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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (66 total).


Annotation: AcademyHealth, formerly the Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy (AHSRHP), is the professional home for health services researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners, and a leading, non-partisan resource for the best in health research and policy. Drawing from the strengths of more than 3,600 individuals and 120 organizations, AcademyHealth provides a forum for its members to share the latest research, review and analyze health policy, and network with their peers. Services to consumers include publications and searchable databases. The organization publishes a journal and a newsletter, and sponsors conferences and workshops.

Keywords: Health policy, Health services, Policy development, Research, Training

Alliance for Early Success

Annotation: The Alliance for Early Success (formerly the Birth to Five Policy Alliance) provides leadership, funding, and curates technical assistance to improve state policies that lead to better health and economic outcomes, especially for the most vulnerable young children. The alliance brings state, national, and funding partners together to improve state policies for children, from birth through age 8. The website provides information about partnerships and grants. Resources address three policy areas (health, family support, and learning) and three policy foundations (standards, screening and assessment, and accountability). The alliance also published a blog.

Keywords: Child development, Collaboration, Family support, Grants, Health policy, Leadership, Learning, Public private partnerships, Socioeconomic status

Altarum Institute

Annotation: Altarum Insittute is a nonprofit health systems research and consulting organization. Altarum's technical service offerings are grouped into the following seven categories: health research, policy, and analysis; health program management, technical assistance, and evaluation; business advisory services; clinical research support and pharmacovigilance; strategic communications and digital services; conferences and meetings; and health innovation and technical assistance.

Keywords: Health policy, Policy development, Research, Systems development, Technical assistance

American Academy of Pediatrics, Council on School Health

Annotation: The American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) Council on School Health is responsible for policy statements from inception to education, implementation, advocacy, and evaluation. The council is a byproduct of the merger of the AAP Section and the Committee on School Health. The council's products include policy statements on soft drinks in schools and camp health. The council's Web site provides news and events, answers to frequently asked questions, policies, and resources for health professionals working with schools or caring for school-aged children in their practices, school personnel, and parents and other caregivers. Selected resources include Health, Mental Health, and Safety Guidelines; School Health Leadership Training Kit; Emergency Guidelines for Schools; HIPAA form for communicating with schools; pediatric school health contacts; school asthma materials; and the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement.

Keywords: Professional societies, School health, Policy development, School age children

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)

Annotation: The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) represents America's baccalaureate- and higher-degree nursing education programs. AACN conducts research, collects data, advocates, and develops curriculum standards and policy statements. Publications include the Journal of Professional Nursing, Syllabus (a bimonthly newsletter), and AACN Issue Bulletins (each focusing on a specific topic).

Keywords: Curricula, School health programs, Colleges, Data collection, Education, Nursing, Nursing services, Policy development, Standards

American College of Cardiology (ACC)

American Geriatrics Society (AGS)

Annotation: The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) is an association of health care providers dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all older adults. AGS advocates for high quality, comprehensive accessible care and promotes research that expands knowledge of the aging process and the health care problems of older adults. The society provides public education and information and conducts education programs for health professionals. Publications include patient education materials, periodicals including the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, and AGS's Complete Guide to Aging and Health (for lay audiences). Membership is open to anyone with an interest in geriatric health care.

Keywords: Older adults, Advocacy, Aging, Educational materials, Geriatrics, Information sources, Patient education, Policy development, Professional education, Public education, Public policy, Publications , Resources for professionals

American Health Care Association (AHCA)

Annotation: The American Health Care Association (AHCA) advocates for quality in long-term health care for elderly and disabled individuals. AHCA represents the long term care community to government, business leaders, and the general public, and works to effect change in the long term care field, providing information, education, and administrative tools designed to enhance quality on many levels. Web resources include consumer materials.

Keywords: Consumer education materials, Older adults, Advocacy, Allied health professional education, Disabled, Long term care, Policy development, Research

American Institutes for Research (AIR)

Annotation: The American Institutes for Research conduct and apply the best behavioral and social science research and evaluation towards improving peoples’ lives, with a special emphasis on the disadvantaged. Within the United States and internationally, AIR produces improvements in education, health, and the workforce; addresses the needs of individuals, organizations, and communities; designs and advances statistical and research methods; helps practitioners and organizations to adopt evidence-based practices; and informs public understanding and policymaking by the best evidence. Topics include child welfare, cultural competence, families, juvenile justice, mental health, school violence prevention and intervention, and schools and special education.

