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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 18 (18 total).

ASPIRA Association

Annotation: ASPIRA Association is a national Hispanic leadership development organization that offers leadership and educational opportunities to Puerto Rican and other Latino adolescents. It sponsors a national health careers program that encourages Hispanic youth to prepare for careers in health-related fields, operates demonstration projects in Hispanic communities and has designed and implemented afterschool educational programs. Materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Adolescents, Child care, Hispanic Americans, Minority groups, Outreach

Buena Salud Club

Annotation: The Buena Salud Club promotes healthy lifestyles among its members by providing health information. Services include action alerts and referrals to community health services. The club also produces books on heart health and diabetes. Each book defines the health concern, discusses the changes that individuals and families can make to live healthier lives, and provides tools for doing so. The website and publications are available in English and Spanish.

Keywords: Diabetes, Health promotion, Heart diseases, Hispanic Americans, Information sources, Spanish language materials

Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health (CLAFH)

Annotation: The Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health (CLAFH) is a research center that investigates the role of the Latino family in shaping the development and well-being of Latino adolescents. Specifically, CLAFH seeks to: (1) foster the development, evaluation, and dissemination of evidence-based family interventions designed to prevent and/or reduce problem behaviors among Latino adolescents; (2) develop, evaluate, and disseminate family interventions for positive youth development approaches to Latino adolescent development and well-being; (3) examine issues of immigration related to the experiences of Latino families; and (4) promote the economic well-being of the Latino community. The Center serves as a link between the scientific community, Latino health and social service providers, and the broader Latino community.

Keywords: Adolescent development, Adolescent health, Educational materials, Ethnic groups, Family centered services, Family health, Hispanic Americans, Immigration, Information centers, Research

Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training

Annotation: The Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation, and Leadership Training is a partnership between the National Council of La Raza and California State University, Long Beach to improve the health of the Latino community on local, regional, and national levels. The center develops health programs for underserved Latino communities, provides technical assistance to organizations already serving in this capacity, and furnishes Latino communities with the research and education needed to facilitate the development of effective health programs and policies.

Keywords: Community programs, Health policy, Hispanic Americans, Leadership training, National initiatives, Program development, Program evaluation, Public private partnerships, Training

Hispanic Dental Association Foundation (HDAF)

HMA Associates

Annotation: HMA Associates provides immunization and other public health messages to major media networks that serve the information needs of the Spanish-speaking public. These culturally relevant public service announcements are also available to local community-based organizations and health departments. Publications are also provided to consumers, and some materials are available in Asian languages, as well as Spanish. HMA Associates also sponsors conferences.

Keywords: Hispanic Americans, Immunization, Minority groups, Public service announcements

Inter-University Program for Latino Research (IUPLR)

Annotation: The Inter-University Program for Latino Research (IUPLR) is a national consortium of Latino research centers based at major universities across the United States. The primary objectives of IUPLR are to expand the pool of scholars and leaders, strengthen the capacity of Latino research centers, and facilitate the availability of policy-relevant, Latino-focused research. IUPLR offers training programs, sponsors interdisciplinary research, and creates links between scholars, policy experts, public officials, and community advocates.

Keywords: Hispanic Americans, Minority health, Puerto Ricans

Latino Medical Students Association

Annotation: The Latino Medical Students Association (LMSA) strives to promote the recruitment, retention, academic success and support of Latinos in health profession careers that will help improve the delivery of health care services to Latinos and other medically underserved populations. The association promotes the development of a communication network for Latino medical and other health care students; fosters students' interests in improving health care for underserved communities; and offers educational enrichment programs for the recruitment of Latino medical school applicants. LMSA sponsors an annual conference and publishes an annual journal and a quarterly newsletter.

Keywords: Medical students, Hispanic Americans , Medical education, Minority health, Underserved communities

National Alliance for Hispanic Health (NAHH)

Annotation: The National Alliance for Hispanic Health (NAHH) is a network of Hispanic health and human service providers that focuses on improving the health and well being of Hispanics. The alliance maintains the National Hispanic Family Health Helpline (866-783-2645) which offers Hispanic consumers free reliable and confidential health information in Spanish and English.Services to consumers includes referrals to local sources of information and medical services, inquiry responses, publications, and reference information.

Keywords: Hispanic Americans, Adolescent health, Child abuse, Child health, Education, Information services, Injury prevention, Minority health, Minority health promotion, Resources for professionals, Spanish language materials, Substance abuse, Training

National Council of La Raza (NCLR)

Annotation: The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is a civil rights and advocacy organization that works to improve the lives of Hispanic Americans, including their access to health care, education, financial independence, and home ownership. NCLR's activities include public policy analysis; applied research; health education; advocacy to influence policies and program that equitably address the needs of the Hispanic community; and public information efforts that present accurate, positive images of Hispanic Americans. The council sponsors conferences and training seminars,; publishes issue briefs, fact sheets, and reports; and provides referrals to consumers. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Minority groups, Advocacy, Health promotion, Hispanic Americans, Information services, Mexican-Americans, Public policies

National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA)

Annotation: The National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) is a national membership-based organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for Latino elderly, families, and communities through advocacy, technical assistance, demonstration projects, capacity and institution building, and the development of educational materials. NHCOA informs members of issues significant to Latino seniors, especially those related to health, housing, income, education, employment, building communities, and strengthening families. The council participates in local and national coalitions, task forces, and committees that address these issues and their impact on Latino seniors and collaborates with its local chapters and affiliates to demonstrate programs and approaches to this population.

