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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (29 total).

ASPIRA Association

Annotation: ASPIRA Association is a national Hispanic leadership development organization that offers leadership and educational opportunities to Puerto Rican and other Latino adolescents. It sponsors a national health careers program that encourages Hispanic youth to prepare for careers in health-related fields, operates demonstration projects in Hispanic communities and has designed and implemented afterschool educational programs. Materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Adolescents, Child care, Hispanic Americans, Minority groups, Outreach

Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

Annotation: The Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives works within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to create an environment that welcomes the participation of faith-based and community-based organizations as partners in assisting Americans in need. The center provides technical assistance, collaborates with religious and neighborhood organizations, and provides training for center staff so that they can better understand how to reach out and partner with these organizations. In addition, the center offers toolkits, fact sheets, and other resources covering a variety of topics to enhance the work of faith-based and community organizations.

Keywords: Religious organizations, Community based agencies, Community programs, Faith, Outreach, Technical assistance, Training

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)

Annotation: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that analyzes issues related to government programs serving low-income people. Policy issues include health and food assistance, the federal budgetary impact on low-income families, affordable housing, the working poor, income support, and tax policy. The center's state low-income initiatives project works with state-based organizations and policy makers in low-income program design issues including child health and Medicaid. The center's WIC Project focuses on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). The center publishes a newsletter on the WIC program; distributes reports and analyses by subscription; and maintains an open listserv. The center's Start Healthy, Stay Healthy campaign enlists early childhood programs and other organizations to identify children eligible for Medicaid but not enrolled in the program. The center works with these groups to implement strategies for helping families overcome barriers to Medicaid application and enrollment. Outreach materials are available. Training sessions are provided as part of the Start Healthy, Stay Healthy campaign.

Keywords: Health care financing, Access to health care, Child health, Low income groups, Medicaid, Outreach, Poverty, Public policies, WIC program

Connecticut Association of School Based Health Centers

Annotation: The Connecticut Association of School-Based Health Centers (CASBHC) is a statewide network of 75 school-based health centers (SBHCs) operating in 18 Connecticut communities. The group was established in 1994, and received its 501(c)(3) non-profit designation in 1996. Members of CASBHC have collectively established a base of support for school-based health centers in Connecticut through community engagement, delivery of quality services, advocacy and effective marketing.

Keywords: Advocacy, Connecticut, Health services delivery, Outreach, School based clinics, State organizations

Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTAC)

Annotation: The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTAC) supports the implementation of the early childhood provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Their mission is to strengthen service systems to ensure that children with disabilities (birth through age five) and their families receive and benefit from high quality, culturally appropriate, and family-centered supports and services. The center is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. A publications list and online discussion lists are available on the Web site. The center was formerly called the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System (NECTAS).

Keywords: Early intervention, Children with special health care needs, Early childhood education, Information services, Outreach, Special education

Farmworker Health Services, Inc. (FHSI)

Annotation: Funded by the Bureau of Primary Health Care, Farmworker Health Services seeks to empower migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families to take ownership of their lives through its provision of health care, its outreach social services, and its promotion of preventive health care. The project places health professionals and allied health personnel at over 30 Migrant and Community Health Centers (M/CHC's) along the east coast during times of peak agricultural activity. It also strives to raise the consciousness of business, health care, social service, educational, and religious entities about the plight of the farm workers and to solicit their support. Offers referrals to consumers and sponsors outreach seminars. Materials are available in Spanish and Creole.

