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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 19 (19 total).

Annenberg Public Policy Center

Annotation: The Annenberg Public Policy Center was established by publisher and philanthropist Walter Annenberg in 1994 to create a community of scholars within the University of Pennsylvania that would address public policy issues at the local, state and federal levels. Consistent with the mission of the Annenberg School for Communication, the center examines a number of public policy issues including: information and society; media and the developing mind; media and the dialogue of democracy; and health communication. The center supports research and sponsors lectures and conferences in these areas. Publications disseminate the work of the Center.

Keywords: Research, Communication, Mass media, Public policies

Berkeley Media Studies Group

Annotation: The Berkeley Media Studies Group (BMSG) works with community groups, journalists and public health professionals to use the power of the media to advance healthy public policy and help people make their voices heard in a powerful public forum, and increase their participation in the democratic process. BMSG is a project of the Public Health Institute in Berkeley, California. The Public Health Institute (PHI) is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health, well-being and quality of life for people throughout California, across the nation, and around the world. PHI houses a variety of local, statewide, national and international public health research and education projects.

Keywords: Community participation, Mass media, Public policy

Boston Children's Hospital Digital Wellness Lab

Annotation: The Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School works to understand and promote positive and healthy digital media experiences for young people, from birth through young adulthood. The Wellness Lab conducts research, disseminates its findings, and produces guidelines for parents and teachers concerning safe and constructive uses of media.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Child health, Mass media

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Annotation: The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, an initiative sponsored through partnerships with health, education, medical, civic, corporate, youth, and religious organizations, strives to reduce tobacco addiction and exposure to second hand smoke among children. The campaign's goals are to change public policy regarding tobacco at the federal, state, and local government level; to counter tobacco industry marketing to youth; and to increase the number of organizations and individuals supporting efforts to fight tobacco use. Information is provided on federal, state, and global initiatives aimed at reducing tobacco use. State statistics on tobacco usage and tobacco related deaths, samples of tobacco advertisements and statistics on industry advertising costs, and news reports on tobacco-related studies and legislation are available through the organization's Web site. Fact sheets, special reports, and information on tobacco political action committee contributions are also provided through the campaign's research center.

Keywords: Tobacco use, Adolescent health, Child health, Media campaigns, Pubic policies, Statistics

Center for Media Literacy (CML)

Annotation: The Center for Media Literacy (CML) (formerly the Center for Media and Values) is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to promoting and supporting media literacy education as a framework for accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating media content. CML works to help citizens, especially the young, develop critical thinking and media production skills needed to live fully in the 21st century media culture. The center offers leadership, public education, professional development, and educational resources nationwide.

Keywords: Child development, Child health, Infant health, Mass media

Children's Digital Media Center

Annotation: The Children’s Digital Media Center (CDMC) is a five-university consortium of scholars, researchers, educators, policy-makers, and industry professionals whose goal is to shed light on how entertainment media impact the development of youth and to disseminate that information to policy makers and businesses to create a quality media environment. Funded by the National Science Foundation, CDMC is working to gain a greater understanding of how interactive digital media experiences affect children’s long-term social adjustment, academic achievement, and personal identity. A variety of related publications, including technical reports and presentation papers, can be downloaded from the Web site.

Keywords: Interactive media, Academic achievement, Adolescent development, Adolescent psychology, Child development, Child psychology, Consortia, Mass media, Research, Self concept, Social adjustment

CU Productions

Annotation: CU Productions partners with schools, colleges, centers, and affiliates to create visual stories worthy of the work they provide to the community. It offers a variety of video and media production services, including concept development, storyboarding, scriptwriting, high definition and 4K video recordings, live streaming and social video, post-production including editing and color correction, motion graphics, headshot photography and event video and photography.

Keywords: Mass media, Technical assistance

HHS Center for New Media

Annotation: The HHS Center for New Media promotes and supports the strategic implementation of new media across the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in health, communications, and government. The website provides a list of tools and providers that offer federal-compatible terms of service; standards and policies that impact the use of new media, and other resources. Media described on the site include social networks, photo and video networks, blogs, podcasts, and others.

Keywords: Communications, Federal agencies, Information networks, Interactive media


National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Community Health (DCH)

Annotation: The Division of Community Health (DCH) is one of nine divisions within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. DCH promotes sustainable community action to improve health and achieve health equity through four core programs: Communities Putting Prevention to Work, Community Transformation Grants, Healthy Communities Program, and Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health. DCH also hosts a searchable database of practice-based tools that support environmental improvements in communities to prevent disease and promote healthy living. Resources include webinars, toolkits, guides, fact sheets, and other materials. The Community Health Media Center is an online repository of advertisements and marketing materials about preventing obesity and chronic conditions. Its purpose is to share best practices, audience research, and communication materials.

