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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (122 total).

American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC)

Annotation: The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) is a professional organization for poison control centers and individuals involved in clinical toxicology and poison prevention. Association activities include maintaining the nationwide toll-free number (800/222-1222) which reaches all U.S. Poison Centers. Other activities include an annual scientific meeting, certification specialists, data collection, and toxicosurveillance. AAPCC provides access to the New Core System Database (NCSBeta) -- a comprehensive poisoning surveillance database -- and annual reports (summaries) of data from the National Poisoning and Exposure Database -- which contains detailed toxicological information on more than 24 million poison exposures reported to U.S. poison centers.from 1983-2006.

Keywords: Poisons, Certification, Emergency medical services, Hotlines, Poison control centers, Population surveillance, Prevention, Professional societies, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Resource centers, Toxicology

American Hospital Association (AHA)

Annotation: The American Hospital Association (AHA), a membership association of individuals and health care delivery institutions, conducts research and education projects in areas such as health care administration, hospital economics, and community relations. The Resource Center offers ready reference information, research, document delivery, current awareness, and information alerting by searches of online databases. Services are directed primarily to health professionals. Some services have fees for members and nonmembers of AHA. A service and fee schedule is available through the web site at

Keywords: American Hospital Association, Health care delivery, Health care financing, Health services, Hospital administration, Hospital services, Online databases, Patient care, Professional societies, Public awareness materials, Research, Resource centers

American Psychological Association (APA)

Annotation: The American Psychological Association (APA) is a scientific and professional society of psychologists that works to advance psychology as a science, a profession, and a means of promoting health, education and the human welfare. Students may participate as affiliates. Publications include newsletters, catalogs, journals, abstracts, and many other materials. APA also sponsors conferences and workshops.

Keywords: Psychology, Advocacy, Behavioral sciences, Conferences, Consumer education, Information sources, Mental health, Mental health services, Professional societies, Psychologists, Publications, Resource centers, Spanish language materials, Training

ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center (ARCH)

Annotation: ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center assists and promotes the development of quality respite and crisis care programs in the United States. The ARCH National Respite Network includes the National Respite Locator, a service to help caregivers and professionals locate respite services in their community; the National Respite Coalition, a service that advocates for preserving and promoting respite in policy and programs at the national, state, and local levels; and the Respite Technical Assistance Center, which is funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging. ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center is a project of the Chapel Hill Training-Outreach Project.

Keywords: Advocacy, Coalitions, Crisis intervention, Family support services, Information networks, Life course, Resource centers, Respite care, Special health care needs, Technical assistance

Beach Center on Disability

Annotation: The Beach Center on Disability is a research and training center that focuses on families of people with disabilities. The center is funded in part by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education, and by private endowments. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. The center publishes a catalog and newsletter and sponsors conferences and training seminars. Some materials are available in Spanish and Asian languages. The center's Web site provides lists of groups and organizations in each state.

Keywords: Family support, Children, Developmental disabilities, Family resource centers, Technology dependence

Blue Star Families

Annotation: Blue Star Families is an organization by military families for military families aimed at supporting and empowering families, providing unflitered feedback to legislators, and helping non-profits connect the services they provide to military families. Founded in 2008, it has over 70 chapters on military bases and National Guard sites around the U.S. It has implemented a biennial Military Families Top Issues Survey. Its website provides blogs, media contacts, a resources list, and descriptions of programs, including Operation Appreciation, Books on Bases Smiles on Faces, Blue Star Museums (offering programs for military families), and other resources.

