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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (41 total).

100 Percent Campaign

Annotation: The 100% Campaign, a collaborative effort of Children Now, Children's Defense Fund, and The Children's Partnership, with primary funding from The California Endowment, was created to ensure that all of California's children obtain the health coverage they need to grow up strong and healthy.

Keywords: Health insurance, Access to health care, Child health

U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Annotation: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supports research designed to improve the quality of health care, reduce its cost, and broaden access to essential services. AHRQ supports the National Guideline Clearinghouse, a public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines; the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse, a public resource for evidence-based quality measures and measure sets; the Patient Safety Network, a collection of patient safety news, literature, tools, and resources; and the Effective Health Care Program, a collection of research centers working to provide evidence on health care interventions.

Keywords: Health care delivery, Safety, Clearinghouses, Clinical medicine, Foreign language materials, Guidelines, Health disparities , Health policy, Medical technology, Patient care management, Program evaluation, Referrals, Research, Research, Service delivery, Spanish language materials, State Children', Training, Treatment outcomes, s Health Insurance Program

America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)

Annotation: America's Health Insurance Plans, formerly the American Association of Health Plans (AHIP), represents more than 1,300 companies providing health insurance coverage to more than 200 million Americans. Member companies offer medical expense insurance, long-term care insurance, disability income insurance, dental insurance, supplemental insurance, stop-loss insurance and reinsurance to consumers, employers, and public purchasers. AHIP's goal is to provide a unified voice for the health care financing industry, to expand access to high quality, cost effective health care to all Americans, and to ensure Americans’ financial security through robust insurance markets, product flexibility and innovation, and an abundance of consumer choice.

Keywords: Health maintenance organizations, Insurance

Campaign for Children's Health Care

Annotation: The Campaign for Children's Health Care is dedicated to making high-quality, affordable health insurance coverage for all of America's children a top national priority through diverse group of organizations who represent health care providers, educators, parents, advocates, and others, all of whom share a commitment to our nation's children. The campaign coordinates public education efforts across the country to demonstrate the importance of health insurance for children and families and to show why national action is needed to expand coverage for children.

Keywords: Child advocacy, Child health, Health insurance

Catalyst Center, the National Center for Health Insurance and Financing for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

Annotation: The Catalyst Center at the Boston University School of Public Health is dedicated to improving coverage and financing of care for children and youth with special health care needs. The center creates publications and products, answers technical assistance questions, researches innovative state-based financing strategies, guides stakeholders to outside resources, and connects those interested in working together to address complex health care financing issues. The center is funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Adolescents with special health care needs, Health care financing, Health insurance, National MCH resource center, Resource centers, Youth

Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS)

Annotation: The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) partners with states across the country to promote the delivery of quality heatlh-care services and innovations in publicly financed health care, especially for individuals with complex, high-cost needs. CHCS facilitates problem-solving exchanges and peer learning among a diverse range of health care stakeholders to improve access, integrate fragmented services, reduce avoidable expenditures, and link payment with quality. CHCS works directly with state and federal agencies, health plans, providers, and consumer organizations to design and implement cost-effective strategies that improve care for people with complex and high-cost needs. The Center's technical assistance and training activities are organized under four broad priority areas: 1) Health care coverage and access; 2) Integrating care for people with complex needs; 3) quality, delivery systems, and payment reform; and 4) leadership and capacity building. CHCS maintains an online library of publications, technical tools, and other resources on accelerating health care delivery innovations.

Keywords: Health care financing, Electronic publications, Managed care, Medicaid managed care, Model programs, Prevention programs, State Children', s Health Insurance program

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center)

Annotation: The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center), in partnership with the health care industry, the business community, and clients and their families, examines new care and payment models that improve and sustain the Medicare and Medicaid/Children's Health Insurance Programs for beneficiaries and the health care system at large. Website contents include news, events, and funding opportunities.

