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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 17 (17 total).

Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF)

Annotation: One of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's main objectives is to provide the best available data and analysis on critical issues affecting disadvantaged children and families, as well as the knowledge and tools that practitioners, policymakers, and citizens need to advance their efforts on behalf of children. For more than half a century the foundation has worked to improve the futures for kids at risk of poor outcomes. Their mission encompasses direct support services to vulnerable children and families, and in recent years has used major grant making to support demonstrations, evaluations, and advocacy aimed at helping large public systems, as well as nonprofit networks, to become more effective in their efforts on behalf of struggling families and at-risk kids.

Keywords: Child health, Data, Data analysis, Family support, Grants, High risk children, Low income groups, Poverty

U.S. Census Bureau

Annotation: The U.S. Census Bureau collects, tabulates, and disseminates data on the social and economic characteristics of the United States, including demographic, socioeconomic, and housing data for metropolitan statistical areas. It provides publications and reference information to consumers. It informs its customers about the full range of products on the Internet and in newsletters and an annual catalog. Most data are available either on the internet or on CD-ROM products.

Keywords: Statistics, CD-Roms, Data analysis, Data collection, Data sources, Databases, Federal agencies, Information for professionals, Information sources, Online databases, Population, Publications, Reference materials

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Annotation: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency responsible for conducting and supporting public health activities in the United States, including the prevention and control of infectious and chronic disease. The primary goals of the agency are to reduce health risks during every stage of life; spearhead efforts to improve global health; ensure that the places people live, work, and play have safe, healthy environments; and prepare for emerging health threats from mental health to environmental health. The Public Inquiries Office responds to inquiries in the areas of preventive medicine, immunization, disease control, and health education. The Web site covers a wide range of health & safety topics, including diseases & conditions, emergency preparedness, environmental health, life stages & populations, healthy living, injury and violence; travelers' health, and workplace health and safety. Also included are links to data and statistics, online access to CDC's journals and other publications; and tools & resources such as an image library, podcasts, and a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator. A Spanish-language version of the Web site is available, and some materials are available in Spanish, French, Asian languages and other languages. CDC also sponsors conferences, training seminars and workshops.

Keywords: Preventive health services, Adolescents, Data analysis, Data collection, Disease prevention, Environmental health, Federal agencies, Guidelines, Health education, Health promotion, Immunization, Listservs, Nutrition, Occupational safety and health, Online databases, Population surveillance, Publications, Safety, Spanish language materials, Spanish language website, Standards, Technical assistance, Training

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)

Annotation: The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) is a surveillance project of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health departments. PRAMS collects state-specific, population-based data on maternal attitudes and experiences before, during, and shortly after pregnancy. Selected resources, which can be downloaded from the Web site, include reports on PRAMS and postpartum depression, PRAMS and unintended pregnancy, a list of publications that use multistate PRAMS data, and a list of states that use PRAMS data (along with links to lists of state publications using PRAMS data). Instructions on how to request PRAMS data are also provided on the Web site.

Keywords: Data, Data analysis, Data collection, Federal agencies, Federal programs, Population surveillance, Pregnant women, Risk assessment, Statistics

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Annotation: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is a consortia structure based on the agency's four key lines of business including (1) Medicare health plans operations, (2) financial management and fee for service operations, (3) Medicaid and children's health operations; and (4) quality improvement and survey and certification operations. Ten regional offices represent the agency in delivering key messages; putting into practice regulations, policy, and program guidance; and monitoring programs and evaluation of contractors/grantees. The website provides information on Medicare; Medicaid; the Children's Health Insurance Program; regulations and guidance; research, statistics, data, and systems; outreach and education; and tools. CMS was previously called the Health Care Financing Administration.

