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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 11 (11 total).

Cascade Policy Institute

Annotation: The Cascade Policy Institute is a free-market think-tank located in Oregon, focused on issues of individual liberty, educational choice, and limited government. It is a non-profit organization. In addition to the publication of papers, a newsletter, and research, the institute hosts speakers on public policy issues and facilitates Children's Scholarship Fund -- Portland, which provides private scholarships for several hundred low income K-12 students to attend the private schools of their choice.

Keywords: Economics, Government, Oregon

Georgia Health Policy Center

Annotation: The Georgia Health Policy Center was established in 1995 as a nonpartisan forum for consensus building among diverse interest groups. The Health Policy Center's fundamental mission is to improve the health status of all Georgians through research, policy development, and program design and evaluation. Located in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University, Center staff collaborate with university faculty and representatives of numerous organizations to assist in formulating policy at the state and national levels on health care quality, access, and cost.

Keywords: Health policy, Health services, Oregon, Research

Oregon Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Needs (OCCYSHN)

Annotation: OCCYSHN is Oregon’s Title V program for children and youth with special health needs funded by the federal Maternal Child Health Bureau, through a grant which is administered through the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center at Oregon Health and Sciences University. The Center works to promote coordinated, family-centered, community-based systems of care; provide policy and program development, population-based assessment and surveillance, and leadership for health systems and services in Oregon.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Family support programs, MCH programs, Oregon, Service coordination, Social Security Act, Title V, State programs

Oregon Community Foundation, Children's Dental Health Initiative

Oregon Department of Human Services, Maternal and Child Health Section

Annotation: The Maternal & Child Health Section seeks to improve the health of pregnant women and infants along a continuum of optimal development from birth to adolescence. Program staff from various disciplines work with parents and families to assess the major health needs of these populations. Services include supporting local health departments to plan, manage, and deliver perinatal and child health services including outreach, advocacy, systems development, nurse home visiting, and community-based health education; coordinating public health nurse home visits to pregnant women and parenting families to prevent physical, developmental, and emotional problems among high-risk infants and their families; providing statewide training and technical assistance on nutrition issues such as use of preconceptional folic acid and breastfeeding promotion; and promoting public health in child care.

Keywords: Child health, Infant health, Maternal health, Oregon, State agencies

Oregon Department of Human Services, Office for Services to Children and Families (SCF)

Annotation: The State Office for Services to Children and Families (SCF) provides information on interagency/comanagement issues related to service provision for children with who cannot remain home and need treatment for their severe emotional and behavioral problems in Oregon. Referrals are available for consumers, and some materials may be obtained in Spanish. SCF also sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Developmental disabilities, Oregon

Oregon Department of Human Services, Office of Family Health

Annotation: The Office of Family Health administers programs aimed at improving the overall health of Oregon's women, infants, and children through preventive health programs and services. Major activities include developing public health systems and services that improve both quality of and access to health care; working with public and private agencies to improve health outcomes; and promoting culturally sensitive services. Sections include women's health, perinatal health, child health, adolescent health, immuniation, oral (dental) health, and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).

Keywords: Adolescent health, Oregon, Sate agencies, WIC, WIC Program, Women', s health, Child health

Oregon Health & Science University, Center for Health Systems Effectiveness

Annotation: The Oregon Health & Science University is a public academic health center with a system of hospitals and clinics across Oregon and southwest Washington; it is also an institution of higher learning with schools of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry and public health, and a research hub. The Center for Health Systems Effectiveness has the mission to provide the analyses, evidence, and economic expertise to build a better and more sustainable healthcare system.

Keywords: Medical research, Medical schools, Oregon, State agencies, Universities, Washington

Oregon Health Authority

Annotation: The Oregon Health Authority focuses on lowering and containing costs, improving quality and increasing access to health care in order to improve the lifelong health of Oregonians. The Oregon Health Authority is overseen by the nine-member citizen Oregon Health Policy Board working towards comprehensive health and health care reform in our state.

Keywords: Costs, Health reform, Health services delivery, Oregon, Public health, State agencies

Oregon State Library (OSL)

Western States Genetics Services Collaborative (WSGSC )

Annotation: The Western States Regional Genetics Services Collaborative (WSGSC) is a federally funded project that seeks to improve the health of children living in the Western states who have disorders detected by the newborn screening blood test, birth defects and with other genetic disorders. WSGSC (working with California, Guam, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington state) has three main goals: 1) to establish and maintain the infrastructure needed to support WSGSC activities; 2) to refine, pilot, and evaluate a regional practice model that improves access to specialty genetic services, comprehensive primary care, and care coordination for children with heritable conditions living far away from comprehensive genetics and metabolic centers; and 3) to increase the capacity of the collaborating states' and territory's public health agencies to perform their genetics-related assessment, policy development, and assurance functions. The project is a cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Children with Special Health Needs Program, Genetic Services Branch.

Keywords: Genetics, Federal programs, Genetic services, Newborn infants, Neonatal sceening, California, Guam, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Public health, Regional genetics network


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.