Keywords: Children', Diffusion of innovation, Federal grants, Federal initiatives, Health care financing, Medicaid, Medicare, Program improvement, s Health Insurance Program

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Annotation: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is a consortia structure based on the agency's four key lines of business including (1) Medicare health plans operations, (2) financial management and fee for service operations, (3) Medicaid and children's health operations; and (4) quality improvement and survey and certification operations. Ten regional offices represent the agency in delivering key messages; putting into practice regulations, policy, and program guidance; and monitoring programs and evaluation of contractors/grantees. The website provides information on Medicare; Medicaid; the Children's Health Insurance Program; regulations and guidance; research, statistics, data, and systems; outreach and education; and tools. CMS was previously called the Health Care Financing Administration.

Keywords: Health care financing, Conferences, Data analysis, Diagnosis related groups, EPSDT, Federal agencies, Health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Program evaluation, Publications, Quality assurance, Spanish language materials, State agencies, State children', State programs, Statistics, Training, immunization, s health insurance program

Children's Defense Fund (CDF)

Annotation: The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) is a research and advocacy group for children and youth. It gathers data and disseminates information on key issues affecting children and adolescents, including development and implementation of federal and state policies. CDF provides information, technical assistance, and support to a network of state and local child advocates, service providers, and public and private sector officials and leaders. Initiatives have included adolescent pregnancy prevention programs, prenatal care campaigns, universal immunization programs, promotion of the Head Start program, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Publications include a monthly newsletter, CDF Reports. A publications list is available. CDF also coordinates the Black Community Crusade for Children, an effort to strengthen black community support for children, and publishes a newsletter of Crusade activities, Necessary. In addition, it coordinates the Student Heath Outreach (SHOUT) project, a student-run project whose goal is to reach all eligible children and sign them up for health insurance by engaging students, as well as school administrators, in the effort to spread the word about Medicaid and CHIP.

Keywords: Child health, Adolescent pregnancy, Blacks, Child advocacy, Child care, Child safety, Children, Data collection, Homeless persons, Infant mortality, Legislation, Minority groups, Prenatal care, State children', Statistics, s heatlh insurance program


Annotation: CHOICE is a community-based organization dedicated to increasing awareness of and access to sexual health services, especially among underserved populations who traditionally experience barriers to care. CHOICE operates five bi-lingual (Spanish-English) hotlines and programs of community education and outreach. The hotlines include: the CHOICE Hotline for general reproductive and women's health information, serving the five-county Philadelphia area; the Pennsylvania Department of Public Health AIDS Fact Line for information about HIV/AIDS related issues which serves the entire state; the Children's Health Line which helps families obtain free or low cost health care and insurance coverage for their children; the CHOICE Teen Line, which provides sexual health counseling and education to young callers; and the Blueprint for a Safer Philadelphia Community Hotline that is part of a local effort to reduce youth homicides through a public health model. CHOICE is on the list of instructional resources recommended and approved by the Philadelphia School District to provide sexual health education in the City's public schools. CHOICE is currently active in 180 schools, after-school programs, community sites, hospitals, and churches. CHOICE offers online resources in English and Spanish.

Keywords: Gynecology, AIDS, Advocacy, Advocacy, Child care, Children, Family planning, HIV, Health education, Health insurance programs, Hotlines, Information services, Maternal care, Reproductive health, Sexuality education

Delta Dental Foundation

Delta Dental Institute

Annotation: The Delta Dental Institute supports oral health for all Americans through research, community outreach, and advocacy. It works in partnership with Delta Dental companies to engage in and support oral health research, community outreach, and advocacy, striving to ensure everyone understands the importance of oral health to overall health and has access to the care that they need.

Keywords: Dental care, Dental insurance, Health insurance, Health services, Oral health

Delta Dental of Colorado

Delta Dental of Kansas

Delta Dental of Minnesota

Delta Dental of New Jersey

Delta Dental of Oklahoma Oral Health Foundation

Delta Dental of Oklahoma, Provider Relations Department

Delta Dental Plan of Michigan

Delta Dental Plans Association (DDPA)

Annotation: Delta Dental Plans Association (DDPA) is a not-for-profit organization with some for-profit affiliates as member companies. Through 39 independent member companies, DDPA offers national dental coverage—administering programs and reporting systems that provide groups and individuals with dental benefits and customer service.

Keywords: Associations, Dental insurance, Health insurance

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.