Keywords: Health care financing, Conferences, Data analysis, Diagnosis related groups, EPSDT, Federal agencies, Health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Program evaluation, Publications, Quality assurance, Spanish language materials, State agencies, State children', State programs, Statistics, Training, immunization, s health insurance program

Child Trends

Annotation: Child Trends is a nonprofit research organization that works to improve the lives and prospects of children and youth through high-quality research. Clients include researchers, policymakers, funders, and practitioners. Services include high-level analyses and helping organizations make their direct services more effective. Resources include indicators of children's well-being, a searchable database of evaluated programs serving children and youth and research based on those evaluations, and a national knowledge center providing insight on U.S. Latino children and families. Child Trends also hosts a newsroom and blog.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adolescent pregnancy, Child health, Community programs, Data analysis, Data collection, Family relations, Health statistics, Information sources, Model programs, Program descriptions, Research, Statistical analysis

Guttmacher Institute ( )

Annotation: The Guttmacher Institute is a nonprofit corporation for research, policy analysis, and public education in the field of reproductive health. Services to consumers include publications and reference information. The institute publishes Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, International Family Planning Perspectives, The Guttmacher Policy Review, fact sheets, briefing papers, and special reports. A publications catalog is available. Some materials are available in Spanish, French, Asian, and other languages. The institute also has a list service, accessible through its Web site. The International Data Center allows users to build, download, and print custom tables, graphs, and maps using information from countries and regions.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Adolescent pregnancy, Data, Family planning, Foreign language materials, Information services, Listservs, Medical research, Online systems, Policy analysis, Prenatal care, Public education, Publications, Reproductive health, Sexuality education

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)

Annotation: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation is a non-profit, private foundation focusing on U.S. health care issues, as well as the U.S. role in global health policy. Kaiser develops and runs its own research and communications programs, sometimes in partnership with other non-profit research organizations or media companies. The foundation produces policy analysis and research, serves as a clearinghouse for news and information for the health policy community, and develops and runs large-scale public health information campaigns. Information and products are disseminated via the Washington, D.C., Office / Public Affairs Center, comprising the Barbara Jordan Conference Center, the Third Floor Visitors' Center, and the Kaiser Broadcast Studio. The foundation also hosts a number of websites including,,,,, and

Keywords: Foundations, AIDS, Access to health care, Curricula, Data analysis, Grants, HIV, Health policy, Health promotion, Health services, Information sources, Low income groups, Minority groups, Philanthropy, Publications, Reproductive health, Research, Spanish language materials

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division (HMD)

Annotation: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division (HMD) provides evidence for government and the private sector by conducting consensus studies and convening a series of activities to facilitate discussion, discovery, and cross-disciplinary thinking. The website provides information about HMD's study process, leadership and staff, social media, reports, activities, and meetings. Reports can be searched by type, topic, date, series, activity, and board. Topics include population health and public health practice, health sciences policy, health care services, food and nutrition, global health, and more. The HMD was formerly called the Institute of Medicine.

Keywords: Professional personnel, Public health, Data analysis, Medicine, Research, Science

National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO)

Annotation: The National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO) is a nonprofit national membership and educational organization dedicated to improving health care data systems for public health, research, policy, and market applications. Established in 1986, the association serves as an advocate for state health care data programs and provides technical support on collecting, analyzing, and disseminating health care data. NAHDO's Quality Reporting Workgroup provides state-to-state technical assistance and guidance on state quality initiatives. NAHDO produces a newsletter and white papers, provides online resources, and maintains listservs for members, quality reporting, web-based data query systems, and standards. NAHDO hosts one Annual meeting in D.C. the first week of December each year, webinars on topics related to data collection and dissemination, and regional workshops and meetings.

Keywords: Data analysis, Data collection, Health services

National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH)

Annotation: The National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH) leads a national effort to collect, develop, and disseminate information and educational materials on maternal and child health. It collaborates with public agencies, voluntary and professional organizations, research and training programs, policy centers, and others to advance education and program and policy development in maternal and child health. The center maintains a reference collection of educational materials documenting the last 100 years of maternal and child health and publishes a variety of guides, directories, bibliographies, and newsletters. Additionally, subject specialists implement special projects in support of federal initiatives. NCEMCH houses on-line information on programs and products from the Special Projects of Regional and National Significance (SPRANS) and other projects supported by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The Center's Web site contains databases, bibliographies on maternal and child health topics, lists of selected organizations and MCHB-funded projects, information about Center projects, and selected full-text publications. Selected records from the Center's bibliographic database are available for online retrieval through the Center database MCHLine(r) and also through the Combined Health Information Database (CHID), available on the World Wide Web. The NCEMCH organization database is included on the DIRLINE database at the National Library of Medicine. Services to consumers and health professionals include referrals, reference information, and publications. NCEMCH publishes a weekly electronic newsletter, MCH Alert, which provides timely MCH research and findings, policy developments, information about recently released publications, new programs and initiatives, and conferences affecting the MCH community.

