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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (29 total).

American Dental Association, Give Kids a Smile! (GKAS)

Annotation: The American Dental Association's Give Kids a Smile Children's Dental Access Program (GKAS) is a professional and industry alliance dedicated to the elimination of cavities in U.S. five year olds by 2020 by nurturing and enhancing community-based children's oral health and wellness programs that are expandable, sustainable, and innovative. Each year on the first Friday in February, dental teams provide free oral health care services to children from families with low incomes across the country. The GKAS website provides a planning toolbox for local programs, resources and reports, information about sponsors and products, and frequently asked questions.

Keywords: Children, Community based services, Dental care, Initiatives, Low income groups, Oral health

Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF)

Annotation: One of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's main objectives is to provide the best available data and analysis on critical issues affecting disadvantaged children and families, as well as the knowledge and tools that practitioners, policymakers, and citizens need to advance their efforts on behalf of children. For more than half a century the foundation has worked to improve the futures for kids at risk of poor outcomes. Their mission encompasses direct support services to vulnerable children and families, and in recent years has used major grant making to support demonstrations, evaluations, and advocacy aimed at helping large public systems, as well as nonprofit networks, to become more effective in their efforts on behalf of struggling families and at-risk kids.

Keywords: Child health, Data, Data analysis, Family support, Grants, High risk children, Low income groups, Poverty

Brookings Institution, Center on Children and Families

Annotation: The Brookings Institution's Center on Children and Families focuses on the well-being of America's children and their parents, especially those in less advantaged families. The center's research and activities are designed primarily to improve understanding of the reasons for poverty or low income, especially among working families, and the potential of various policies to improve their prospects and the life chances of their children. The center includes a partnership with Princeton University and joint publication of the journal The Future of Children.

Keywords: Research, Children, Families, Low income groups, Policy analysis, Poverty, Public policy, Working parents

California Food Policy Advocates

Center for Law and Education

Annotation: The Center for Law and Education provides support services on education issues to advocates working on behalf of low-income students and parents. Its mission is to take a leadership role in improving the quality of public education for low-income students throughout the nation and to enable low-income communities to address their own public education problems effectively. Center activities include: advice and collaboration on cases, publications, training, litigation, and assisting parent and student involvement in education. Publications include a journal, and a quarterly newsletter that reports on legal developments in the field and several resources for special education advocates, such as Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities: A Primer for Advocates . A catalog is available. Some materials are available in Spanish, Asian languages and other languages.

Keywords: Education, Legal issues, Low income groups

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)

Annotation: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that analyzes issues related to government programs serving low-income people. Policy issues include health and food assistance, the federal budgetary impact on low-income families, affordable housing, the working poor, income support, and tax policy. The center's state low-income initiatives project works with state-based organizations and policy makers in low-income program design issues including child health and Medicaid. The center's WIC Project focuses on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). The center publishes a newsletter on the WIC program; distributes reports and analyses by subscription; and maintains an open listserv. The center's Start Healthy, Stay Healthy campaign enlists early childhood programs and other organizations to identify children eligible for Medicaid but not enrolled in the program. The center works with these groups to implement strategies for helping families overcome barriers to Medicaid application and enrollment. Outreach materials are available. Training sessions are provided as part of the Start Healthy, Stay Healthy campaign.

Keywords: Health care financing, Access to health care, Child health, Low income groups, Medicaid, Outreach, Poverty, Public policies, WIC program

Children's HealthWatch

Annotation: Children's HealthWatch, formerly Children's Sentinel Nutrition Assessment Program (C-SNAP), Children's HealthWatch works to improve child health by bringing evidence and analysis from the front lines of pediatric care to policy makers and the public. The network of pediatricians and public health researchers collects data on children up to the age of four in emergency rooms and clinics at Boston Medical Center, the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore; the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock; Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis; and St. Christopher's Hospital in Philadelphia. Data is collected and analyzed on food security, housing stability, home environment issues, health, and other possible hardship experiences for young children, particularly in low income areas.

