, Students, Training

Minnesota Sudden Infant Death Center

Annotation: The Minnesota Sudden Infant Death Center at Children's Hospital is a statewide program that provides information, counseling, and support to anyone experiencing a sudden and unexpected infant death from any cause. In addition it is Minnesota's resource for information on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and SIDS risk reduction, and conducts training and educational programs for health care providers, child care workers, and other professional and community groups. The center tracks infant mortality trends in Minnesota and participates in local, state, and national initiatives to reduce the risk of sudden, unexpected infant death. The center is a partnership between Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department of Health.

Keywords: Advocacy, Child death, Infant death, Minnesota, Parent education, Risk factors, SIDS, State programs

U.S. Office of Minority Health (OMH)

Annotation: The Office of Minority Health (OMH) was created in 1986 and is one of the most significant outcomes of the 1985 Secretary's Task Force Report on Black and Minority Health. The office is dedicated to improving the health and healthcare outcomes for racial and ethnic minority communities by developing or advancing policies, programs, and practices that address health, social, economic, environmental, and other factors which impact health. OMH programs address disease prevention, health promotion, risk reduction, healthier lifestyle choices, use of health care services, and barriers to health care. The OMH National Partnership for Action works to improve nationwide cohesion and coordination of strategies and actions to eliminate disparities and achieve equity. The OMH Resource Center provides literature, research, and referrals. The center also provides technical assistance to community organizations on HIV/AIDS. The OMH also offers a portfolio of cultural competency training.

Keywords: Health policy, Ethnic factors, Federal programs, Minority groups, Minority health, Program improvement, Racial factors, Risk factors


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.