Keywords: Health education, National Information Resource Centers, Adolescent health, Child health, Continuing Education, Data Analysis, Data Collection, Databases, Dissemination, Electronic newsletters, Health promotion, History, Information Services, Information services, Maternal health, Nutrition, Online Systems, Public Policy, Public awareness materials, School readiness, Young children

National Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Data Analysis Resource Center (NEDARC)

Annotation: The National Emergency Medical Services for Children Data Analysis Resource Center (NEDARC) assists Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agencies and Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) managers in developing the capability to collect, analyze, and utilize EMS data. The center provides consultation and technical assistance with EMS/EMSC activities. The Web site provides online tutorials and a resource library of templates, state fact sheets, publications, research resources, statistics, and other materials. NEDARC is funded by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Proposal writing, Data analysis, Data collection, Emergency medical services, Emergency medical services for children, Listservs, National MCH resource center, Research design, Resource centers, Statistics, Technical assistance, University affiliated centers

National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

Annotation: The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network is a system of integrated health, exposure, and hazard information and data from a variety of national, state, and city sources. The Network's Web site provides information, maps, tables, and charts about health and environment across the United States. Additional features include communication materials and social media tools such as national, state, and city profiles; video; podcasts, and a discussion list.

Keywords: Adverse effects, Data analysis, Environmental health, Geographic factors, Information dissemination, Integrated information systems, National programs, Online databases, Public health

Oral Health Workforce Research Center (OHWRC)

Annotation: The Oral Health Workforce Research Center (OHWRC) provides research on the oral health work force to assist in future health work force planning. Projects include professional practice index for dental hygienists, Medicaid dental claims data comparison, dental assistant work force, federally-qualified health center case studies, long-term care health service delivery, and model case studies. Resources include reports and oral health data sources.

Keywords: Allied health personnel, Case studies, Community health centers, Comparative analysis, Data analysis, Dental care, Health care delivery, Model programs, Oral health, Research methodology, Work force

Pew Charitable Trusts, Children's Dental Policy

Annotation: Pew Charitable Trusts, Children's Dental Policy promotes cost-effective policies that expand access to oral health care so that children receive the treatment they need to grow, learn, and lead healthy lives. Research and advocacy efforts focus expanding the number of professionals who can provide high-quality oral health care to children from families with low incomes, ensuring coverage Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program leads to care, expanding access to fluoridate water, and expanding programs that provide dental sealants so that all children who need them receive them. The website provides access to data visualizations, videos, reports, and analysis.

Keywords: Children, Data analysis, Dental sealants, Fluorides, Foundations, Health insurance, Low income groups, Oral health, Policy development, Program development, Research, Water, Work force

RTI-UNC Evidence-based Practice Center (RTI-UNC EPC)

Annotation: The RTI-UNC Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) produces systematic reviews and analyses of the scientific evidence (evidence reports and updates) on a variety of health care and health policy topics. It also builds on these reports to create materials and messages for patients and clinicians relating to health care decisions. EPC personnel also conduct research into the best practices and methods for conducting reviews of the scientific literature. The center prepares AHRQ reports and technology assessments as well as reports for other public and private health care organizations on topics of their choosing. Center staff also design and conduct customized literature searches and quantitative analyses. The Center is one of 13 EPCs sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Keywords: Evidence based medicine, Data analysis, Guidelines, Health policy, Patient education materials, Policy development, Research reviews, Resources for professionals.

State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC)

Annotation: The State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) is a healthy policy research center within the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. SHADAC specializes in issues related to health insurance access, use, cost and quality with a particular focus on state implementation of health reform. Work includes providing technical assistance to agencies and individuals across the country, at both the federal and state government levels. SHADAC also conducts health policy research, which is translated into issue briefs, reports, and peer-reviewed journal articles. SHADAC also administers and maintains the SHADAC Data Center, which provides health insurance coverage, access, and cost estimates from federal population surveys. SHADAC is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Keywords: Policy analysis, Access to care, Data collection, Electronic publications, Health insurance, State programs, Surveys, Technical assistance, Uninsured persons


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.