Keywords: Farm workers, Migrant health, Migrants, Outreach, Social services

Gladney Center for Adoption

Annotation: Established in 1887, the Gladney Center for Adoption is a comprehensive maternity home and licenced placement agency that provides services to people involved in the adoption process, including adoptive parents, birth mothers and fathers, and adopted persions. Services include residential facilities, medical care, education, adoption, and post adoption services. Gladney provides adoption of infants, African-American and biracial children, children with special needs, and children in foster care, and international adoptions. The center has 10 regional offices to facilitate client access and numerous parent support groups, called auxiliaries, that conduct outreach and public information efforts. The center also maintains an adoption education Web site that focuses on the adoption choice for pregnant adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adopted children, Adoption, Adoptive parents, Outreach, Prenatal care

Health Outreach Partners

Annotation: Health Outreach Partners (HOP) is a national non-profit health organization providing training, consultation, and information services to community-based organizations striving to improve the quality of life of hard-to-reach populations. HOP focuses on six priority areas that aim to increase access to care, quality of health services, and organizational sustainability: health outreach and enabling services, program planning and development, needs assessment and evaluation data, health education and promotion, community collaboration and coalition building, and cultural competency. Offices are also located in Seattle, WA and Washington, DC.

Keywords: Collaboration, Community based services, Cultural competency, Cultural sensitivity Advocacy, Health services delivery, Needs assessment, Outreach, Program development, Program planning

U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Annotation: The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is the lead U. S. Department of Health and Human Services agency for improving access to health care for individuals and families nationwide. The agency includes the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, which funds the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant, Special Projects of Regional and National Significance (SPRANS) activities and the Healthy Start Program. HRSA produces a catalog, and the HRSA Preview, which provides a comprehensive list of HRSA's competitive grant programs. The HRSA Geospatial Data Warehouse captures grants, scholarship and loan programs, designation of underserved areas, and service demonstration programs and integrates these with data acquired from external sources. The HRSA Information Center provides consumer information and referrals, a catalog of publications, and reference information. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Public policies, Access to health care, Child health, Consumer education, Federal agencies, HRSA, Health insurance, Health promotion, Healthy start, Models, Outreach, Policy development, Program development, Public health, Publications, SPRANS, Spanish language materials, Women', s health

HealthConnect One

Annotation: HealthConnect One focuses on collaborative work with grassroots maternal and child health (MCH) and social service providers. Activities include training community health workers (CHWs), including doulas and breastfeeding peer counselors, to improve the health of their own community; assisting organizations in developing programs that use peer support, incorporating trained CHWs into paid positions in outreach, health education, and community health advocacy; and mobilizing diverse stakeholders to build policies and programs that improve MCH in some of the most distressed communities in the country. The website provides information on advocacy; programs and training; news, events and resources; and ways to get involved.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Community based services, Community health aides, Home visiting, Indigenous outreach workers, MCH services, Model programs, Peer counseling, Peer support programs, Social support, Training

Hemophilia and AIDS/HIV Network for the Dissemination of Information (HANDI)

Annotation: The Hemophilia and AIDS/HIV Network for the Dissemination of Information (HANDI) is a resource center of the National Hemophilia Foundation. Handi maintains a comprehensive resource collection of educational materials on hemophilia and AIDS/HIV. Areas of emphasis are HIV risk reduction (including outreach and strategies for promoting and maintaining behavioral change in people at risk), living with hemophilia and AIDS/HIV, treatments for HIV infection, and finance and reimbursement issues. Publications include HANDI Resource Update, HIV Treatment Information Exchange, and various bibliographies, resource packets, and fact sheets. Publications are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Hemophilia, AIDS, Educational materials, HIV, HIV infected patients, Information dessimination, Outreach

Institute for Child Health Policy (ICHP)

Annotation: The Institute for Child Health Policy works to improve the health status of infants and children by integrating intellectual and organizational resources of the state university system to assist in the formulation and evaluation of health policies, programs, and systems. A major division of the Institute is the Center for Policy and Program Coordination, funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The institute sponsors conferences and training seminars and publishes a newsletter. Topics include Children's Medical Services, Florida's Healthy Kids, Florida KidCare, child health financing and reimbursement, and telehealth. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Public policies, Child health, Child health services, Children with special health care needs, Conferences, Distance education, Florida, Health care financing, Health insurance, Health policy, Infant health, Managed care, Outreach, Program development, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Spanish language materials, Training

Insure Kids Now

Kiwanis International, Young Children: Priority One

Annotation: Young Children: Priority One is a program of Kiwanis International that supports children ages 0–5 years in the areas of maternal and infant health, child care and development, parent education and support, and safety and pediatric trauma. Local clubs conduct projects on topics such as prenatal care, immunization, child care, and parenting. Some Kiwanis clubs provide services to consumers that include referrals, publications, and reference information. Some materials are available in Spanish, French, Italian and other languages. A catalog is available.

