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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (39 total).

Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP)

Annotation: The Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) supports state maternal and child health programs and provides national leadership on issues affecting women and children. AMCHP accomplishes its mission through the active participation of its members and partnerships with government agencies, families and advocates, health care purchasers and providers, academic and research professionals, and others at the national, state, and local levels. AMCHP tracks and analyzes emerging policy issues that impact family health and distributes the information to subscribers electronically via the AMCHP Legislative Alert. Issues areas include adolescent and school health; best practices; child health; data and assessment; family involvement; Medicaid, State Children's Health Insurance Program, and welfare; mental health; and women's and perinatal health. It also has a National Center for Health Reform Implementation.

Keywords: Maternal health, Advocacy, Block grants, CSHN programs, Child health, Children with special health care needs, Federal MCH programs, Guidelines, Models, Professional societies, Public policies, State programs, Technical assistance, Title V

Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH)

Annotation: The Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH) provides leadership in education, research, and service in the field of maternal and child health (MCH). ATMCH offers an interdisciplinary forum through which MCH faculty from schools of public health and other institutions of higher learning can share knowledge, ideas, and skills for educating students, advancing research, and applying research results to policies, programs, and services. The website contains information on AMCHP membership, leadership, meetings, projects, and awards, as well as links to MCH-related resources such as data, competencies, history, and training. Additional content includes a biannual newsletter and links to MCH programs in schools of public health and related organizations.

Keywords: Maternal health, Child health, Curricula, Health education, History, MCH programs, Professional education, Professional societies, Public health, Teaching

Baltimore City Health Department

Annotation: The Baltimore City Health Department advocates, leads, and provides services of the highest quality in order to promote and protect the health of the residents of all ages of Baltimore. Services areas include sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, Substance abuse, mental health and violence, acute and communicable diseases, chronic diseases as well as animals, bio-terrorism and natural disasters in businesses, homes, and neighborhoods.

Keywords: Health agencies, Local MCH programs, Local government, Maryland

Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI)

Annotation: The Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI) was established in 2006 within the Maternal and Child Health Department of the School of Public Health at UNC-Chapel Hill, CGBI furthers statewide, national, and global health by translating research and evidence into innovative program initiatives to increase understanding and support for optimal infant and young child feeding in relation to maternal and child health. The Institute works to normalize best practices of "the three B's" -- breastfeeding, birthspacing, and birth -- with attention to associated child health, survival, growth and development, and maternal reproductive health and survival. The website includes links to CGBI's breastfeeding-friendly initiatives, research findings, toolkits for action, and educational opportunities.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding promotion, Health promotion, Infant feeding, MCH programs

Center for School Mental Health (CSMH)

Annotation: The Center for School Mental Health (CSMH) strengthens policies and programs in school mental health to improve learning and promote success for children and adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Clearinghouses, Conferences, Interdisciplinary training, Mental health, National MCH resource center, Publications, Referrals, Resource centers, School counseling, School health, School health programs, School personnel, School psychology, Spanish language materials, Technical assistance, Training

Children's Trust Fund

City of Milwaukee Health Department


Annotation: CityMatCH is a national organization of maternal and child health (MCH) leaders working to improve the health and well-being of urban women, children, and families by strengthening the public health organizations and leaders in their communities. The Perinatal Periods of Risk (PPOR) Learning Network brings community stakeholders together to build consensus, support, and partnership around infant mortality data. CityMatCH convenes an annual conference, a webinar series, and leadership training for emerging and mid-level leaders in urban MCH. Resources include the CityLights newsletter, the MCH Life Course Toolbox, NewsBriefs, a Toolkit for Policy Development, and issue specific publications.

Keywords: State surveys, Health agencies, Immunization, Information sources, Local MCH programs, MCH services, Networking, Program descriptions, Publications, Urban health

CYFERNet: Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network

Annotation: CYFERnet is a national network of land grant university faculty and county extension educators working to support community-based educational programs for children, youth, parents and families. CYFERnet is funded as a joint project of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and the Cooperative Extension System. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Community based services, Child development, Educational programs, Family relations, Government programs, MCH programs, Parenting skills, Youth development

Family-to-Family Health Information and Education Center

Annotation: Mississippi's Family-to-Family Health Information and Education Center is a family-focused, family-managed resource center that empowers families of children with special health care needs to be partners in decisions concerning the health of their children. The F2F Center is a collaboration of The University of Southern Mississippi Institute for Disability Studies, the Children’s Medical Program of the Mississippi State Department of Health, and LIFE of Mississippi, Inc. Through project activities, the F2F Center works to enable families to be knowledgeable, comfortable and competent in addressing the Title V system with regard to their child’s unique health care needs as well as advocating for ongoing and continuous quality improvement. The Center is funded by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Disabilities, Family centered services, MCH programs, Mississippi, State agencies

First 5 Humboldt

Annotation: FIRST 5 HUMBOLDT, together with families and communities, promotes comprehensive, integrated systems of services for early childhood development in order to foster secure, healthy and loving children eager to learn and develop their full potential. Services include parent and family support; early childhood care and education; and health and well being support including mental, dental, emotional, social, and financial support.

