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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 10 (10 total).

AHEPA Cooley's Anemia Foundation, Cooley's Anemia Foundation's National Office

Annotation: The AHEPA (American Hellinic Educational Progressive Association) Cooley's Anemia Foundation was established in 1959 and has more than 950 chapters nationwide. The organization offers education and works to raise funds for research. Fact sheets are available in English and Greek.

Keywords: Anemia, Beta thalassemia, Hematologic diseases, Thalassemia, Thalassemia minor

American Association of Blood Banks (AABB)

Annotation: The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) promotes the highest standards of care and service to patients, donors, other health care professionals, and the public by providing leadership in blood procurement, distribution, and other activities related to blood banking and transfusion medicine. More than 2,000 institutional members (community and hospital blood banks and hospital transfusion services) collect the nation's blood supply and transfuse more than 80 percent of the supply. Individual members include 8,000 physicians, scientists, medical technologists, administrators, blood donor recruiters, nurses, and public-spirited citizens. AABB sponsors conferences and training seminars and publishes a newsletter and journal. Some materials are available in Spanish and French and one publication in available in Japanese.

Keywords: AIDS, Blood banks, Cardiovascular diseases, HIV, Hematologic diseases, Hepatitis

American Sickle Cell Anemia Association (ASCAA)

Annotation: The American Sickle Cell Anemia Association (ASCAA) provides education, testing, and counseling to populations at risk for sickle cell anemia and its hemoglobinopathy variants. Counseling, education, and testing are also provided to the bilingual population. Services to consumers include referrals, reference information, and publications. Materials are provided in Spanish and Asian languages.

Keywords: Hematologic diseases, Hemoglobinopathies, Sickle cell disease

American Society of Hypertension (ASH)

Annotation: Founded in 1985, the American Society of Hypertension (ASH) is a nonprofit organization of 2,700 physicians and scientists who conduct research and exchange scientific information on hypertension. The society receives support from member and corporate contributions and through education grants. The society publishes a newsletter and the monthly American Journal of Hypertension. The society also sponsors an annual convention, conferences, workshops, and training seminars. The Society also sponsors two award programs annually. The first program, the Young Scholars Award, focuses on the area of ongoing research training in the field of hypertension for young clinicians planning a career in academic medicine. The other award, the ASH Distinguished Scientist Award, recognizes and rewards a senior scientist who has carried out a significant body of work in the field of hypertension or related cardiovascular diseases. Both Awards are presented at the ASH Annual Scientific Meeting, held in May of each year.

Keywords: Blood pressure disorders, Cardiovascular diseases, Heart diseases, Hematologic diseases, Hypertension, Lung diseases, Respiratory diseases, Smoking

Cooley's Anemia Foundation (CAF)

Annotation: The Cooley's Anemia Foundation (CAF) is a national, not-for-profit health organization dedicated to advancing the treatment and cure of Cooley's Anemia (also known as Thalassemia). CAF, which has over 15 chapters throughout the country, conducts national programs that provide medical research, patient services, awareness, and education. The foundation sponsors the Thalassemia Action Group, a support group for patients and their families. CAF provides information about the disease, referrals to local medical sources, discussion forums, brochures, newsletters, and other information. The foundation sponsors conferences and training seminars. The foundation also provides medical supplies to those patients in need. Materials are available in Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Korean. (For a complete list of non-English language materials, contact the Foundation.)

Keywords: Anemia, Beta thalassemia, Hematologic diseases, Support groups, Thalassemia, Thalassemia minor

Haemophilia Society

Annotation: Established in 1950, the Haemophilia Society is an international organization that provides information and support for people with hemophilia (or AIDS/HIV-related hemophilia and HEPC-related hemophilia) and their families and friends. The society advocates high treatment standards and campaigns for individuals with hemophilia. It holds an annual residential seminar for members, families, and professionals. Publications include a quarterly newsletter,The Bulletin, and other periodicals. Some materials are available in Asian languages.

Keywords: AIDS, Advocacy, HIV, Hematologic diseases, Hemophilia, Overseas organization, Support groups

Iron Overload Diseases Association (IOD)

Annotation: Iron Overload Diseases Association (IOD) promotes research, provides referrals, conducts education programs for the medical profession and the public, sponsors annual symposia, acts as a clearinghouse for doctors and patients, sponsors screening programs, publicizes the problem of iron overload diseases through the media, maintains a computerized information center, and raises funds. Publications include Overload: An Ironic Disease, Iron Overload Alert, the bimonthly newsletter Ironic Blood, audiovisual materials, and a fact sheet.

Keywords: Hemochromatosis, Fundraising, Hematologic diseases, Iron overload diseases, Medical education, Medical research, Metabolic diseases, Self help clearinghouses

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Health Information Center (NHLBI)

Annotation: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Health Information Center is a federal information and referral resource that responds to inquiries and disseminates information and publications on cholesterol, high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, exercise, obesity, sleep disorders, stroke, sarcoidosis, and Raynaud's phenomenon. Some materials are available in Spanish. Clinical practice guidelines for health professionals are available on high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, asthma, and obesity. Serial publications include HeartMemo, which provides program updates for health professionals about cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart attack, and AsthmaMemo, which describes the activities of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Publications can be accessed using the online catalog or ordered from NHLB in print format.

Keywords: Hypertension, Asthma, Blood and lymphatic diseases, Blood pressure disorders, Cardiovascular diseases, Heart diseases, Hematologic diseases, Information dissemination, Lung diseases, Respiratory diseases, Sleep disorders, Smoking

Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (SCDAA)

Annotation: The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (SCDAA), formerly the National Association for Sickle Cell Disease, is a voluntary membership organization that promotes the search for a cure for all people in the world with sickle cell disease while striving to improve the quality of health, life , and services for individuals, families, and communities affected by sickle cell disease and related conditions, SCDAA's national programs include education and awareness, research support, patient advocacy and technical assistance; conferences, training seminars, and workshops. Publications include educational materials (available in English and Spanish) and an online newsletter.

Keywords: Sickle cell disease, Health promotion, Hematologic diseases, Hemoglobinopathies, Information services

World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH)

Annotation: The World Federation of Hemophilia is an international not-for-profit organization dedicated to introducing, improving, and maintaining care for people with hemophilia and related bleeding disorders around the world. The WFH works with national hemophilia organizations, health care providers, and government officials to foster quality health care for people with bleeding disorders. The WFH focuses its activities in health care development programs, humanitarian aid, data collection, public affairs and publications. WFH publications include information on diagnosis and treatment, directories, general guides, hemophilia organization resources, and safety and supply. The organization also sponsors conferences, workshops, and training seminars and provides inquiry responses, reference information, and publications for consumers. Some materials are available in French, Spanish, and Asian languages.

Keywords: Hemophilia, AIDS, Developing countries, HIV, Health education, Health promotion, Hematologic diseases


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.