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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 5 (5 total).

Indiana State Department of Health, Oral Health Home

Annotation: The Indiana State Department of Health's Oral Health Program provides assistance to individuals who need oral health care. The program's Web site provides information on the following topics: first aid, general fact sheets, kids' page, education information, toddler tidbits, dental sealants, senior specifics, oral cancer, data and reports, and internet links.

Keywords: Oral health, State health agencies, Indiana

Indiana State Library

Indiana University Center for Health Policy

Annotation: The Indiana Center for Health Policy (CHP), created in 2006, is housed at the Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Health. The CHP faculty and staff collaborate with state and local governments, as well as public and private health care organizations in health policy and program development to conduct high quality program evaluation and applied research on critical health policy-related issues. CHP serves as a bridge between academic health researchers and state and local government as well as health care organizations and community leaders.

Keywords: Evaluation, Health policy, Indiana, Program development, Public health, State agencies

Indiana Youth Institute (IYI)

Annotation: The Indiana Youth Institute (IYI), a statewide intermediary organization, promotes attentiveness to Indiana's young people and those who work on their behalf; encourages policies and programs that foster healthy development of youth; collaborates with state and national organizations to improve the lives of our state's young people and ensures that their voices are heard. IYI promotes the healthy development of youth by providing research, training and development, and advocacy services for adults who serve and influence the lives of youth. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. IYI research services include the development of special reports on youth-related topics, statistics and analysis related to youth, interpretation of research findings, and technical assistance on conducting research studies. The IYI resource center houses a comprehensive collection of books and journals on topics related to children, youth and families. The institute publishes a newsletter and sponsors conferences. Training services include capacity building workshops, topical seminars, customized training and research-based presentations. IYI advocates directly, and in collaboration with others, for the healthy development of youth.

Keywords: Youth, Adolescents, Health promotion, Indiana, Information services, Public policies, Statistics

Region 4 Midwest Genetics Collaborative

Annotation: The Region 4 Midwest Genetics Collaborative is one of seven groups using a regional approach to improve access to services, quality care, and genetics expertise in a medical home environment that is culturally sensitive. The region 4 collaborative comprises public health agencies, geneticist and other subspecialists, primary care providers, newborn screening and genetic testing laboratories, and families of children with genetic conditions from seven states (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin). The website provides news and resources including information about partners, forums, workgroups, education, and regional meetings. The project is administered by the Michigan Public Health Institute and supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Federal programs, Genetics, Genetic services, Regional genetics network, Newborn infants, Neonatal screening, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, Public health


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.