Keywords: Families, Family resource centers, Military

Catalyst Center, the National Center for Health Insurance and Financing for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Annotation: The Catalyst Center at the Boston University School of Public Health is dedicated to improving coverage and financing of care for children and youth with special health care needs. The center creates publications and products, answers technical assistance questions, researches innovative state-based financing strategies, guides stakeholders to outside resources, and connects those interested in working together to address complex health care financing issues. The center is funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Adolescents with special health care needs, Health care financing, Health insurance, National MCH resource center, Resource centers, Youth

Center for Mental Health in Schools

Annotation: The mission of the Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA is to improve outcomes for young people by enhancing policies, programs, and practices for addressing barriers to learning and promoting the field of mental health in schools. Through collaboration, the center focuses on enhancing practitioner roles, functions, and competence; interfacing with systemic reform movements; assisting localities in building and maintaining their own infrastructure for training, support, and continuing education; and weaving together school and community resources that foster comprehensive, integrated approaches to healthy development. The center sponsors the national initiative New Directions for Student Support, designed to revolutionize what schools do to address barriers to learning and teaching.The center is funded in part by the Office of Adolescent Health, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The center publishes newsletters and reports, maintains an open listserv, and sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Child health, Mental health, National MCH resource center, Needs assessment, Resource centers, School health, Technical assistance, Training

Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)

Annotation: The Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) serves as a central source of information and products for the community of Parent Training Information (PTI) Centers and the Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) so that they can focus their efforts on serving families of children with disabilities. The Center also works to increase the coordination of parent training efforts throughout the network and to increase Parent Centers’ knowledge and capacity in specific domains. CPIR's online resource cover key topics, K-12 issues, early intervention/early childhood, and parent centers' 14 priorities. Users can customize their online searches by audience, format, language, and resource producer. Resources are available in English and Spanish. It is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education. This center continues the work of the Technical Assistance ALLIANCE for Parent Centers.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Early intervention, Family centered services, Information sources, Parenting, Resource centers, Spanish language materials, Special education

Center for School Mental Health (CSMH)

Annotation: The Center for School Mental Health (CSMH) strengthens policies and programs in school mental health to improve learning and promote success for children and adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Clearinghouses, Conferences, Interdisciplinary training, Mental health, National MCH resource center, Publications, Referrals, Resource centers, School counseling, School health, School health programs, School personnel, School psychology, Spanish language materials, Technical assistance, Training

Children's Safety Network (CSN)

Annotation: The Children's Safety Network (CSN) National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center works with state and territorial Title V, maternal and child health, and injury and violence prevention programs to strengthen their capacity to create healthy, safe, and injury-free communities for children and families. The website contains state-specific injury fact sheets; information about specific injuries; best practices and strategies for implementation, key publications; links to related organizations, agencies, and resources; and webinars and other events. CSN's e-newsletter provides information about federal and national initiatives, research articles and best practices, and injury data. CSN is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s, Maternal and Child Health Bureau and provides services at no cost.

Keywords: Children, Injury prevention, National MCH resource center, Resource centers, Unintentional injuries, Violence prevention

Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center (PRC )

Annotation: The Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center (PRC) offers resources on spinal cord injury, paralysis and mobility related disabilities. The PRC is a program created by the Christopher Reeve Foundation (CRF) to provide a comprehensive, national source of information for people living with paralysis and their caregivers to promote health, foster involvement in the community and improve quality of life.

Keywords: Resource centers, Paraysis, Information services, Spina cord injuries

Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DRC)

Annotation: The Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DRC), a project of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, functions as a partnership with the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau and its users to advance the effective use of public data on health and health-related services for children, adolescents, and their families in the United States. DRC provides access to national, state, and regional data as well as technical assistance in the collection and use of the data. DRC's website includes data on over 100 indicators from the National Survey of Children's Health and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs. An interactive search feature allows users to select, view, compare, and download survey data for every state and HRSA region.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Child health, Data, National MCH resource center, Online systems, Resource centers, Surveys

Early Head Start National Resource Center (EHS NRC)

Annotation: The Early Head Start National Resource Center (EHS NRC) provides expertise, materials, resources, information, training, and technical assistance to Early Head Start and Migrant and Seasonal Head Start programs, technical assistance providers, and federal staff in all work related to services for infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and families. EHS NRC provides professional development and technical assistance supports such as the annual Birth to Three Institute and national orientation conference, special initiatives, audio-conferences, online lessons, data analysis, and leadership seminars. EHS NRC also facilitates networks and forums such as listservs and work groups, and develops resources such as technical assistance papers, tip sheets, webinars and webcasts, an electronic newsletter, podcasts, research briefs, e-mail digests, and white papers.

