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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 4 (4 total).

Equator Network

Annotation: The EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network is an international initiative that seeks to improve the reliability and value of published health research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting and wider use of robust reporting guidelines. Resources are provided in English, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Keywords: Guidelines, International programs, Medical research, Non English language materials, Reports, Research methodology, Spanish language materials

National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN)

Annotation: The National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) is a network of individuals working at the national, state, and local level in birth defects surveillance, research, and prevention. It serves as a forum for exchanging ideas about the prevention of birth defects, developing uniform methods of birth defect surveillance and research, and providing technical support for state and local programs. It was incorporated as a 501c3 non-profit organization in 2000, and aims to improve the quality of birth defect surveillance data; promote scientific collaboration for the prevention of birth defects; provide technical assistance for the development of uniform methods of data collection; facilitate the communication and dissemination of information related to birth defects; collect, analyze and disseminate state and population-based birth defect surveillance data; and encourage the use of birth defect data for decisions regarding health services planning (secondary disabilities prevention and services). The network holds annual meetings, and publishes an annual report on birth defects surveillance and prevention, a newsletter, and other materials.

Keywords: , Population surveillance, Congenital abnormalities, Collaboration, Data, Data collection, Genetic disorders, Information dissemination, Prevention programs, Research, Research methodology, Technical assistance

Oral Health Workforce Research Center (OHWRC)

Annotation: The Oral Health Workforce Research Center (OHWRC) provides research on the oral health work force to assist in future health work force planning. Projects include professional practice index for dental hygienists, Medicaid dental claims data comparison, dental assistant work force, federally-qualified health center case studies, long-term care health service delivery, and model case studies. Resources include reports and oral health data sources.

Keywords: Allied health personnel, Case studies, Community health centers, Comparative analysis, Data analysis, Dental care, Health care delivery, Model programs, Oral health, Research methodology, Work force

U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research (MCHB OER)

Annotation: The Office of Epidemiology and Research (OER) provides a central location for all maternal and child health (MCH) data and research. The office administers funds and other resources for grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements; provides leadership in assisting in the development of the National Survey on Child Health and the National Survey on Children with Special Health Needs; coordinates the Health Information Technology efforts of the Bureau; and disseminates information on data collection and analysis on women of childbearing age, infants, children, and children with special health care needs.

Keywords: Federal agencies, Health surveys, MCH training, Research methodology, Technical assistance, Title V programs


The MCH Digital Library is one of six special collections at Geogetown University, the nation's oldest Jesuit institution of higher education. It is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under award number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy with an award of $700,000/year. The library is also supported through foundation and univerity funding. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.