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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 14 (14 total).

American Network of Oral Health Coalitions (ANOHC)

Annotation: American Network of Oral Health Coalitions is an online community of oral health coalitions from across the country. The website contains community forums for users to pose questions and engage in conversations with other members and topic experts about specific issues. Users can also post and find documents of interest, tools, samples, and presentations. The website was developed through a cooperative agreement between Oral Health America and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Keywords: Coalitions, Coordination, Networking, Oral health

Baby Blossoms Collaborative

Annotation: Baby Blossoms Collaborative (BBC)works to eliminate factors that contribute to health disparities through efforts to strengthen the community capacity by identifying the contributing factors that lead to racial, geographic, and economic disparities contributing to poor reproductive outcomes and poor infant health; reducing overall feto-infant mortality; and builds on the strengths of the community. The BBC is comprised of 35+ maternal child health partner agencies and small businesses in Douglas County, Nebraska, and provides resources on safe sleep for infants, perinatal periods of risk, Fetal and Infant Mortality Review cycle of improvement, bereavement, and preconception health.

Keywords: Child health, Collaboration, Community coordination, Community programs, Infant health, Nebraska, Pregnancy outcome, Reproductive health

U.S. Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP)

Annotation: The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) under the U.S. Department of Agriculture develops the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the Food Guide Pyramid, the Interactive Healthy Eating Index, Expenditures on Children by Families, the Cost of Food at Home, the Nutrient Content of the U.S. Food Supply, and the new ChooseMyPlate initiative. CNPP staff help to define and coordinate nutrition education policy within USDA and to translate nutrition research into information and materials for consumers; policymakers; and professionals in health, education, industry, and media. The Center publishes a journal, Family Economics and Nutrition Review, and distributes publications for health professionals and consumers. Some materials are available in Spanish. The Center also sponsors conferences.

Keywords: Nutrition, Child nutrition, Conferences, Coordination, Dietary guidelines, Family economics, Federal agencies, Food consumption, Health promotion, Information dissemination, Information sources, Information sources, Nutrition assessment, Nutrition education, Nutrition programs, Public policies, Public policy, Publications, Spanish language materials

Child Health Specialty Clinics (CHSC)

Annotation: The Child Health Specialty Clinics (CHSC) works to improve the health, development, and well-being of children and youth with special health care needs in partnership with families, service providers, and communities. CHSC's team of professionals and experienced parents provide families one-on-one problem solving and emotional support as they care for their children with special health care needs. Since children and youth with complicated health problems often need assistance from many different agencies, CHSC works to provide access to quality community-based services. CHSC provides referrals, inquiry responses, publications (including a newsletter), and reference Information. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Home care, Child health services, Children with special health care needs, Information services, Management, Referrals, Resource materials, Service coordination, Technical assistance

Early Childhood Data Collaborative (ECDC)

Annotation: The Early Childhood Data Collaborative (ECDC) supports state policymakers’ development and use of coordinated state early care and education (ECE) data systems to improve the quality of ECE programs and the workforce, increase access to high-quality ECE programs, and ultimately improve child outcomes. The ECDC provides tools and resources to encourage state policy change and provides a national forum to support the development and use of coordinated state ECE data systems. The ECDC is supported through funding from the Alliance for Early Success, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

Keywords: Collaboration, Coordination, Data, Early childhood, Integrated information systems, Policy development, Program improvement, Quality assurance, Systems development, Workforce

Health Care Communities (HC)

Annotation: Healthcare Communities is a web-based knowledge management system and community portal that supports health care transformation. The site has features that facilitate the quality improvement efforts of organizations and individuals by enabling them to share their knowledge, resources, and experiences. These features include: document sharing, announcements, topic-specific listservs and forums, social media connections, a quality improvement resource library, a video library, a calendaring function, and where applicable, access to a secure data reporting site used to measure performance in both small and large improvement initiatives.

Keywords: Community coordination, Health care reform, Integrated information systems, Knowledge management, Program improvement, Quality assurance

IDEA Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association

Annotation: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association is organized as a not-for-profit corporation to promote mutual assistance, cooperation, and exchange of information and ideas in the administration of Part C and to provide support to state and territory Part C coordinators. The association is committed to: Identifying and representing the interests of state and territory infant and toddler early intervention programs at the national level; developing and recommending models, standards, policies, and programs that promote quality services to eligible infants and toddlers and their families; and strengthening current leadership and fostering new leadership in early intervention programs at the local, state or territory, and national levels.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Early intervention programs, IDEA, Part C, Service coordination, State programs

Mississippi State Department of Health, Division of Dental Services

Annotation: The Mississippi State Department of Health's Division of Dental Services was established to ensure optimal oral health for every citizen of Mississippi. The Division of Dental Services is responsible for the prevention and control of oral diseases through assessment, policy and program development, and assurance. Programs address children, adults, families, and communities through public health clinics, schools, and approved dental health providers.

Keywords: Community coordination, Disease prevention, Health services, Needs assessment, Oral health, Policy development, Program development, State agencies

National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council (National Prevention Council)

Annotation: The National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council (National Prevention Council) was established in June 2010 by Executive Order and section 4001 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148). It is chaired by the Surgeon General and composed of senior government officials across federal departments and agencies. The council is charged with elevating and coordinating prevention activities and designing a focused strategy across federal departments to prevent disease and promote the nation’s health.

Keywords: Coordination, Disease prevention, Federal agencies, Health promotion, Strategic plans

Oregon Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Needs (OCCYSHN)

Annotation: OCCYSHN is Oregon’s Title V program for children and youth with special health needs funded by the federal Maternal Child Health Bureau, through a grant which is administered through the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center at Oregon Health and Sciences University. The Center works to promote coordinated, family-centered, community-based systems of care; provide policy and program development, population-based assessment and surveillance, and leadership for health systems and services in Oregon.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Family support programs, MCH programs, Oregon, Service coordination, Social Security Act, Title V, State programs

South Dakota Oral Health Coalition

Annotation: The South Dakota Oral Health Coalition was formed in 2002. The Coalition consists of a diverse group of individuals and organizations that advocate for policies and funding for programs that will improve the state’s oral and systemic health status, especially for those most vulnerable. This group is comprised of representatives from nonprofit organizations, associations, government, and the private sector. These representatives facilitate efforts to collect data, report progress, and assist with ongoing leadership of Coalition efforts.

Keywords: Coalitions, Coordination, Networking, Oral health, South Dakota, State organizations

U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Policy and Planning

United Health Foundation

Annotation: The United Health Foundation was established by UnitedHealth Group in 1999 as a not-for-profit, private foundation. Through community partnerships, grants and outreach efforts, the Foundation seeks to diligently to improve the quality and cost effectiveness of medical outcomes; to expand access to healthcare services for underserved individuals; and to enhance the well-being of local communities. The Foundation partners with the American Public Health Association and the Partnership for Prevention to produce the report American's Health Rankings.

Keywords: Access to health care, Community coordination, Foundations, Health services, Outreach

United States Public Health Service, Oral Health Coordinating Committee (OHCC)

Annotation: The United States Public Health Service (USPHS) ’s Oral Health Coordinating Committee (OHCC), with representatives from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies, directs and coordinates a broad range of oral health policy, research, and programs within the USPHS, across federal agencies, and between the public and private sectors. The website provides contact information for OHCC members, publications, and links to related resources.

Keywords: Coordination, Federal agencies, Interagency cooperation, Oral health, Public private partnerships


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.