Keywords: Community action, Community health, Disease prevention, Federal agencies, Health promotion, Mass media, Multimedia, Prevention programs, Public awareness materials, Sustainability

Peace Education Foundation (PEF)

Public Health Image Library (PHIL)

Public Health Television (PHTv)

Annotation: Public Health Television (PHTv) is a digital communications network designed to reach society's most vulnerable populations with information that can advance positive health and social outcomes. PHTv delivers health education and wellness programming to its network of flat-panel LCD television displays located in the reception areas of federally certified rural health clinics (RHCs), federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), and select public health facilities. The PHTv Network reaches patients / viewers at the point-of-care with targeted, culturally tailored and linguistically appropriate programming that creates awareness, encourages healthy outcomes, and motivates individuals to adopt recommended behaviors.

Keywords: Clinics, Consumer education materials, Health education, Information networks, Media, Prevention programs

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial (RFKM)

Self Reliance Foundation / Acceso Hispano (SRF)

Annotation: The Self Reliance Foundation / Acceso Hispano (SRF), a non profit organization, serves disadvantaged populations through disseminating educational information and facilitating access to community-based services. SRF specifically focuses on informing Hispanic people about opportunities for personal and community empowerment in the areas of health, women's issues, education, economic opportunities, science, environmental protection, and access to new technologies. SRF's national efforts include sponsoring the National Hispanic Resource Helpline which provides referrals to affordable bilingual information and services throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. SRF supports the National Hispanic Family Planning and Reproductive Health Awareness Campaign which raises awareness of reproductive health issues and increases access to reproductive health facilities by under-served Hispanic populations. The foundation also partners with the National Latino Children's Institute to develop educational programming for parents and caretakers. Local efforts in the Washington DC area include partnering with reproductive health clinics which target the needs of the Hispanic community, coordinating with local health fairs which provide information and services to the uninsured, and conducting reproductive health workshops in local community health centers. The organization offers internships and student fellowships.

Keywords: Hispanic Americans, Hotlines, Information dissemination, Media campaigns, Public awareness campaigns, Referrals

Sound Partners for Community Health

Annotation: Sound Partners for Community Health, a Benton Foundation program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is a national grant program that supports alliances between public broadcasters and local organizations that inform and involve citizens in making decisions about health care. Sound Partners publishes a quarterly newsletter and a weekly e-mail digest pertaining to health, civic journalism, and public broadcasting. Grants are awarded to public radio stations which submit proposals demonstrating how community-centered journalism can affect the ways in which local health care issues are addressed.

Keywords: Health education, Foundations, Grants, Media campaigns

Underage Drining Enforcement Training Center

Annotation: The Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (formerly the Center for Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws) offers training and technical assistance to help states and communities involved in enforcing underage alcohol access and use laws. The center provides both telephone and onsite technical assistance to state coordinators and offers training on policy development, law enforcement procedures, and media campaign strategies. The center sponsors regional workshops, conducts an annual conference, and hosts other special events. Resource materials are available.

Keywords: ., Adolescents, Alcohol abuse, Law enforcement, Media campaigns, Policy development,, Substance abuse, Technical assistance, Training

Video/Action Fund (VAF)

Annotation: Video/Action Fund, a nonprofit video production company, collaborates with artists, educators, grassroots organizations and community activists to produce video programs, television specials, documentaries, and multimedia presentations. Programs include Through My Eyes (a series on children who are victims of violence), Women of Substance (exploring issues related to pregnancy, addiction and recovery), Keep It Safe: Teens Talk about Sex and Responsibility, and We Are Not Who You Think We Are (women in prison for violent crimes talk about domestic violence and substance abuse). A catalog is available. Video/Action Fund also creates and manages media arts youth programs for young people facing difficult challenges to provide creative outlets for the expression of their concerns. Their primary goal is to facilitate the use of media to focus local and national attention on critical issues. Some materials are available with closed captioning. Materials are also available in Spanish. Video/Action Fund also sponsors workshops and training seminars.

Keywords: Advocacy, Media campaigns

WGBH Educational Foundation (GBH)

Annotation: GBH focuses media creation and production on children's media and education, journalism, history, arts and culture, and science. It aims to help trustworthy journalism be available and accessible to all people, of all income brackets, across every single region of America.

Keywords: Consumer education, Mass media


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.