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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 7 (7 total).

Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL)

Annotation: The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) is a nonprofit organization that facilitates collaborative problem-solving strategies among educational institutions, human service providers, and other organizations. The institute's programs focus on leadership development, cross-sector alliances, demographic analyses, business-education partnerships, school restructuring, and at-risk youth. The institute sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Adolescents, High risk groups

National Network for Youth (NNY)

Annotation: The National Network for Youth, formerly National Network of Runaway and Youth Services, is a nonprofit membership organization with over 700 members. Through regional and state network affiliates, the National Network represents over 1,500 constituents, primarily community-based youth serving agencies. The National Network's mission is to ensure that young people are safe and grow up to lead healthy and productive lives. The driving force of the network in achieving its mission is Community Youth Development (CYD). CYD is an approach that models best practices in youth work and focuses on lifelong learning in which youth develop skills and competencies to be contributing members to their communities and societies. Activities include advocacy and public education promoting youth /adult partnerships, and strengthening staff and community-based organization capacity, to provide effective programs to runaway, homeless, and other youth in high-risk situations. Also provided are training and technical assistance in a wide variety of areas including the professional development of youth workers, youth leadership, peer education, HIV/AIDS, grant writing, and community and youth development. The National Network for Youth is a sponsoring member of the Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and Children. Publications include two newsletters, Network News and Policy Reporter; a journal, CYD Journal: Community Youth Development and a variety of issue briefs, fact sheets and bibliographies. Services to consumers include referrals, reference information, and publications. The organization also sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Adolescents, Adolescent development, Adolescent pregnancy, Advocacy, Alcoholic beverages, HIV, Health education, Health promotion, High risk adolescents, Homeless persons, Prevention, Runaways, Substance abuse, Training

National Resource Center for Youth Services (NRCYS)

Annotation: The National Resource Center for Youth Services (NRCYS) at the University of Oklahoma works to enhance the quality of life of the nation's at-risk youth and their families by improving the effectiveness of human services. It provides publications (including books and videotapes), training, and technical assistance services to child welfare and youth providers. The center serves as a referral service and provides information on program models, including training curricula and materials for people who work with adolescents and their families; it also sponsors an annual summer training conference for child welfare and youth service professionals from across the country. A publications catalog and newsletter are available.

Keywords: Adolescents, High risk adolescents, Information services, Youth

National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health (NTAC)

Annotation: The National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC) for Children's Mental Health works in partnership with families and leaders across the country to transform systems and services for children, adolescents, and young adults who have, or are at risk for, mental health problems and their families. The center works with states, tribes, territories, and communities to build and sustain comprehensive service delivery systems using a variety of strategies adapted to the unique needs of each audience. The website provides information on the center's activities (technical assistance and training) and resources (webinars, publications and products, and partner organizations).

Keywords: Mental Health, Adolescents, Affective disorders, Behavior problems, Child mental health, High risk Adolescents, Mental disorders, Technical assistance

U.S. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)

Annotation: The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) works with federal, state, public, and private organizations to develop comprehensive prevention systems. CSAP provides national leadership in the development of policies, programs, and services to prevent the onset of illegal drug use, prescription drug misuse and abuse, alcohol misuse and abuse, and underage alcohol and tobacco use. CSAP also promotes effective substance abuse prevention practices that enable states, communities, and other organizations to apply prevention knowledge effectively.

Keywords: Substance abuse, Alcoholic beverages, Alcoholism, Drugs, High risk adolescents, Prevention programs, Self help clearinghouses

Wisconsin Clearinghouse For Prevention Resources (WCH)

Annotation: The Wisconsin Clearinghouse For Prevention Resources is an official information and materials resource for the state of Wisconsin that also serves schools, agencies, programs, community groups, and businesses nationwide. Its goal is to strengthen individuals, families, and communities. The Clearinghouse provides a wide range of educational materials and services to prevention specialists, counselors, and other professionals. Topics include alcohol and other drugs, curricula and teacher resources, high-risk youth and high-risk behaviors, resources for programs and professionals, tobacco and smoking, fetal alcohol syndrome, primary prevention and health promotion, mental health, and families and substance abuse prevention. Posters, publications and videotapes are available. Some materials are available in Spanish, plus a few items also available in Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Korean. The organization publishes a quarterly newsletter.

Keywords: Alcoholic beverages, Audiovisual materials, Curricula, Educational materials, Fetal alcohol syndrome, Health promotion, High risk adolescents, Mental health, Recreational drug use, Self help clearinghouses, Smoking, Substance abuse, Substance abuse prevention, Teratology, Tobacco, Wisconsin

Youth Transitions Funders Group

Annotation: The Youth Transition Funders Group is a network of grantmakers whose mission is to help all youth make a successful transition to adulthood by age 25. Goals include five critical outcomes: educational achievement in preparation for career and community participation, including a high school diploma, postsecondary degree and/or vocational certificate training; gainful employment and/or access to career training to achieve life-long economic success; connections to a positive support system - namely, guidance from family members and caring adults, as well as access to health, counseling and mental health services; the ability to be a responsible and nurturing parent; and the capacity to participate in the civic life of the community.

Keywords: Adolescents, Educational attainment, High risk adolescents, Parent support services, Social support, Transition to independent living, Young adults, Youth in transition


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.