Keywords: Advocacy, Aging, Community development, Demonstration programs, Educational materials, Geriatrics, Health services, Hispanic Americans, Minority health, Spanish language, Technical assistance, Women', s health

National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA)

Annotation: the National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) in a non profit association addressing the interests and concerns of licensed Hispanic physicians in the United States. NHMA provides policymakers and health care providers with information and support in strengthening health service delivery to Hispanic communities across the nation. The association hosts conferences, offers leadership programs and initiatives;,and provides access to online information and resources for health professionals and patients. NHMA also participates in an obesity and diabetes initiative in partnership with the Office of Minority Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Keywords: Professional societies, Hispanic Americans, Medical education, Physicians, Spanish language materials

National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence

Annotation: The National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (Alianza) is part of a national effort to address the domestic violence needs and concerns of Latino communities and other underserved population. The alliance' work to promote understanding, initiate and sustain dialogue, and generate solutions that move toward the elimination of domestic violence affecting underserved populations. Services include training and technical assistance, research, community education and development, and policy development. Alianza publications include brochures, fact sheets, informational booklets, manuals, positions papers, a national directory, and an annotated bibliography of literature on the topic of domestic violence in Latino/Latina communities.

Keywords: Culturally competent services, Domestic violence, Hispanic Americans, Prevention programs, Spanish language materials

National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA)

Annotation: The National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA) was established to fill a need for a unified national voice for Latino populations in the behavioral health arena and to bring attention to the disparities that exist in areas of access, utilization, practice based research and adequately trained personnel.  A variety of resources related to Latino behavioral health, including research findings and issues in cultural competence, can be downloaded from the Web site. NLBHA also posts special announcements, news alerts, and links to related organizations.

Keywords: Health education, Hispanic Americans, Access to health care, Collaboration, Culturally competenent services, Ethnic factors, Ethnic groups, Mental health

U.S. Office of Minority Health Resource Center (OMHRC)

Annotation: The Office of Minority Health Resource Center (OMHRC) serves as a repository of information on health issues specific to African Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. The resource center collects and distributes information on a wide variety of health topics, including cardiovascular disease and stroke, diabetes, homicide, suicide, unintentional injuries, HIV/AIDS, infant mortality, and substance abuse. OMHRC offers customized responses to telephone, e-mail and mail inquiries. The resource center can provide database searches, funding searches, and current data and statistics on a variety of health conditions and issues affecting racial and ethnic minorities. The center also disseminates targeted publications, and provides referrals to local, state and national organizations.

Keywords: Minority groups, AIDS, Access to health care, Asian Americans, Blacks, Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, Ethnic groups, Hispanic Americans, Homicide, Infant mortality, Information sources, Injury prevention, Minority health, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Publications, Spanish language materials, Substance dependence, Suicide, Violence prevention

Salud America!

Annotation: Salud America!: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Research Network to Prevent Obesity Among Latino Children is a national online network of researchers, community group leaders, decision-makers, and members of the public working together to support healthy policy and environmental changes that can help reverse the Latino childhood obesity epidemic. Salud America! serves as a clearinghouse—with news, research, maps, videos, resources, and successful stories of change—on making healthy changes in Latino communities across the nation. Salud America! focuses on these topics as they relate to Latino childhood obesity: promoting healthier food in schools and neighborhoods, increasing access to local places and more opportunities to be active, decreasing unhealthy food and beverage advertising, and reducing consumption of sugary drinks.

Keywords: Obesity, Child health, Children, Hispanic Americans, Nutrition, Physical activity, Weight management

Self Reliance Foundation / Acceso Hispano (SRF)

Annotation: The Self Reliance Foundation / Acceso Hispano (SRF), a non profit organization, serves disadvantaged populations through disseminating educational information and facilitating access to community-based services. SRF specifically focuses on informing Hispanic people about opportunities for personal and community empowerment in the areas of health, women's issues, education, economic opportunities, science, environmental protection, and access to new technologies. SRF's national efforts include sponsoring the National Hispanic Resource Helpline which provides referrals to affordable bilingual information and services throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. SRF supports the National Hispanic Family Planning and Reproductive Health Awareness Campaign which raises awareness of reproductive health issues and increases access to reproductive health facilities by under-served Hispanic populations. The foundation also partners with the National Latino Children's Institute to develop educational programming for parents and caretakers. Local efforts in the Washington DC area include partnering with reproductive health clinics which target the needs of the Hispanic community, coordinating with local health fairs which provide information and services to the uninsured, and conducting reproductive health workshops in local community health centers. The organization offers internships and student fellowships.

Keywords: Hispanic Americans, Hotlines, Information dissemination, Media campaigns, Public awareness campaigns, Referrals

Social Science Research Council (SSRC)


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.