Keywords: Child health, Child nutrition, Collaboration, Data collection, Housing, Hunger, Low income groups, Nutrition assessment, Public policy, advocacy

Early Head Start National Resource Center (EHS NRC)

Annotation: The Early Head Start National Resource Center (EHS NRC) provides expertise, materials, resources, information, training, and technical assistance to Early Head Start and Migrant and Seasonal Head Start programs, technical assistance providers, and federal staff in all work related to services for infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and families. EHS NRC provides professional development and technical assistance supports such as the annual Birth to Three Institute and national orientation conference, special initiatives, audio-conferences, online lessons, data analysis, and leadership seminars. EHS NRC also facilitates networks and forums such as listservs and work groups, and develops resources such as technical assistance papers, tip sheets, webinars and webcasts, an electronic newsletter, podcasts, research briefs, e-mail digests, and white papers.

Keywords: Child health, Child care, Child development services, Early childhood education, Head Start, Low income groups, Nuvee, Resource centers, Training

Educational Opportunities for Children and Families

Annotation: Educational Opportunities for Children & Families (EOCF) has been serving the southwest community of Washington state since 1967, when it was formed as a Community Action Agency to fight the War on Poverty. EOCF provides services to more than 2,000 low-income children and families in four southwest Washington counties through programs as Head Start, Early Head Start and Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP). EOCF offers a wide range of critical services to low-income children and families, including early childhood education; comprehensive health, mental health, nutrition, and disabilities; physical and developmental assessments; and support to families through case management, training and parent education. Translators are available for Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Keywords: Community health services, Child health services, Early childhood development, Family support services, Head Start, Low income groups, Screening, Washington

Health Consumer Alliance (HCA)

Annotation: The Health Consumer Alliance (HCA) is a California partnership of consumer assistance programs operated by community-based legal services organizations. Its common mission is to help low-income people obtain essential health care. Its two main priorities are (a) helping consumers establish or maintain health coverage; and (b) ensuring that low-income consumers with health coverage get good access to essential services, including through managed care plans.

Keywords: Access to health care, Advocacy, California, Health insurance, Low income groups

Healthy Eating Research

Annotation: Healthy Eating Research (HER) is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. HER supports research to identify, analyze, and evaluate environmental and policy strategies that can promote healthy eating among children and prevent childhood obesity. Special emphasis is given to research projects that benefit children and adolescents and their families, especially in lower-income and racial and ethnic populations at highest risk for obesity.

Keywords: Disease prevention, Ethnic factors, Health disparities, Health policy, Health promotion, Low income groups, MCH research, National programs, Nutrition policy, Obesity, Policy development, Risk factors

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)

Annotation: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation is a non-profit, private foundation focusing on U.S. health care issues, as well as the U.S. role in global health policy. Kaiser develops and runs its own research and communications programs, sometimes in partnership with other non-profit research organizations or media companies. The foundation produces policy analysis and research, serves as a clearinghouse for news and information for the health policy community, and develops and runs large-scale public health information campaigns. Information and products are disseminated via the Washington, D.C., Office / Public Affairs Center, comprising the Barbara Jordan Conference Center, the Third Floor Visitors' Center, and the Kaiser Broadcast Studio. The foundation also hosts a number of websites including,,,,, and

Keywords: Foundations, AIDS, Access to health care, Curricula, Data analysis, Grants, HIV, Health policy, Health promotion, Health services, Information sources, Low income groups, Minority groups, Philanthropy, Publications, Reproductive health, Research, Spanish language materials

Kaiser Program on Medicaid and the Uninsured

Annotation: The Kaiser Program on Medicaid and the Uninsured serves as a resource for policymakers, the media, and organizations seeking information on health care for the low-income population and the Medicaid program. Its work focuses on health policy issues at the national and state level, including Medicaid and health reform, access to care, and health care financing for the low-income population. The Program provides information and analysis on health care coverage and access to care, the role of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and coverage of the uninsured to inform policy discussions. The Program collects and analyzes policy and data at the state and federal level on eligibility and enrollment; spending, coverage, and care delivery; long term services and supports; and Medicaid’s role for high-need populations and dual eligible beneficiaries. The Program was formerly the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, chaired by James R. Tallon, Jr., with a bipartisan advisory group of national leaders and experts in health care and public policy from 1991–2016.

