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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (23 total).

American Kidney Fund (AKF)

Annotation: The American Kidney Fund is a national, non-profit voluntary health organization providing direct financial aid to needy kidney patients, transplant recipients and donors to help cover the cost of treatment-specific expenses. Grants are available to assist patients afford medication, transportation, emergency transient dialysis, and special diet needs diet. In addition, the Fund supports public and professional education, kidney donor development and sponsors clinical scientist nephrology fellowship awards. AKF publishes a newsletter and many brochures about kidney diseases and its treatment, including selections in Spanish. The organization also sponsors conferences. Eligibility for financial assistance must be demonstrated by filing an application, available through the patient's renal social worker or nephrologist.

Keywords: Chronic kidney failure, Dialysis, Financial support, Kidney diseases, Organ transplantation

Burn Foundation

Annotation: The Burn Foundation promotes optimal burn care and works to prevent burn injury. It provides financial and program support to four regional burn treatment centers in southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware. The foundation is a depository of national burn data source information and also maintains an extensive database on the injury circumstances and hospital treatment costs to its four member burn centers. The organization publishes a newsletter and sponsors training seminars.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Burns, Financial support, Fires, Information services, Residential injuries, Scalds

Cancer Care

Annotation: Cancer Care is a nonprofit organization that helps people with cancer and their families to cope with the disease. The organization provides psychological, social, and educational services and financial assistance for people in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Individual counseling, information, and referrals and group counseling and education programs are offered nationally through the Cancer Care Counseling Line (1 800 813-HOPE). Services are also offered online. Cancer Care also provides publications, including a newsletter, and sponsors conferences, training seminars, and workshops. Some materials are available in Spanish. All services are free of charge.

Keywords: Cancer, Family support services, Support groups, Financial support, New York, New jersey, Connecticut

Children's Hospital Association (CHA)

Connor Kirby Infant Memorial Foundation

Deafness Research Foundation (DRF)

Annotation: The Deafness Research Foundation (DRF) is a national voluntary organization that provides financial support for research into the cause, treatment, and prevention of all hearing disorders. DRF has launched the National Campaign for Hearing Health, a public outreach and education, and government relations initiative to ensure that all Americans, especially children, can benefit from these research breakthoughs and enjoy lifelong hearing. DRF publishes a newsletter.

Keywords: Deafness, Financial support, Hearing disorders, Medical research, Public awareness materials

Disabled and Alone/Life Services for the Handicapped

Annotation: Disabled and Alone/Life Services for the Handicapped is a national nonprofit organization that works to ensure the well-being of people with disabilities after their parents die. Disabled and Alone helps parents of a handicapped child plan for when they will no longer be around; provides an alternative service program if other financial arrangements can not be made; advises parents, relatives, attorneys, and financial planners about planning for a handicapped individual; and provides advocacy and oversight for handicapped individuals whose families have left funds for their care. Local nonprofit direct service organizations are enlisted as partners in this endeavor. Services offered to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. The organization publishes a newsletter and sponsors conferences, workshops, and training seminars.

Keywords: Estate planning, Health care financing, Children with special health care needs, Counseling, Disabilities, Financial planning, Financial support, Information services

Faces: The National Craniofacial Association

Annotation: FACES: The National Craniofacial Association is a nonprofit organization serving children and adults throughout the United States with severe craniofacial deformities resulting from birth defects, injuries, or disease. FACES addresses three areas: client travel, public awareness, and information and support. FACES provides financial assistance for expenses incurred while traveling to a craniofacial center for reconstructive surgery, which is based on financial and medical need and includes transportation, lodging, and food. FACES also strives to educate the public by publishing a quarterly newsletter and maintaining a national speaker bureau of clients and families who speak to groups about the challenges of those with craniofacial differences. FACES furnishes information about craniofacial centers, specific diseases or birth defects, and assists in getting families in touch with others who have the same disorder.

