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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 7 (7 total).

Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM)

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE)

Annotation: The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) is an organization of member states and territories representing public health epidemiologists. CSTE works to establish more effective relationships among state, federal, and other health agencies and provides technical advice and assistance to partner organizations and federal public health agencies. The council supports the use of effective public health surveillance and good epidemiologic practice through training, peer consultation, and capacity development. CSTE also develops standards for practice and advocates for resources and scientifically based policy.

Keywords: Epidemiology, Policy development, Professional societies, Public health

Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology and Statistics Program (MCHESP)

Annotation: The Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology and Statistics Program (MCHESP) helps MCH practitioners on the federal, state, and local levels to improve their capacity to gather, analyze, and use data for planning and policymaking. The website provides information about the graduate student epidemiology program including internships for public health students, the DataSpeak web conference series, and supported projects. Additional resources include publishing technical assistance, publications (chartbooks and databooks), and research and data.

Keywords: Distance education, Epidemiology, Federal programs, Graduate education, MCH research, Planning, Policy development, Population surveillance, Public health infrastructure, Statistical data, Technical assistance

MCH Epi Group

Annotation: The MCH EPI Group promotes the use of data to guide public health practice and improve maternal and child health. The group supports the use of effective public health surveillance and epidemiologic practice through training, capacity development, and peer consultation. Partners include the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, the National Organization of Urban MCH Leaders (CityMatCH), and the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.

Keywords: Data, Epidemiology, MCH training, Population surveillance

Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Office of Public Health Investigations and Epidemiology (OPHIE)

Annotation: Nevada's Office of Public Health Investigations and Epidemiology records and analyzes reportable disease information, conducts interviews with infected individuals and their contacts, refers individuals for medical treatment, analyzes data from disease investigations, identifies risk factors, provides education and recommendations on disease prevention, and works in conjunction with appropriate agencies to enforce communicable disease laws.

Keywords: Disease management, Epidemiology, Information systems, Nevada, Public health, State agencies

New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM)

Annotation: The New York Academy of Medicine, founded in 1847, is an independent nonprofit institution whose mission is to enhance the health of the public. The academy serves as a center for urban health policy and works to ehance the health of people living in cities worldwide through research, education, advocacy, and prevention. The academy's agenda focuses on safeguarding children's health, educating young scientists, curtailing the spread of HIV/AIDS and improving care, helping consumers access reliable helth information, improving the public's ability to come with disasters, and caring for older adults. In addition, the academy provides health education programs and has a library open to the general public (the bibliographic catalog and other electronic resources are available online). The library sponsors research fellowships, academic programs, and public lectures on medical history and related fields.

Keywords: Epidemiology, Health care reform, Health education, Health policy, New York, Poverty, Public health, Urban population

Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research (SPER)

Annotation: The Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research (SPER) is an organization of individuals from a wide variety of disciplines who share a common interest: the epidemiology of pregnancy, infancy, and childhood. The objective of the Society is to foster pediatric and perinatal epidemiologic research. This research includes the study of any factors that influence maternal health and the health and development of children, from their conception through their adolescence. The Society was formed in 1988, and holds an annual meeting each June, immediately preceding the meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER). The website contains SPER's newsletter and information on SPER officers, membership, jobs, and fellowships.

Keywords: Children, Epidemiology, Infants, Interdisciplinary approach, MCH research, Perinatal health, Pregnancy, Professional societies


The MCH Digital Library is one of six special collections at Geogetown University, the nation's oldest Jesuit institution of higher education. It is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under award number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy with an award of $700,000/year. The library is also supported through foundation and univerity funding. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.