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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (115 total).

ABC for Health (ABC for Health)

Annotation: ABC for Health (Advocacy and Benefits Counseling for Health) is a Wisconsin-based nonprofit public interest law firm dedicated to ensuring health care access for children and families, particularly those with special needs or who are at risk. ABC for Health's mission is to provide health care consumers with the information, advocacy tools, legal services, and expert support they need to navigate through America's health care financing system.

Keywords: Access to health care, Advocacy, Children with special health care needs, Health care financing, Legal issues, State organizations, Wisconsin

Academic Pediatric Association (APA )

Annotation: The Academic Pediatric Association (APA) is dedicated to improving the health of all children and adolescents by providing leadership in the education of child health professionals, research and the dissemination of new knowledge, patient care with measurable improvements in health outcomes, and advocacy for an equitable children's health agenda. APA provides online educational resources and research networks, legislative updates, and publications including special reports, a newsletter, and the journal, Academic Pediatrics.

Keywords: Child health, Adolescent health, Child advocacy, Pediatrics, Professional education, Professional organizations, Professional training, Research , Resources for professionals

Alliance of the American Dental Association (AADA)

Annotation: The Alliance of the American Dental Association (AADA), established in 1955, is a volunteer organization that works in partnership with the American Dental Association to advance public oral health. The website provides information about Alliance membership, advocacy, programs, publications, awards, events, and other resources.

Keywords: Oral health, Public health, Volunteer organizations

America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)

Annotation: America's Health Insurance Plans, formerly the American Association of Health Plans (AHIP), represents more than 1,300 companies providing health insurance coverage to more than 200 million Americans. Member companies offer medical expense insurance, long-term care insurance, disability income insurance, dental insurance, supplemental insurance, stop-loss insurance and reinsurance to consumers, employers, and public purchasers. AHIP's goal is to provide a unified voice for the health care financing industry, to expand access to high quality, cost effective health care to all Americans, and to ensure Americans’ financial security through robust insurance markets, product flexibility and innovation, and an abundance of consumer choice.

Keywords: Health maintenance organizations, Insurance

Arizona Department of Health Services, Unexplained Infant Death Council

Annotation: The Unexplained Infant Death Council assists the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) to develop unexplained infant death training and educational programs, to inform the governor and the legislature of the need for specific programs regarding unexplained infant deaths, and to approve and periodically review the infant death investigation checklist. The council consists of 11 members and is staffed by the ADHS Child Fatality Review Program. The council develops protocols for investigations of infant deaths that have no previously diagnosed illness contributing to the death. The protocols specifically address the need for compassion and sensitivity with parents and caregivers, include recommended procedures for law enforcement, and require scene investigations as a component of the infant death investigation.

Keywords: SIDS, Arizona, Child death, Infant death, Infant mortality, State organizations

Arkansas Center for Health Improvement (ACHI)

Annotation: The Arkansas Center for Health Improvement's (ACHI's) mission is to be a catalyst for improving the health of Arkansans through evidence-based research, public issue advocacy, and collaborative program development. It focuses on: (1) improvements in access to and quality of health care; (2) elimination of financial barriers due to a lack of health insurance coverage; and (3) mitigation of health risks in order to improve Arkansas’s underlying population health.

Keywords: Arkansas, Health agencies, State organizations

Association for Research on Mothering (ARM)

Annotation: The Association for Research on Mothering (ARM) is an international feminist organization on motherhood and mothering. It is housed at the Centre for Research on Mothering at York University. ARM is an association for scholars, writers, activists, professionals, agencies, policy makers, educators, parents, and artists. Its mandate is to provide a forum for the discussion and dissemination of feminist, academic, and community grassroots research, theory, and praxis on mothering-motherhood.ARM are committed, in both membership and research, to the inclusion of all mothers, First Nations, immigrant and refugee mothers, working-class mothers, lesbian mothers, mothers with disabilities, mothers of colour, and mothers from other marginalized communities.It offers an electronic newsletterm a journal, and other publications.

Keywords: Ethnic groups, International organizations, Minority groups, Mothers

Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI)

Annotation: The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) is an educational and charitable organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. There are Junior Leagues in 293 in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom, with more than 170,000 members. The organization publishes a newsletter and sponsors conferences and training seminars. The Web site features descriptions of selected community initiatives of junior leagues in specific communities.

Keywords: Prevention programs, Voluntary organizations, Volunteers, Women

Battle Creek Community Foundation

Annotation: The Battle Creek Community Foundation, founded in 1974, is a public foundation built by individuals, families and businesses that care about their community. The Community Foundation distributes grants to a variety of non-profit programs, organizations and other community-oriented charitable efforts that benefit Battle Creek residents, and scholarships to local students. The Community Foundation also provides broader, community leadership by bringing diverse groups of individuals and organizations together to develop community-wide solutions for problems and issues.