Keywords: Outreach, Public awareness, Public health

MotherNet America

Annotation: MotherNet America (formerly The Resource Mothers Development Project) is a national support network for community-based maternal and child programs. It works to strengthen at-risk families, help parents give their children a healthy start in life, and increase the capacity of underserved communities to sustain positive change. MotherNet America's own model programs -- MotherNet L.A. in Compton, California and MotherNet Loudoun in Loudoun County, Virginia -- offer culturally and linguistically appropriate programs including intensive perinatal home visiting and case manangement; case management for chronic conditions including asthma, obesity and diabetes; mentoring for children with a parent in prison; center-based classes on parenting, nutrition, family strengthening, domestic violence, health-focused English as a Second Language and health literacy-focused computer skills; school-based adolescent sexual health classes; community health fairs; immunization outreach; and health coverage application assistance. Publications produced by MotherNet America include the Women's Wellness Sourcebook, a guide for training outreach workers about a broad range of women's health issues; Curriculum Sourcebook, a guide for training outreach workers; and Home Visitors Handbook, a training text and field resource for outreach workers. The Home Visitors Handbook is available in Spanish and English.

Keywords: Home visiting, Outreach, Pregnancy, Resource mothers

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)

Annotation: The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion is a component of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Divisions of the center that are relevant to maternal and child health include the Division of Adolescent and School Health, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity, Division of Diabetes Translation, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Division of Reproductive Health, Division of Oral Health, and Office on Smoking and Health.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Community health services, Community programs, Data, Health promotion, Medical research, Nutrition education, Nutrition monitoring, Nutrition policies, Nutrition programs, Nutrition research, Oral health, Outreach, Physical activity, Prevention programs, Public health nutrition, School health, Sexual health, Sexually transmitted diseases, Smoking, Women', s health

National Center for Early Development and Learning (NCEDL)

Annotation: The National Center for Early Development and Learning (NCEDL) is a national research project supported by the U.S. Institute for Educational Sciences. It focuses on enhancing the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children from birth through age eight. It is based at the FPG Child Development Institute of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and is a collaboration with the University of Virginia and the University of California at Los Angeles.

Keywords: Child development, Research, Early childhood development, Outreach

National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC)

Annotation: The National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC) is a coalition of individuals and organizations interested in grass roots efforts to educate the public about cervical cancer prevention and outreach, new screening and treatment options, cervical cancer screening and follow-up programs, HPV, and the Pap Smear (both its limitations as well as its success). The NCCC also provides outreach support to women and family members going through the battle against cancer.

Keywords: Cervical cancer, Family support services, Outreach, Preventive health services, Screening

National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP)

Annotation: The National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) works with partners to reduce the burden of diabetes and prediabetes by facilitating the adoption of proven approaches to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes and the complications of diabetes. The website describes NDEP's partnership activities and provides information on becoming a partner. The website also contains a searchable database of educational resources, lists resources for specific groups, and provides training and technical assistance resources. NDEP is a program of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Keywords: Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Diabetes, Health promotion, Outreach, Prevention programs

National Program on Women and Aging

Annotation: The National Program on Women and Aging (formerly the National Center on Women and Aging) works to focus national attention on the special concerns of women as they age; develop solutions and strategies for dealing with those concerns; and reaches out to women and organizations across the country in efforts to promote the changes necessary to improve the lives of older women. The program conducts research, analyzes policy, supports community education programs, and provides online access to publications for and about women, including a quarterly newsletter.

Keywords: Aging, Education, Women, . Women', Community outreach, Health promotion, Public policy, Publications , Research, Resource centers, Retirement, s health

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.