Keywords: Collaboration, Evaluation, Information services, Listservs, Model programs, Program development, Public policy, Research

American Medical Association (AMA)

Annotation: The American Medical Association (AMA), a federation of 54 state or comparable medical associations, works to promote the art and science of medicine and the improvement of public health. The association brings together 82 national societies representing a variety of medical specialties. Publications include the Journal of the American Medical Association. A list of publications and audiovisual materials is available. The AMA also sponsors conferences.

Keywords: Public health, AMA, Advocacy, Conferences, Health promotion, Physicians, Policy analysis, Policy development, Professional education, Professional ethics, Professional societies, Publications, Training

American Medical Women's Association (AMWA)

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)

Annotation: The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is a non-profit association that represents the public health agencies of the U.S. and territories and is engaged in a wide range of legislative, scientific, educational, and programmatic issues and activities on behalf of public health. Its mission is to formulate and influence sound national public health policy and to service state health departments in the development and implementation of programs and policies to promote heath and prevent disease. Program areas include access, infectious disease, preparedness, standards, workforce development, environmental health, public health informatics, state health services, accreditation and performance, and prevention and health promotion. Services to consumers include publications, newsletters (including the electronic Primary Care and Prevention Network News), and reference information. The Web site includes resources on evidence-based public health interventions and links to each state's public health department.

Keywords: Public Health, Access to health care, Advocacy, Conferences, Health promotion, Information services, Information sources, Legislation, Policy development, Professional societies, Program development, Program evaluation, Public health infrastructure, Public health programs, Public policies, Publications, State programs

Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN)

Attendance Works

Bipartisan Policy Center

Annotation: The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), founded in 2007, is a non-profit organization that works to promote health, security, and opportunity for all Americans. The center's policy solutions are the product of informed deliberations by former elected and appointed officials, business and labor leaders, and academics and advocates representing the political spectrum. Topics include health, energy, national and homeland security, the economy, housing, immigration, infrastructure, and governance.

Keywords: Economics, Government, Health, Policy analysis, Policy development

Board on Children, Youth, and Families

Annotation: The Board on Children, Youth, and Families was created in 1993 to provide a national focal point for analysis of child and family issues in the policy arena. With the National Academy of Sciences serving as its parent organization, the Board is established under the joint aegis of the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine. Overseeing a broad range of work, the Board convenes functions that foster the exchange of ideas among individuals with mutual interests, conducts large-scale studies in which experts from a range of disciplines and sectors are brought together, synthesizes research and makes recommendations on issues of national importance, and initiates shorter-term projects that examine time-sensitive issues. The work is conducted by committees with expertise pertinent to the issues under consideration. Priority areas of the board's work are: children and youth in precarious family circumstances, the social implications of the growing diversity of the childhood population, the science base for childhood interventions, and the quality of children's health care. Reference information and publications are available to consumers, and a publications order form lists all of the organizations reports. The Board also publishes a newsletter. The Board holds numerous meetings each year as well as public briefings and a regional journalists seminar designed to enhance media coverage of child, youth, and family issues.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Families, Policy development, Youth

California Food Policy Advocates

Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA)

Annotation: The St. Louis-based Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA), founded in 1915, supports the Catholic health ministry’s pursuit of the strategic directions of mission, ethics, and advocacy. As a large national group of not-for-profit sponsors, systems, and facilities, the ministry is committed to improving the health status of communities and creating quality and compassionate health care that works for everyone.

Keywords: Hospitals, Advocacy, Associations, Education, Health care systems, Leadership, Libraries, Nursing homes, Policy development, Religious organizations, Research, Statistics, Surveys

Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training

Annotation: The Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation, and Leadership Training is a partnership between the National Council of La Raza and California State University, Long Beach to improve the health of the Latino community on local, regional, and national levels. The center develops health programs for underserved Latino communities, provides technical assistance to organizations already serving in this capacity, and furnishes Latino communities with the research and education needed to facilitate the development of effective health programs and policies.

Keywords: Community programs, Health policy, Hispanic Americans, Leadership training, National initiatives, Program development, Program evaluation, Public private partnerships, Training

Child and Family Policy Center (CFPC)

Annotation: The Child and Family Policy Center (CFPC) is a nonprofit research and advocacy organization promoting outcome-based policies that improve child well-being. The center focuses on a range of policy areas in Iowa, including child care and early education, health and well-being, and family economic success. CFPC also conducts national evaluation work focused on early-childhood system building and policy development promoting comprehensive, asset-based approaches to supporting children and families.

Keywords: Advocacy, Child care, Child health, Children, Early childhood education, Evaluation, Families, Family economics, Iowa, Policy development, Program improvement, Quality assurance, Research, Systems development

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.