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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (36 total).

American Association of Suicidology (AAS)

Annotation: The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) is a nonprofit organization that strives to understand and prevent suicide through research, public awareness programs, and education and training for professionals and volunteers. Members include mental health professionals, researchers, suicide prevention and crisis intervention centers, school districts, crisis center volunteers, and survivors of suicide. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. Some materials are available in Spanish. AAS also maintains a listserv and develops public service announcements and pamphlets on suicide prevention, and members work with the media as consultants and participants in stories involving suicide-related issues. Publications include a bi-monthly journal, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviors; a quarterly newsletter, Newslink; a quarterly newsletter, Surviving Suicide; and conference proceedings.

Keywords: Suicide prevention, Attempted suicide, Crisis intervention, Health education, Information services, Mental health, Public awareness campaigns, Suicide, Training

American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD)

Annotation: The American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) advances health promotion and wellness initiatives for children and adults with disabilities. AAHD accomplishes its mission through advocacy, education, public awareness, and research efforts at the federal, state, and community levels. The website contains the Health Promotion and Wellness Resource Center for People with Disabilities, which provides abstracts, best practices, data, links, fact sheets, presentations, and state resources on primary conditions, secondary conditions, and other health and disability-related topics. Additional content includes the Disability and Health Journal, news, initiatives, a public policy center, and membership and scholarship information.

Keywords: Disabilities, Access to health care, Advocacy, Education, Information dissemination, Intervention, Prevention services, Research

American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Research Center (AIANHSRC)

Annotation: The American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Research Center (AIANHSRC) operationalizes and implements a research and training agenda for American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start and Early Head Start Programs. The center addresses gaps in knowledge relevant to early childhood intervention in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities through implementation of the following objectives: (1) to establish an infrastructure for addressing the needs of AI/AN and Head Start (HS) research; (2) to facilitate the conduct of research that will address the needs of AI/AN communities, their HS programs, and university-based researchers; and (3) to develop the capacity for future research in AI/AN HS.

Keywords: American Indians, Head Start, Alaska natives, Early intervention, Research, Young children

Any Baby Can (ABC)

Annotation: Established in 1982, Any Baby Can (ABC) is a networking effort to link all services for high-risk babies and children with developmental delays in San Antonio and Austin, Texas, and in the surrounding region. The organization also provides support services for families in crisis situations and sponsors A Vision for Children Center advocacy and networking coalition as well as training seminars. Any Baby Can has been nationally recognized for innovative efforts that include the ABC Baby Helpline, Crisis Fund for Infants, and intergenerational Family Friends. Any Baby Can created the Texas Respite Resource Network, Children's Transplant Association of Texas, the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Support Group of San Antonio, and the Tiny Trax program for very low birth weight babies. Publications include a quarterly newsletter, brochures, and a childhood development checklist. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: High risk infants, Advocacy, Early intervention, Family support, Infant stimulation, Support groups, Texas

ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center (ARCH)

Annotation: ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center assists and promotes the development of quality respite and crisis care programs in the United States. The ARCH National Respite Network includes the National Respite Locator, a service to help caregivers and professionals locate respite services in their community; the National Respite Coalition, a service that advocates for preserving and promoting respite in policy and programs at the national, state, and local levels; and the Respite Technical Assistance Center, which is funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging. ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center is a project of the Chapel Hill Training-Outreach Project.

Keywords: Advocacy, Coalitions, Crisis intervention, Family support services, Information networks, Life course, Resource centers, Respite care, Special health care needs, Technical assistance

Beckwith-Wiedemann Support Network (BWSN)

Annotation: The Beckwith-Wiedemann Support Network (BWSN) is a national nonprofit organization for parents of children with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) and concerned professionals. It provides information and peer support to people and families affected by BWS, works to increase public and professional awareness of BWS, and encourages research into the cause, early (including prenatal) detection, and treatment of BWS. Publications include a parent directory for family members, a newsletter produced three times a year, and a brochure, What is Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome? The network is a member of the International Beckwith-Wiedemann Association. BWSN also does cross references to Simpson-Golabi-Behemel Syndrome. SGBS has similar characteristics and parents with children diagnosed with SGBS can be members here and receive information.

Keywords: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Early intervention, Information services, Parent groups, Peer support Programs, Simpson-Golabi-Behemel syndrome, Support groups

Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA)

Annotation: Founded in 1980, the Brain Injury Association of America seeks to create a better future through brain injury prevention, research, education and advocacy. Services to consumers include inquiry responses, information packets, and referrals to local resources. Publications include The National Directory of Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services, various brochures, including the eight-part "Road to Rehabilitation" series. Some materials are available in Spanish. The association also sponsors workshops, conferences, training seminars, and Brain Surgery Awareness Month in March.

Keywords: Advocacy, Brain injuries, Support groups, Education, Injury prevention, Intervention, Long term care, Rehabilitation, Research, Therapeutics, Trauma

Build Initiative

Annotation: BUILD is a national initiative that helps state leaders prepare young children aged birth to five to succeed by helping their families access high quality early learning; family and parenting support; early intervention for children with special needs; and comprehensive health mental health and nutritional services. BUILD assists states in planning and implementing a comprehensive early childhood “system of systems” that crosses policy domains and helps ensure that families get the services they need. It was created in 2002 by the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative (ECFC), a consortium of private foundations.

Keywords: Child mental health, Early intervention, Families, Family support services, Infants, Young children, Special health care needs

Building Bright Futures

Annotation: Building Bright Futures is a nonprofit organization that serves the dual role as the State Early Childhood Advisory Council and the governance structure for the early childhood system, aligning the work at the state level with the work of 12 regional councils across Vermont to promote improvements in access, quality, and affordability of prevention and intervention services for families and young children from birth through age 6. This work includes maintaining a formal system for planning, coordinating, and integrating early childhood programs, policies, information and resources that is recognized, consistent and supported at the state and regional levels.