Keywords: Craniofacial abnormalities, Information services, Financial support, Support groups, Plastic surgery

Hispanic Dental Association Foundation (HDAF)

Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA)

Annotation: The Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA) is an organization of over 30 chapters and affiliates nationwide, plus 17 Centers of Excellence, which fosters research on the treatment and cure of Huntington's disease and provides services to people with Huntington's disease and their families. The society offers fellowship grants and seed money to qualified research scientists, and it supports and coordinates a brain donor program that enlists the help of families in donating tissue essential for research. The society's information and referral services tap a nationwide network of physicians, scientists, social workers, and other professionals. HDSA maintains a listserv, publishes a newsletter, The Marker, three times a year, and provides catalogs of publications and audiovisual materials on all aspects of Huntington's Disease. Spanish-language materials are available.

Keywords: Huntingtons disease, Financial support, Information services, Medical research, Nervous system diseases

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Annotation: The work of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is of three main types. Surveillance involves the monitoring of economic and financial developments, and the provision of policy advice, aimed especially at crisis-prevention. The IMF also lends to countries with balance of payments difficulties, to provide temporary financing and to support policies aimed at correcting the underlying problems; loans to low-income countries are also aimed especially at poverty reduction. Third, the IMF provides countries with technical assistance and training in its areas of expertise. Supporting all three of these activities is IMF work in economic research and statistics. In recent years, as part of its efforts to strengthen the international financial system, and to enhance its effectiveness at preventing and resolving crises, the IMF has applied both its surveillance and technical assistance work to the development of standards and codes of good practice in its areas of responsibility, and to the strengthening of financial sectors.

Keywords: International organizations, Financial support, International programs

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society ( LLS)

Annotation: The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is a national voluntary health agency dedicated to finding cures for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and myeloma and improving the quality of life of patients and their families. The Society supports medical research and provides health educational materials, as well as the following services: patient financial aid for specified treatment expenses and transportation, family support groups, First Connection (a professionally supervised peer support program), information and referrals, school re-entry materials, and public and professional education. Audiotapes in English and some Spanish language publications are available.

Keywords: Cancer, Children, Financial support,, Leukemia, Lymphomas, Medical research, Multiple myeloma

MAGIC Foundation (MAGIC)

Annotation: The MAGIC(Major Aspects of Growth in Children)Foundation is a national nonprofit organization serving children and adults with critical and or chronic illnesses affecting their growth, including Precious Puberty, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Septo Optic Dysplasia, Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency, McCune Albright syndrome, Truner syndrome, Genital and Reproductive Anomalies, Hypophosphatasia, Panphypopituitarism, Congenital Hypothyroidism, Growth Hormone Deficiency, Russell-Silver Syndrome and many other Rare Disorders. Incorporated within MAGIC are families, children, and medical professionals in various fields of children's health. Services available through the foundation include support groups, referrals, a financial assistance fund, a birthday club for kids, kid's pen pal program, community outreach programs, family networking, quarterly newsletters, kids' newsletters, and a toll free parent help line (1-800-3 MAGIC 3). Services to consumers include referrals and publications. Educational brochures available include: Congenital Hypothyroidism, Intrauterine Growth Retardation, Hypophosphatasia, Underlying Conditions of Growth Abnormalities, Growth Hormone Deficiency ,The Most Frequently Asked Questions When Beginning Growth Hormone Therapy, Constitutional Growth Delay, Precocious Puberty, Turner's Syndrome, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Clinical Hypothyroidism, McCune Albright Syndrome, Psychosocial Issues of Growth Delayed Children, Dental Problems Associated with GHD, Me and My Growth Hormone - A Child's View, Septo Optic Dysplasia, Panhypopituitarism, Failure to Thrive, Russell-Silver Syndrome, Newborns with Non-typical Genital Appearance, When My Child May Have Fertility Problems, Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency, etc. The MAGIC Foundation also publishes a magazine and sponsors an annual convention in July.