Keywords: Local MCH programs, California, County programs, Family support services, School age children, Young children

HealthConnect One

Annotation: HealthConnect One focuses on collaborative work with grassroots maternal and child health (MCH) and social service providers. Activities include training community health workers (CHWs), including doulas and breastfeeding peer counselors, to improve the health of their own community; assisting organizations in developing programs that use peer support, incorporating trained CHWs into paid positions in outreach, health education, and community health advocacy; and mobilizing diverse stakeholders to build policies and programs that improve MCH in some of the most distressed communities in the country. The website provides information on advocacy; programs and training; news, events and resources; and ways to get involved.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Community based services, Community health aides, Home visiting, Indigenous outreach workers, MCH services, Model programs, Peer counseling, Peer support programs, Social support, Training

Healthy Eating Research

Annotation: Healthy Eating Research (HER) is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. HER supports research to identify, analyze, and evaluate environmental and policy strategies that can promote healthy eating among children and prevent childhood obesity. Special emphasis is given to research projects that benefit children and adolescents and their families, especially in lower-income and racial and ethnic populations at highest risk for obesity.

Keywords: Disease prevention, Ethnic factors, Health disparities, Health policy, Health promotion, Low income groups, MCH research, National programs, Nutrition policy, Obesity, Policy development, Risk factors

Healthy Start EPIC Center

Annotation: The Healthy Start EPIC Center provides training, consultation, and technical resources to community-based agencies working to give every child a healthy start. Healthy Start grantees can request technical assistance and receive help achieving their program goals. The Healthy Start EPIC Center is operated by the National Institute for Children's Health Quality.

Keywords: Federal MCH programs, Healthy Start, Infant mortality, Prevention programs, Resource centers

LEND Center at the University of Pittsburgh

Annotation: The LEND Center at the University of Pittsburgh (formerly UCLID) is an interdisciplinary leadership training program in developmental disabilities affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh and Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. Funded training opportunities are available to students enrolled in graduate and post-graduate programs in health care, psychology, education, public health, law, and social services. The program provides training with a focus on autism spectrum disorders, sickle cell disease, fragile X, and audiology.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Interdisciplinary approach, Leadership training, MCH training programs, University affiliated centers

U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)

Annotation: The Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) is charged with primary responsibility for promoting and improving the health of our Nation's mothers and children. As part of the Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, MCHB administers Title V of the Social Security Act. MCHB's mission is to provide national leadership and to work in partnership with States, communities, public-private partners, and families to strengthen the maternal and child infrastructure, assure the availability and use of medical homes, and build knowledge and human resources in order to assure continued improvement in the health, safety, and well-being of the maternal and child health population. MCHB administers major programs including the Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant, the Healthy Start Initiative, the Emergency Medical Services for Children Program, Traumatic Brain Injury, and the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. MCHB also provides a national hotline for prenatal care information.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Block grants, Brain injuries, Child health, Children with special health care needs, Emergency medical services for children, Federal agencies, Healthy Start, Hearing screening, Hotlines, Infant health, MCH programs, MCH services, Maternal health, Perinatal health, Title V programs

Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology and Statistics Program (MCHESP)

Annotation: The Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology and Statistics Program (MCHESP) helps MCH practitioners on the federal, state, and local levels to improve their capacity to gather, analyze, and use data for planning and policymaking. The website provides information about the graduate student epidemiology program including internships for public health students, the DataSpeak web conference series, and supported projects. Additional resources include publishing technical assistance, publications (chartbooks and databooks), and research and data.

Keywords: Distance education, Epidemiology, Federal programs, Graduate education, MCH research, Planning, Policy development, Population surveillance, Public health infrastructure, Statistical data, Technical assistance

MCH Training and Research Resource Center (MCHTRRC)

Annotation: The MCH Training and Research Resource Center (MCHTRRC) provides technical support to the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) Division of MCH Workforce Development, and the MCHB Extramural Research Program. Activities of the MCHTRRC focus on: (1) strategic planning and partnerships development; (2) communications and information dissemination; and (3) performance measure reporting; and (4) data analysis and information management. It is funded by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Child health, Federal MCH programs, Maternal health, Research, Resource centers, Training programs

MCH Training Grantee Network

Annotation: The MCH Training Grantee Network provides technical support and services to grantees of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau's Training Program, including Web development, elearning, video project consultation, digital storytelling, consultation, and technical training and tutorials. It also maintains Web sites for these grantee groups: developmental behavioral pediatrics (DBP), leadership competencies, leadership and education in adolescent health (LEAH), nutrition, pediatric pulmonary centers (PPC), and workgroups.

Keywords: Leadership training, Federal MCH programs, MCH training

National Adolescent and Young Adult Health Information Center (NAHIC)

Annotation: The National Adolescent and Young Adult Health Information Center (NAHIC) is based within the University of California, San Francisco’s Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, Department of Pediatrics and the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies. In its efforts to improve adolescent and young adult health, NAHIC focuses on the intersection of public health, systems of care, and clinical practice through research, synthesis, dissemination, networking, and partnering. As part of its work, NAHIC supports state efforts to improve care for adolescents and young adults. Current efforts are linked to the transformation of the MCH/Title V block grant program. In September 2014, MCHB awarded UCSF funding for two new projects to be carried out by NAHIC: the Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) and the Adolescent and Young Adult Health Research Network.

Keywords: Adolescent health, National MCH resource center, Policy, Programs, Resource centers

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.