Keywords: Access to health care, Children', Eligibility, Enrollment, Health care costs, Health care financing, Health care reform, Health policy, Low income groups, Medicaid, Uninsured persons, s Health Insurance Program


Annotation: MDRC conducts large-scale evaluations of policies and programs targeted to individuals and populations with low incomes. Project areas include promoting family well-being and child development, improving public education, promoting successful transitions to adulthood, supporting low-wage workers and communities, and overcoming barriers to employment. The website features news, publications, and other resources for practice and research.

Keywords: Low income groups, Policy analysis, Program evaluation

National Association of Commissions for Women (NACW)

Annotation: NACW is a non-partisan membership organization composed of regional, state, county and local commissions created to improve the status of women. NACW serves as a national voice for commissions for women in the United States, its territories, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. NACW advocates on myriad public issues in efforts to attain equity and justice for women and their families in the home and in the workplace. NACW helps low income women become self-sufficient, encourages job development, and supports women's health initatives, research, and other action agendas.

Keywords: Low income groups, Women, Advocacy, Employment, Gender discrimination, Government, Public policies, Research, Women', Work family issues, s health

National Center for Youth Law (NCYL)

Annotation: The National Center for Youth Law (NCYL) is a nonprofit organization that provides legal assistance to attorneys and other professionals working on behalf of low-income children and youth. The Center engages in litigation, and provides a range of support services in foster care, juvenile justice, public benefits, and health. Publications include Youth Law News , a journal published six times a year. Some materials are available in Spanish. Services to consumers include referrals and publications. The Center's health care work focuses on mental and adolescent health, including issues in health privacy, access, health services for foster children, and minor consent issues. The center sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Adolescents, AIDS, Access to health care, Advocacy, CSHN programs, Confidentiality, Drug affected infants, Financing, Foster care, Legal assistance, Low income groups, Public policies, Support groups

National WIC Association (NWA)

Annotation: The National WIC Association (NWA), formerly the National Association of WIC Directors, supports the WIC community through promoting quality nutrition services, advocating for services for all eligible recipients, and assuring sound and responsive management of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). NWA represents the 87 state, territorial, and Native American WIC directors, 2,088 state and local agencies that provide quality nutrition education, breastfeeding support, health care and other services to nearly 7.5 million women, infants, and children in over 10,000 WIC clinics nationwide. The association publishes a newsletter, and sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: WIC Program, Advocacy, Health services, Low income groups, Nutrition education, Professional societies, State health agencies, Women

New York City Human Resources Administration

Annotation: The New York City Human Resources Administration/ Department of Social Services (HRA/DSS) provides temporary help to individuals and families with social service and economic needs to assist them in reaching self-sufficiency. HRA serves more than 3 million New Yorkers through essential and diverse programs and services that include: temporary cash assistance, public health insurance, food stamps, home care for seniors and the disabled, child care, adult protective services, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS support services and child support enforcement.

Keywords: Health insurance, Local government, Low income groups, New York

U.S. Office of Head Start (OHS)

Annotation: The Office of Head Start (OHS) advises the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families on issues regarding the Head Start program (including Early Head Start). The Office develops legislative and budgetary proposals; identifies areas for research, demonstration, and developmental activities; presents operational planning objectives and initiatives relating to Head Start; and oversees the progress of approved activities. OHS provides leadership and coordination for the activities of the Head Start program in the ACF Central Office including the Head Start Regional Program Units. The Office represents Head Start in inter-agency activities with other Federal and non-Federal organizations. Early Head Start promotes healthy prenatal outcomes, enhances the development of infants and toddlers, and promotes healthy family functioning.

Keywords: Child care, Child development services, Child health, Early childhood education, Federal agencies, Low income groups, Preschool children

U.S. Office of Population Affairs (OPA)

Annotation: The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) administers two grant programs, each of which has as its primary goal the prevention of unintended pregnancy. Title X, National Family Planning Program, funds family planning clinics which provide comprehensive reproductive health services to low income and minority populations at high risk for unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The Title XX Adolescent Family Life Program funds demonstration grants designed to develop innovative abstinence-based approaches for preventing early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy and providing health, education and social services to pregnant and parenting adolescents and their families to help them improve their parenting skills and develop self-sufficiency. Publications are available through the Office of Population Affairs Clearinghouse.

Keywords: Family planning, Abstinence, Adolescent pregnancy, Information sources, Low income groups, Minority groups, Parenting skills, Program descriptions, Public Health Service Act, Title X, Publications, Reproductive health

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.