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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 9 (9 total).

Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children

Annotation: The Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children (TLC) promotes optimal human development from preconception through early childhood, offering guidance about consciously conceiving, birthing, and nurturing children. The Alliance synthesyzes age-old wisdom and leading scientific research in its efforts to champion a compassionate culture, capable of enjoying, learning from, and responsively and lovingly interacting with children. TLC hosts an online discussion group, produces an electronic newsletter, and provides parent mentoring and educational services through its WarmLine family support program. The alliance also posts annoted reading lists and publications produced by affiliate organizations.

Keywords: , Mentors, Human development, Child care, Community participation, Family support programs, Infant care, Parent education, Parenting, Preconception care, Prenatal care

Asian / Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA)

Annotation: The Asian / Pacific Librarians Association (APALA) was incorporated in Illinois in 1981 and formally affiliated with the American Library Association (ALA) in 1982. APALA works to address the needs of Asian / Pacific American librarians and those who serve Asian / Pacific American communities. The association provides a forum for discussing problems and exchanging idea among APA and other librarians; supports and encourages library services to APA communities; recruits and mentors APA librarians in the library/information science professions; and fosters cooperation between APA librarians and other organizations having similar or allied interests. APALA also seeks funding for scholarships in library/information science masters programs.

Keywords: Librarians, Asian Americans, Associations, Library services, Mentors, Pacific Americans, Professional societies, Recuitment

Birthing Project USA

Annotation: The Birthing Project USA is a national, community based, African American maternal and child health project that has been replicated in over 70 communities. The project provides training and support to women and organizations who are interested in starting a project in their communities; helps local projects identify and obtain necessary resources; and sponsors an annual training and networking conference. The project pairs male and female mentors (sister friends and brother friends) with expectant parents and parents of children up to one year old. The project also has three e-mail based groups that allow members, staff, participants, and supporters to connect with each other. It also provides a list of model programs.

Keywords: Blacks, Community programs, Mentors, Pregnant adolescents, Support groups

Camp Fire USA

Annotation: Camp Fire USA, with national headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., provides coeducational programming for more than 670,000 participants annually, through 120 councils in 40 states and the District of Columbia. As a not-for-profit organization, Camp Fire provides programs that include mentoring opportunities through community clubs and environmental education through direct child care services. Other innovative activities include an in-school, community-service curriculum, gang peace programs, pregnancy prevention programs, and a course that teaches teens to provide respite care for children with disabilities. Publications include a catalog and newsletter. Some materials are available in Spanish. The organization sponsors some conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Advocacy, Curricula, Mentors, Peer education, Peer support programs

Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)

Annotation: The Chinese Amerian Librarians Assoiation (CALA) is an active affiliate of the American Library Association (ALA) since 1976 and a member of the Council of National Library and Information Associations (CNLIA). CALA started out in 1973 as the Mid-West Chinese American Librarians Association (a regional organization in Illinois); a year later, the Chinese Librarians Association was formed in California. With the establishment of the Florida Chapter in 1998, CALA now has six chapters and members throughout the United States, as well as in Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. The assiation publishes a newsletter, an electronic journal, and occasional paper series; hosts a listservice; provides scholarships and awards; and sponsors workshops and annual programs. Through its mentorship Program, CALA helps prepare information science students for successful library careers; assists new and junior librarians; and allows seasoned CALA members to exercise their leadership skills, pass on their excellent experience, and invigorate the profession by making others successful.

Keywords: Mentors, Librarians, Asian Americans, Associations, Careers


Annotation: FosterClub is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supports youth in care by providing information about how foster care works, connecting them to peers and other resources in their community, and providing guidance on self-advocacy within the system and in the foster home. FosterClub also supports foster parents, child welfare professionals, and concerned citizens through connections to mentoring or coaching opportunities. The website provides access to research, stories, and discussion groups on topics such as adoption, sex trafficking, grief, healthy relationships, and transitioning. Information about training and state resources are also included.

Keywords: Residential care, Adolescents, Advocacy, Children, Foster care, Mentors, Peer support programs, Self care, Service delivery systems, Transitions, Young adults

"I Have a Dream" Foundation (IHAD)

Annotation: Founded in 1986, the "I Have a Dream"® Foundation is a comprehensive educational support program for youth (called "Dreamers") from low-income areas and under-achieving schools. Sponsors with the "I Have a Dream"® Program adopt entire grades from low-income public schools or public housing developments. The youth receive year-round programs of academic, social, cultural and life skills enrichment from elementary school through high school, followed by assured tuition assistance for college or vocational education. While funding comes from a wide range of organizations, the program's approach is more personal than institutional. Projects of the foundation have been positively evaluated by independent consulting and research companies. The foundation provides inquiry responses to consumers, publishes a newsletter, and offers conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Mentors, Special education programs

National Center for Dental Hygiene Research & Practice (NCDHRP)

Annotation: The National Center for Dental Hygiene Research and Practice (NCDHRP) promotes the health of the public by fostering the development, implementation, and dissemination of oral health research; establishing an infrastructure to support dental hygiene research; and strengthening the scientific foundation for the discipline of dental hygiene. Activities include grant training, research projects, and educational programs. The website contains research agendas, databases, funding sources, training, practice guidelines, sources of information on oral diseases and conditions, news, position papers, and programs. The DHNet Researcher's Network explores commonalities in research interests, offers opportunities to learn about new and ongoing research programs, and promotes collaboration to systematically and purposefully advance dental hygiene practice and education through research.

Keywords: Collaboration, Dental hygiene, Mentors, Model programs, Networking, Oral health, Research, Training

Public/Private Ventures (P/PV)

Annotation: Public/Private Ventures is a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the effectiveness of social policies, programs and community initiatives, especially as they affect youth and young adults. In carrying out this mission, P/PV works with philanthropies, the public and business sectors, and nonprofit organizations. Services to consumers include publications and reference information. Publications include policy papers, guidebooks, a catalog, an annual report, and a newsletter, Public/Private Ventures News.

Keywords: Adolescent fathers, Adolescents, Curricula, Employment programs, Mentors, Vocational education


The MCH Digital Library is one of six special collections at Geogetown University, the nation's oldest Jesuit institution of higher education. It is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under award number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy with an award of $700,000/year. The library is also supported through foundation and univerity funding. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.