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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 5 (5 total).

Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children

Annotation: The Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children (TLC) promotes optimal human development from preconception through early childhood, offering guidance about consciously conceiving, birthing, and nurturing children. The Alliance synthesyzes age-old wisdom and leading scientific research in its efforts to champion a compassionate culture, capable of enjoying, learning from, and responsively and lovingly interacting with children. TLC hosts an online discussion group, produces an electronic newsletter, and provides parent mentoring and educational services through its WarmLine family support program. The alliance also posts annoted reading lists and publications produced by affiliate organizations.

Keywords: , Mentors, Human development, Child care, Community participation, Family support programs, Infant care, Parent education, Parenting, Preconception care, Prenatal care

Family Voices of Wisconsin

Annotation: Family Voices of Wisconsin promotes a system of comprehensive health and community supports based on fundamental principles that assure the health and well being of children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities and their families. The role of Family Voices of Wisconsin is to advocate for the inclusion of these principles in the design, implementation and delivery of supports and services throughout Wisconsin. Activities include supporting an active network of parents/families through our listserv, newsletter and website (; developing information to help families stay informed about public policy issues and connect families and youth to leadership and advocacy opportunities; hosting listening sessions to hear from families about their experiences with health care and support services and share this important information with policy makers to work toward improving their systems of care; providing training to families on navigating health and community supports; promoting a "family voice" in public policy, systems change and professional education; and nurturing strong family and provider partnerships in decision making, which can improve the quality of care and services children receive.

Keywords: Advocacy, Children with special health care needs, Families, Health services delivery, Parent participation

National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE)

Annotation: National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE) is a membership coalition dedicated to the development of family/school partnerships in schools throughout the United States. Members, including the major education associations and advocacy groups in the country, enable the coalition to present information about a broad range of training, publications, and other services that are available to promote community involvement, family education, family support, and school/family partnerships. Publications include A Guide to the Family Involvement Partnership Resources, which is designed for parents, teachers, school administrators, businesses, religious groups, and parent and community groups to identify a wealth of resources and services available from member organizations.

Keywords: Education, Parent participation

National PTA (PTA)

Annotation: The National PTA is a nonprofit association of parents, educators, and students whose mission is to advocate for children in the schools, the community, and before governing bodies, and to encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools. The organization sponsors Building Successful Partnerships, a parent involvement initiative which focuses on increasing the level of awareness and the implementation of the National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Program in schools. The National PTA also provides information on parenting techniques and activities for promoting family interaction. Online information is provided on legislative issues affecting children and on local PTA activities throughout the country. The National PTA sponsors an annual conference.

Keywords: Child advocacy, Family school relations, Parent education programs, Parent participation, Teachers

Parents Action for Children

Annotation: Parent Action for Children (PACt) is a nonprofit organization that works to raise awareness about the importance of early childhood development and school readiness. PAC develops, produces, and distributes resources for parents, early childhood professionals, child advocates, health care providers, policymakers and the media. The organization promotes public policies that help ensure our children have the physical wellbeing and the social, emotional and cognitive abilities they need to enter school ready to succeed.

Keywords: Infant development, Caregivers, Child development, Developmental stages, Early childhood development, Health promotion, Information sources, Parent child relations, Parent education, Parent participation, Parenting skills, Public awareness campaigns


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