Keywords: Child health, Child care, Child development services, Early childhood education, Head Start, Low income groups, Nuvee, Resource centers, Training

Exceptional Children's Assistance Center (ECAC)

Annotation: The Exceptional Children's Assistance Center (ECAC) is a private nonprofit parent organization committed to improving the lives and education of all children, with a special emphasis on children with disabilities. ECAC upholds the right of all individuals, from all backgrounds and cultures, to an appropriate education and other needed services. The center seeks to make that right a reality by providing information, education, outreach, and support to and for families with children across the state of North Carolina. Through its Parent Training and Information Center and the Family to Family Health Information Center, ECAC offers parent-to-parent support, information packets, a referral service, parent education workshops and webinars, a lending library, and other resources and services.

Keywords: Family resource centers

Family Support Network of North Carolina (FSN-NC)

Annotation: The mission of the Family Support Network of North Carolina (FSN-NC) is to enhance the lives of North Carolina's children who have special needs or are at risk by providing support and information to families, by promoting family support, and by encouraging collaboration among families and service providers in the design and delivery of services. The Central Directory of Resources (CDR) provides printed information about disabilities and disability-related issues, and referrals to service agencies, support groups and advocacy organizations at the local, state and national level. Printed information is available to callers in North Carolina, and some materials are available in Spanish. Local Family Support Network programs provide a variety of community-based services, including peer support, workshops, NICU programs, sibling activities, and outreach to foster families with children with special needs throughout North Carolina. Family Support Network of North Carolina publishes a summer camp directory for children with special health needs in North Carolina.

Keywords: Family resource centers, Family support services, Medically fragile children, North Carolina, Stress management

Family Voices

Annotation: Family Voices aims to achieve family-centered care for children and adolescents with special health care needs. Family Voices provides families with tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private policies, build partnerships with professionals, and serve as trusted health care resources. Family Voices provides technical assistance, training, and connections among Family-to-Family Health Information Centers and partnering organizations. The website features health information and resources including publications, news, projects, events, and advocacy efforts.

Keywords: Parent groups, Advocacy, Children with special health care needs, Community programs, Consumer education, Family resource centers, Health insurance, Health policy, Legislation, Medicaid, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Spanish language materials, State children', State programs, s health insurance program

Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (F2F HICs)

Annotation: Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (F2F HICs) are family-staffed organizations that assist families of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and the professionals who serve them. F2F HICs provide support, information, resources, and training on health itopics such as health insurance availability; early screening and intervention; the medical home, appropriate transition services for youth; and leadership and decision-making capacity for all families. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Maternal Child Health Bureau (MCHB) provides the primary funding support for the centers.

Keywords: Adolescents with special health care needs, Children with special health care needs, Family resource centers

FIMR/HIV Prevention Methodology National Resource Center

Annotation: The FIMR/HIV Prevention Methodology National Resource Center aims to support the improvement of local perinatal HIV systems. The resource center offers information, training, and expert guidance to communities currently implementing, or interested in implementing, the fetal and infant mortality (FIMR) case review and community action process known as the FIMR/HIV Prevention Methodology Protocol.

Keywords: Case assessment, Community action, Disease prevention, HIV, Infant mortality, Perinatal influences, Resource centers

Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center

Annotation: The Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center (FCARC) provides information and resources for Wisconsin's prospective foster and adoptive families; public, tribal, and private agency foster care, child welfare and adoption staff; and youth currently or previously involved with the foster care system. To assist in providing and locating information, the FCARC provides a toll-free information line, e-mail contact, and comprehensive web-based resources.

Keywords: State agencies, Adoption, Child advocacy, Child welfare, Children, Foster care, Foster parents, Parent support services, Resource centers, Wisconsin

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.