Keywords: Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Child health, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Congenital hypothyroidism, Development, Down syndrome, Education, Financial support, Growth disorders, McCune Albright syndrome, Russell Silver syndrome, Short stature, Support groups, Support groups, Turners syndrome

Make-A-Wish Foundation of America (MAWFA)

Annotation: The Make-A-Wish Foundation of America provides operating guidance and resource support for all chapters of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The Make-A-Wish Foundation, established in 1980, grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses. The foundation handles all financial and logistic arrangements for the child and his or her family. Requests for wishes come from parents or guardians, medical professionals, and children themselves. MAWFA publishes a newsletter and provides some materials in Spanish.

Keywords: Family support, Financial support, Terminally ill children

National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED)

Annotation: The National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED) empowers and connects people touched by ectodermal dysplasias through education, support, and research. NFED provides information to families, caregivers, researchers, teachers, coaches, and others. The foundation partners with universities and private practices across the United States to increase access to quality and affordable health care for individuals affected by ectodermal dysplasias including oral health care. NFED publishes a quarterly newsletter, a medical guide series, children's books, and more. The website includes news and information about events, programs, an international registry, research grants, and scientific meetings.

Keywords: Dental care, Ectodermal dysplasia, Financial support, Information services, Oral health, Skin diseases

New Jersey Department of Human Services, Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund Commission

Annotation: The Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund provides eligible families in New Jersey with financial assistance to help them cover medical expenses that were previously incurred because their child became catastrophically ill or injured. Covered expenses include, but are not limited to, special ambulatory care, acute or specialized in- or out-patient hospital care, medical equipment, medically-related home modifications, home health care and medical transportation.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Financial support, New Jersey

Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF)

Annotation: The Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF) supports research, sponsors symposia, offers medical fellowships and grants to research departments of universities and hospitals, and serves as an information resource for patients and physicians. Publications include Exercises for the Parkinson Patient, Parkinson's Disease: Progress, Promise and Hope!, The Parkinson Patient at Home, quarterly newsletters, questions and answers booklet and a fact sheet.

Keywords: Parkinson disease, Financial support, Information services, Medical research, Nervous system diseases

San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF)

Annotation: The San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF) works to end the HIV epidemic and to mitigate its impact on society. The foundation educates the public on prevention of HIV transmission, helps people to make informed choices about HIV-related concerns and defends the human rights of people with HIV disease. The Foundation also provides client services, for people with HIV disease in San Francisco, that include housing, financial benefits counseling, treatment advocacy and support. In cooperation with other agencies, it provides leadership in the creation of direct services, public policy initiatives, and innovative, non duplicative educational programs. The Foundation also publishes a journal. Services to consumers include referrals and publications. Some materials are available in Spanish and Asian languages.

Keywords: AIDS, AIDS related complex, Financial support, HIV, Health education, Policy development, Prevention programs, Public education, Support groups

Smiles for Success: A Foundation of the American Association of Women Dentists

Annotation: The Smiles for Success Foundation was formed by the American Association of Women Dentists to assist women in transition who cannot afford the cost of oral health care. The foundation offers cost-free oral health care to women graduates of accredited job readiness and placement programs, or other community-based agencies, religious institutions or rehabilitative systems. Smiles for Success educates and instructs women treated by the volunteer dentists, so that they and their families will then seek and maintain permanent oral health care as they become financially stable.

Keywords: Dental care, Financial support, Foundations, Health education, Oral health, Transitions, Women

U.S. Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW)

Annotation: The U.S. Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) helps to build a health care workforce to improve the public health by expanding access to quality health services and working to achieve health equity. Primary areas of responsibility include scholarship, loan, and loan repayment for health professionals; health workforce data and information; and health workforce development. The bureau manages the designation of Health Professional Shortage Areas and Medically Underserved Areas/Populations, the Health Professions Training Grants, the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis, the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Program, the Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Repayment Program, and the National Practitioner Data Bank.

Keywords: Health occupations, Education programs, Federal agencies, Financial support, Public policies

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.