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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 11 (11 total).

American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Research Center (AIANHSRC)

Annotation: The American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Research Center (AIANHSRC) operationalizes and implements a research and training agenda for American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start and Early Head Start Programs. The center addresses gaps in knowledge relevant to early childhood intervention in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities through implementation of the following objectives: (1) to establish an infrastructure for addressing the needs of AI/AN and Head Start (HS) research; (2) to facilitate the conduct of research that will address the needs of AI/AN communities, their HS programs, and university-based researchers; and (3) to develop the capacity for future research in AI/AN HS.

Keywords: American Indians, Head Start, Alaska natives, Early intervention, Research, Young children

Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning

Annotation: The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning is a five-year project designed to strengthen the capacity of child care and Head Start programs to improve the social and emotional outcomes of young children. Funded by Head Start and the Child Care Bureau in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the center will develop training and technical assistance (T/TA) materials that reflect evidence-based practices for promoting children's social and emotional development and preventing challenging behaviors. The center will then work with professional organizations and Head Start and child care T/TA providers to ensure the use of the evidence-based practices in local demonstration sites.

Keywords: Child care, Child development, Child health, Children, Early childhood education, Head Start, Mental health, Nuvee, Prevention programs, Program improvement, Technical assistance, Training

Early Head Start National Resource Center (EHS NRC)

Annotation: The Early Head Start National Resource Center (EHS NRC) provides expertise, materials, resources, information, training, and technical assistance to Early Head Start and Migrant and Seasonal Head Start programs, technical assistance providers, and federal staff in all work related to services for infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and families. EHS NRC provides professional development and technical assistance supports such as the annual Birth to Three Institute and national orientation conference, special initiatives, audio-conferences, online lessons, data analysis, and leadership seminars. EHS NRC also facilitates networks and forums such as listservs and work groups, and develops resources such as technical assistance papers, tip sheets, webinars and webcasts, an electronic newsletter, podcasts, research briefs, e-mail digests, and white papers.

Keywords: Child health, Child care, Child development services, Early childhood education, Head Start, Low income groups, Nuvee, Resource centers, Training

Educational Opportunities for Children and Families

Annotation: Educational Opportunities for Children & Families (EOCF) has been serving the southwest community of Washington state since 1967, when it was formed as a Community Action Agency to fight the War on Poverty. EOCF provides services to more than 2,000 low-income children and families in four southwest Washington counties through programs as Head Start, Early Head Start and Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP). EOCF offers a wide range of critical services to low-income children and families, including early childhood education; comprehensive health, mental health, nutrition, and disabilities; physical and developmental assessments; and support to families through case management, training and parent education. Translators are available for Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Keywords: Community health services, Child health services, Early childhood development, Family support services, Head Start, Low income groups, Screening, Washington

U.S. Indian Health Service, Head Start Program

Annotation: The Indian Health Service (IHS) Head Start Program promotes health activities that are proven to improve health outcomes for American Indian and Alaska Native Early Head Start and Head Start grantees, centers, staff, children, and communities by reducing the risks of chronic disease. Specific goals include the following: (1) to support the Office of Head Start and the health objectives and performance standard requirements; (2) to assist grantees in the development of health programs for children, family, staff, and community; (3) to develop programs that promote health lifestyle activities; and (4) to assist Head Start grantees in developing local and community partnerships. The Web site features a section specifically devoted to Head Start providers and another to Head Start families; information about the program's mission and focus areas (health priorities, challenges, and trends); resources and links; and contacts. A search tool provides access to information about specific IHS Head Start programs.

Keywords: Alaska Natives, American Indians, Early intervention, Federal programs, Head Start, Health promotion, Program development, Young children

National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (ECDTL)

Annotation: The National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (ECDTL) supports meaningful learning for children and the early educators who support them. The center is funded and guided by the U.S. Office of Head Start and the U.S. Office of Child Care to promote excellence across all ECE programs by offering resources, building program capacity, and encouraging consistent practices. It is one of four national centers funded by the U.S. Office of Head Start.

Keywords: Early childhood education, Head Start, Learning, Resource centers, Resources for professionals, Teaching, Technical assistance, Young children

National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness (NCECHW)

Annotation: The National Center on Health (NCECHW) provides resources, training, and technical assistance to the child care and Head Start communities on health-related topics (e.g., health literacy, physical health, mental health, nutrition, oral health, and injury and tobacco prevention). NCECHW is funded by the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Head Start and Office of Child Care in partnership with the Health Resource and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Collaboration, Community health services, Early Head Start, Early childhood education, Families, Head Start, Mental health, Model programs, Pregnant women, Resource centers, Young children

National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (NCPFCE)

Annotation: The National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement identifies, develops, and disseminates evidence-based best practices associated with the development of young children and the strengthening of families and communities. The Center creates culturally and linguistically relevant training and tools for implementing comprehensive, systemic, and integrated approaches to parent, family, and community engagement in Head Start and Early Head Start. It is one of four national centers funded by the U.S. Office of Head Start.

Keywords: Collaboration, Early Head Start, Early childhood education, Families, Head Start, Resource centers, Young children

National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations

Annotation: The National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations contributes to positive outcomes for young children and their families by strengthening the management and practices of Head Start and Early Head Start programs. The Center focuses on the elements of managing successful agencies and will offer information, training, and resources. Center staff members are committed to identifying best practices, sharing current and emerging research, and serving as a vehicle for communication on management and finance topics for the Head Start community. It is one of four national centers funded by the U.S. Office of Head Start.

Keywords: Collaboration, Early Head Start, Early childhood education, Families, Head Start, Program management, Resource centers, Young children

National Head Start Association (NHSA)

Annotation: The National Head Start Association (NHSA) is a private, nonprofit membership organization of parents, staff members, directors, and representatives from each of the 12 federal regions. The association represents 750,00 children, 139,000 staff members, and more than 2,050 Head Start programs. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. NHSA publishes a catalog, newsletter, and journal and sponsors conferences and training seminars. The Association also advocates policies. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Child care, Child health, Early childhood education, Head Start, Nuvee

Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC)

Annotation: The Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC), which is maintained by the U.S. Office of Head Start, is designed to help meet the needs of the early childhood community, including program providers, administrators, and families. The Web site provides information that supports parents' involvement in their children's lives; resources and information related to services for young children from birth to age five; policy information and program management tools; educational support materials; and directories containing contact and additional resource information. The Web site can be viewed in both English and Spanish.

Keywords: Child development services, Early Head Start, Early childhood education, Head Start, Resource centers


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.