Keywords: Early childhood education, Early intervention, Public private partnerships, Service delivery systems, State organizations, Vermont, Young children

Catherine E. Cutler Institute for Child and Family Policy

Annotation: The Catherine E. Cutler Institute for Child and Family Policy is funded by the Child Care Bureau to conduct a mixed method, in-depth case study in Colorado to examine current practice across systems in order to determine the degree to which the educational needs of children younger than five in the child welfare system are being addressed through collaborations between child welfare agencies, early intervention/preschool special education programs under IDEA and quality early care and education programs. The Institute also identifies best practices and develops policy recommendations for how the multiple agencies which provide these services can better coordinate their efforts.

Keywords: Child development, Child welfare, Collaboration, Early childhood education, Early intervention services, School readiness, Service integration, Young children

Center for Best Practices in Early Childhood Education

Annotation: The Center for Best Practices in Early Childhood Education in the College of Education and Human Services at Western Illinois University provides products, training materials, conference presentations and workshops on topics relating to technology and early childhood. Catalogs of various software, print, and video products and complimentary copies of ACTTive Technology, the Center's quarterly publication dedicated to technology and young children with disabilities, are available upon request.

Keywords: Technology, Children with special health care needs, Early childhood education, Early intervention

Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)

Annotation: The Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) serves as a central source of information and products for the community of Parent Training Information (PTI) Centers and the Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) so that they can focus their efforts on serving families of children with disabilities. The Center also works to increase the coordination of parent training efforts throughout the network and to increase Parent Centers’ knowledge and capacity in specific domains. CPIR's online resource cover key topics, K-12 issues, early intervention/early childhood, and parent centers' 14 priorities. Users can customize their online searches by audience, format, language, and resource producer. Resources are available in English and Spanish. It is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education. This center continues the work of the Technical Assistance ALLIANCE for Parent Centers.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Early intervention, Family centered services, Information sources, Parenting, Resource centers, Spanish language materials, Special education

Center for Schools and Communities

Annotation: Since 1988, the Center for Schools and Communities has been committed to improving outcomes for children and families through training, technical assistance, program evaluation, research, and resource development. The center's work focuses on prevention and intervention initiatives operated by schools, organizations, and agencies serving children, youth, and families. The website provides information about professional development, initiatives, and right-to-know compliance.

Keywords: Children, Communities, Families, Intervention, Prevention, Program evaluation, Research, Schools, Technical assistance, Training

Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline

Annotation: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline offers crisis intervention, information, and referrals to emergency, social service, and support resources. Dedicated to the prevention of child abuse, the hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with professional crisis counselors who, through interpreters, can provide assistance in 170 languages, including Spanish. All calls are anonymous and confidential. The hotline number is (800) 4-A-CHILD (800) 422-4453.

Keywords: Child abuse, Crisis intervention, Hotlines, Non English language materials, Prevention, Spanish language materials

Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTAC)

Annotation: The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTAC) supports the implementation of the early childhood provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Their mission is to strengthen service systems to ensure that children with disabilities (birth through age five) and their families receive and benefit from high quality, culturally appropriate, and family-centered supports and services. The center is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. A publications list and online discussion lists are available on the Web site. The center was formerly called the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System (NECTAS).

Keywords: Early intervention, Children with special health care needs, Early childhood education, Information services, Outreach, Special education

Early Intervention Program /The Arc -- Baton Rouge (EIP)

Annotation: The Early Intervention Program (EIP) provides educational and other services to Louisiana children 0–3 years old with developmental disabilities, including direct services, information, support, and statewide referrals. The program also provides in-service training and technical assistance on developmental disabilities and early education, publishes a newsletter, and maintains a library of information on Down syndrome, early intervention, and developmental disabilities. EIP also provides an Inclusive Day School; a learning center for typical and special needs children (ages 6 weeks to 6 years).

Keywords: Down syndrome, Developmental disabilities, Early intervention, Educational programs, Information services, Louisiana, Technical assistance


Annotation: This Minnesota non-profit organization, formed in 1935, has been helping children, adolescents and adults in the greater Twin Cities area reach their potentials. Fraser offers a lifelong spectrum of services including diagnostic evaluations, comprehensive mental health services including individual and group therapy, rehabilitation services including physical, occupational, speech-language, and music therapy, child care and education for children with typical needs and special needs, housing for adults and children with developmental disabilities, and workshops and seminars for parents, caregivers and professionals

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Early intervention, Health services delivery

Georgetown University Medical Center, Center for Global Health Science and Security (GHSS)

IDEA Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association

Annotation: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association is organized as a not-for-profit corporation to promote mutual assistance, cooperation, and exchange of information and ideas in the administration of Part C and to provide support to state and territory Part C coordinators. The association is committed to: Identifying and representing the interests of state and territory infant and toddler early intervention programs at the national level; developing and recommending models, standards, policies, and programs that promote quality services to eligible infants and toddlers and their families; and strengthening current leadership and fostering new leadership in early intervention programs at the local, state or territory, and national levels.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Early intervention programs, IDEA, Part C, Service coordination, State programs

Illinois Early Childhood Intervention Clearinghouse

Annotation: The Illinois Early Childhood Intervention Clearinghouse provides resource materials on issues related to young children with special needs and their families. The clearinghouse provides referrals and reference information, operates a statewide lending library, maintains a bibliographic database of more than 33,000 citations, and publishes a catalog and a quarterly newsletter, Early Intervention. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Early intervention, Children, Developmental disabilities, Illinois, Self help clearinghouses

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