Keywords: Community organizations, Michigan

Bethesda Communities

Annotation: Bethesda Lutheran Communities offers Christian education and residential rehabilitation services to people with mental retardation. It also offers short term and respite care, a fully accessible camp, day services, and case management. In addition to its main campus in Watertown, WI, Bethesda operates 37 community living facilities in ten states. Through its National Christian Resource Center, Bethesda offers free information and referral services nationwide, systems advocacy, resources for special religious education, staff training video modules, and workshops for religious and secular providers. Conferences and training seminars are sponsored as well. Publications include a catalog and newsletter. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Case management Religious organizations, Developmental disabilities, Family support, Mental retardation, Respite care

Building Bright Futures

Annotation: Building Bright Futures is a nonprofit organization that serves the dual role as the State Early Childhood Advisory Council and the governance structure for the early childhood system, aligning the work at the state level with the work of 12 regional councils across Vermont to promote improvements in access, quality, and affordability of prevention and intervention services for families and young children from birth through age 6. This work includes maintaining a formal system for planning, coordinating, and integrating early childhood programs, policies, information and resources that is recognized, consistent and supported at the state and regional levels.

Keywords: Early childhood education, Early intervention, Public private partnerships, Service delivery systems, State organizations, Vermont, Young children

California Dental Association Foundation

Annotation: The California Dental Association Foundation seeks to improve the health of Californians by linking dentistry with community needs. The foundation reaches underserved populations through programs, grants, scholarships, and training. Educational programs provide participating dentists with skills to treat a variety of clients and opportunities to address the needs of critical segments of the population who have little or no access to oral health care. These programs include the Dental Professionals Against Violence, Perinatal Oral Health, First Smiles Education and Training Program, and the Pediatric Oral Health Access Program.

Keywords: California, Foundations, Oral health, Resources for professionals, State organizations

California Oral Health Technical Assistance Center

Annotation: The California Oral Health Technical Assistance Center (COHTAC) provides support and resources to help local oral health programs achieve their goals. It is a group of University of California San Francisco (UCSF) faculty, researchers, and staff with expertise in oral health. It works in partnership with the California Department of Public Health's Office of Oral Health Program and the UCSF Dental Public Health Postgraduate Program to create a healthier California through evidence-based strategies.

Keywords: California, Oral health, State organizations, Technical assistance

California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN)

Annotation: The California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN) works to eliminate health disparities by advocating for public policies and sufficient resources to address the health needs of all communities of color in the state of California. The network consists of four organizations representing different ethnic groups—the California Black Health Network, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, The California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc. and the Latino Coalition for a Healthy California. CPEHN's website provides access to policy briefs, webinars, race and ethnicity data, and a multicultural health library.

Keywords: Advocacy, California, Health care reform, Minority groups, State organizations

Carter Center, Interfaith Health Program

Annotation: The Carter Center is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that addresses issues of democracy and development, and global health in the United States and abroad. The center has developed numerous programs and projects to help fulfill its initiatives. The Interfaith Health program seeks to improve health outcomes through integrating the strengths and resources of the faith community with public health programs. The program aims to expand the definition of health as understood by public health professionals to take into account the potentials of faith groups as partners, especially in the implications for behavioral and social risk factors. The program also aims to expand the definition of faith as understood by leaders of churches, synagogues and mosques to take into account the potentials of public health science as partners, especially in the implications for prevention of suffering and health promotions as aspects of redemption and wholeness. Services to consumers include referrals, reference information and publications. The program publishes a newsletter, and sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Conflict resolution, Health education, Health promotion, International organizations

Carter Center, Mental Health Program

Annotation: The Carter Center is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that addresses issues of democracy and development, and global health in the United States and abroad. The center has developed numerous programs and projects to help fulfill its initiatives. The Interfaith Health program seeks to improve health outcomes through integrating the strengths and resources of the faith community with public health programs. The program aims to expand the definition of health as understood by public health professionals to take into account the potentials of faith groups as partners, especially in the implications for behavioral and social risk factors. The program also aims to expand the definition of faith as understood by leaders of churches, synagogues and mosques to take into account the potentials of public health science as partners, especially in the implications for prevention of suffering and health promotions as aspects of redemption and wholeness. Services to consumers include referrals, reference information and publications. The program publishes a newsletter, and sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Conflict resolution, Health education, Health promotion, International organizations

Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA)

Annotation: The St. Louis-based Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA), founded in 1915, supports the Catholic health ministry’s pursuit of the strategic directions of mission, ethics, and advocacy. As a large national group of not-for-profit sponsors, systems, and facilities, the ministry is committed to improving the health status of communities and creating quality and compassionate health care that works for everyone.

Keywords: Hospitals, Advocacy, Associations, Education, Health care systems, Leadership, Libraries, Nursing homes, Policy development, Religious organizations, Research, Statistics, Surveys

CavityFree SF

Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

Annotation: The Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives works within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to create an environment that welcomes the participation of faith-based and community-based organizations as partners in assisting Americans in need. The center provides technical assistance, collaborates with religious and neighborhood organizations, and provides training for center staff so that they can better understand how to reach out and partner with these organizations. In addition, the center offers toolkits, fact sheets, and other resources covering a variety of topics to enhance the work of faith-based and community organizations.

Keywords: Religious organizations, Community based agencies, Community programs, Faith, Outreach, Technical assistance, Training

Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare

Annotation: The Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare is a collaboration of experts from five Canadian organizations, including the University of Toronto, McGill University, l'Universite de Montreal, the Child Welfare League of Canada, and the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society. It provides the Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal for up-to-date research on Canadian child welfare programs and policies, a network of services designed to protect children from abuse and neglect, supports for families in difficulty, and children placed in out-of-home care.

Keywords: Canada, Child abuse, Child neglect, Child welfare, International organizations, Prevention programs

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.