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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 8 (8 total).

Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DRC)

Annotation: The Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DRC), a project of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, functions as a partnership with the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau and its users to advance the effective use of public data on health and health-related services for children, adolescents, and their families in the United States. DRC provides access to national, state, and regional data as well as technical assistance in the collection and use of the data. DRC's website includes data on over 100 indicators from the National Survey of Children's Health and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs. An interactive search feature allows users to select, view, compare, and download survey data for every state and HRSA region.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Child health, Data, National MCH resource center, Online systems, Resource centers, Surveys

DC Health Resources Partnership (DCHRP)

Annotation: The DC Health Resources Partnership (DCHRP) seeks to expand the community health care capacity for individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in Washington, DC. Funded by the D.C. Mental Retardatrion and Developmental Disabilities Administration, the partnership is a collaboration between a number of community partners, including Georgetown University's Department of Family Medicine, DC Area Health Education Center, Inc., George Washington University Medical Center, D.C. Primary Care Association, Project Action, DC State Policy Council on Family Supports, the Arc of DC, the Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities, and the DC Coalition of Service Providers. The partnership, which is administered through GU's Center for Child and Human Development, convenes expert panels (these groups meet four times annually), provides an online database of Washington-area providers, and posts information and publications for consumers and professionals on its Web site.

Keywords: Developmental disabilities, Regional programs, Collaboration, Community programs, Health care systems, Local government, Online databases, Special health care services

Guttmacher Institute ( )

Annotation: The Guttmacher Institute is a nonprofit corporation for research, policy analysis, and public education in the field of reproductive health. Services to consumers include publications and reference information. The institute publishes Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, International Family Planning Perspectives, The Guttmacher Policy Review, fact sheets, briefing papers, and special reports. A publications catalog is available. Some materials are available in Spanish, French, Asian, and other languages. The institute also has a list service, accessible through its Web site. The International Data Center allows users to build, download, and print custom tables, graphs, and maps using information from countries and regions.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Adolescent pregnancy, Data, Family planning, Foreign language materials, Information services, Listservs, Medical research, Online systems, Policy analysis, Prenatal care, Public education, Publications, Reproductive health, Sexuality education

National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH)

Annotation: The National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH) leads a national effort to collect, develop, and disseminate information and educational materials on maternal and child health. It collaborates with public agencies, voluntary and professional organizations, research and training programs, policy centers, and others to advance education and program and policy development in maternal and child health. The center maintains a reference collection of educational materials documenting the last 100 years of maternal and child health and publishes a variety of guides, directories, bibliographies, and newsletters. Additionally, subject specialists implement special projects in support of federal initiatives. NCEMCH houses on-line information on programs and products from the Special Projects of Regional and National Significance (SPRANS) and other projects supported by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The Center's Web site contains databases, bibliographies on maternal and child health topics, lists of selected organizations and MCHB-funded projects, information about Center projects, and selected full-text publications. Selected records from the Center's bibliographic database are available for online retrieval through the Center database MCHLine(r) and also through the Combined Health Information Database (CHID), available on the World Wide Web. The NCEMCH organization database is included on the DIRLINE database at the National Library of Medicine. Services to consumers and health professionals include referrals, reference information, and publications. NCEMCH publishes a weekly electronic newsletter, MCH Alert, which provides timely MCH research and findings, policy developments, information about recently released publications, new programs and initiatives, and conferences affecting the MCH community.

Keywords: Health education, National Information Resource Centers, Adolescent health, Child health, Continuing Education, Data Analysis, Data Collection, Databases, Dissemination, Electronic newsletters, Health promotion, History, Information Services, Information services, Maternal health, Nutrition, Online Systems, Public Policy, Public awareness materials, School readiness, Young children

National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

Annotation: The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network is a system of integrated health, exposure, and hazard information and data from a variety of national, state, and city sources. The Network's Web site provides information, maps, tables, and charts about health and environment across the United States. Additional features include communication materials and social media tools such as national, state, and city profiles; video; podcasts, and a discussion list.

Keywords: Adverse effects, Data analysis, Environmental health, Geographic factors, Information dissemination, Integrated information systems, National programs, Online databases, Public health

National Library of Medicine (NLM)

Annotation: The National Library of Medicine (NLM) collects and disseminates biomedical information and serves as a national resource for all U.S. health science libraries. In addition to its collection of journals, monographs, and audiovisual materials, the library has extensive information for scientists, health professionals, and the general public available through its Web site. Lending and other services are provided through the 5000-member National Network of Libraries of Medicine. Services provided to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. The library also publishes a newsletter and a catalog, and provides training materials on using its resources.

Keywords: Health sciences libraries, Libraries, Library services, Medical research, National Library of Medicine, Online databases, Online systems, Publications, Reference materials

National Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and Technology (NRC-CWDT)

Annotation: The Resource Center for Child Welfare Data and Technology (NRC-CWDT), formerly the National Resource Center for InformationTechnology in Child Welfare, assists courts, States, and Tribes by providing technical assistance on data and information systems to help improve the quality of collected data, build tcapacity to use the information for decision-making, and develop or improve case management and data collection systems. The NRC-CWDT works to improve the quality of data reported to the Federal Government in the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS), the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), and the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD). News, events, and research report summaries are posted on the website. The center is a participant in the Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network (TTA).

Keywords: Child welfare, Data, Information systems, Online databases. Resource centers, Technical assistance

SAMHSA Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Center for Excellence

Annotation: The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Center for Excellence is a project of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) devoted to preventing and treating FASD. The center has congressional mandates to: 1) study innovative clinical interventions and service delivery improvement strategies; 2) identify communities with exemplary comprehensive systems of care; 3) provide technical assistance to communities without comprehensive systems of care; 4) provide training to individuals in various service systems dealing with persons and families affected by FASD; 5) develop innovative techniques to prevent alcohol use by women in childbearing years; and 6) perform other functions, to the extent authorized by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, after consideration of recommendations made by the National Task Force on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The Information Resource Center within the FASD Center for Excellence maintains an online database of selected journal articles, reports, books, and other materials to identify evidence-based information on FASD. The FASD Center also publishes special reports and provides public access (by appointment) to its Viewing Library located in Rockville, Maryland.

Keywords: Alcohol use during pregnancy, Alcohol abuse, Disorders, Drug affected children, Fetal alcohol effects, Fetal alcohol syndrome, Online databases, Preventive health services, Resource centers , Service delivery systems, Substance abuse prevention, Substance abuse treatment services, Technical assistance, Teratology


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.