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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 15 (15 total).

American Sexual Health Association (ASHA)

Annotation: The American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of individuals, families, and communities, with a focus on sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Through education, research, and public policy the association produces multifaceted programs addressing the most prevalent STDs. ASHA produces a variety of books, pamphlets, information packets, and other educational materials for patients, health providers, parents, teachers, and organizations.

Keywords: Sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, Herpes genitalis, Hotlines, Human papillomavirus, Immunization, Prevention programs, Public health, Public policy, Sexual health

Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP)

Do It Now Foundation (DIN)

Annotation: Do It Now (DIN) Foundation is a national, nonprofit educational foundation working to provide adolescents and their families with timely, accurate information on a range of behavioral health issues, including alcohol and alcoholism, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, drug use and abuse, parenting, eating disorders, suicide, and stress. Publications include pamphlets, booklets, books, reports, and posters. A publications catalog is available. Some publications are available in Spanish, Italian, French, German, and other languages. The DIN Web site is written for adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Depression, Eating disorders, Mental health, Rape, Sexually transmitted diseases, Substance abuse, Suicide

ETR Associates (ETR)

Annotation: ETR Associates is a private, nonprofit health education organization and publisher of health education materials. It develops and distributes maternal and child health pamphlets, booklets, videos, and charts, including more than 46 pamphlets on pregnancy and childbirth. Other topics include family life education, abstinence, birth control, reproductive health, sexual responsibility, self-esteem, drug use, and sexually transmitted disease. Publications include two baby care booklets in both English and Spanish; the Have a Healthy Baby bilingual pamphlet series,which is an innovative bilingual approach to prenatal education, with English on one side and Spanish on the reverse; a pamphlet on fetal alcohol syndrome; a series of Kid Care pamphlets for parents and caregivers of children ages 2 to 5; and illustrated childbirth charts and displays. A publication catalog is available.

Keywords: Adolescents, Reproductive health, Sexually transmitted diseases

Medical Institute for Sexual Health (MISH)

Annotation: The Medical Institute for Sexual Health is a nonprofit organization that identifies, evaluates and communicates scientific information to promote healthy sexual decisions and behavior to medical professionals, educators, government officials, parents, and the media. It provides an electronic newsletter, an annual conference, and medical e-mail advisories that highlight recent research. It also publishes brochures, videos, reports, national guidelines for sexuality and character education, and a comparison of abstinence vs. safer sex sexuality education. Spanish-language brochures are available.

Keywords: Abstinence, Disease prevention, Sexuality education, Sexually transmitted diseases

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)

Annotation: The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion is a component of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Divisions of the center that are relevant to maternal and child health include the Division of Adolescent and School Health, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity, Division of Diabetes Translation, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Division of Reproductive Health, Division of Oral Health, and Office on Smoking and Health.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Community health services, Community programs, Data, Health promotion, Medical research, Nutrition education, Nutrition monitoring, Nutrition policies, Nutrition programs, Nutrition research, Oral health, Outreach, Physical activity, Prevention programs, Public health nutrition, School health, Sexual health, Sexually transmitted diseases, Smoking, Women', s health

National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP)

Annotation: The National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHSTP) is responsible for public health surveillance, prevention research, and programs to prevent and control HIV, AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis. NCHSTP works in collaboration with governmental and nongovernmental partners at the community, state, national, and international levels conducting research, surveillance, technical assistance, and evaluation. It includes the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, the Division of Viral Hepatitis, the Division of STD Prevention, the Division of TB Elimination, and the Division of Adolescent and School Health.

Keywords: AIDS, Data, HIV, HIV screening, Preventive health services, Sexually transmitted diseases, Tuberculosis

National HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention Resource Center

Annotation: The National HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention Resource Center, created by the American Social Health Association (ASHA), focuses on collecting, summarizing, and disseminating information on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of HPV and the prevention of cervical cancer. The center offers information to the public, health care providers, and policy makers about human papillomavirus (HPV) and its link to cervical cancer; develops and distributes clinical guidelines; promotes public awareness; and contributes to Web-based continuing medical education sources.

Keywords: Sexually transmitted diseases, Cervical cancer, Continuing education, Data collection, Disease prevention, Dissemination, Guidelines, Human papillomavirus, National information resource centers, Public awareness materials

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Annotation: The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) conducts and supports research on allergic, immunologic, and infectious diseases and conditions, including those caused by possible agents of bioterrorism. Institute staff responds to inquiries from consumers and professionals and distributes information materials. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: AIDS, Allergies, Asthma, Communicable diseases, HIV, Immunology, Information dissemination, Medical research, Sexually transmitted diseases

National Prevention Information Network (NPIN)

Annotation: The National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) is the U.S. reference and referral service for information on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and tuberculosis (TB). NPIN is a clearinghouse and collaborative community that collects and disseminates data and materials and enables prevention professionals on the international, national, state, and local levels to connect and share. Services are designed to facilitate program collaboration in sharing information, resources, published materials, research, and trends among the four diseases. Services include a social community, a database of providers, education materials, funding opportunities, research on health communication campaigns, campaign planning resources, training resources, and digital media tools.

Keywords: AIDS, Disease prevention, HIV, Hepatitis, Sexually transmitted diseases, Information services, Online databases, Resources for professionals, Spanish language materials, Tuberculosis

National Women's Health Network (NWHN)

Annotation: The National Women's Health Network (NWHN) works to ensure that women's voices are heard and that their health priorities and concerns are taken seriously. NWHN educates people about health care; helps to create legislation to protect women's rights; and provides information on reproductive health and other topics of importance to women. The Network's advocacy campaigns focus on women’s access to affordable care; reliable information on the safety of drugs, devices, and services; and and women’s autonomy to make decisions about her sexual and reproductive health. Online resources include fact sheets, a bimonthly newsletter, a blog, and links to outside resources.

Keywords: AIDS, Abortion, Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, Contraception, HIV, Infertility, Occupational safety and health, Pregnancy, Reproductive technologies, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Women', s health

Program Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention (PASHA)

Annotation: The Program Archive on Sexuality, Health, and Adolescence (PASHA), funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Office of Adolescent Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, is a collection of effective program replication kits designed to reduce adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (including HIV and AIDS) in adolescents. Each kit includes materials needed to implement and evaluate the intervention. PASHA's website includes a search assistant for finding programs, an overview table of replication kits, scientific papers related to the collection, and program selection criteria.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescent sexuality, Archives, Diffusion of innovation, Health behavior, Model programs, Program evaluation, Risk taking, Sexually transmitted diseases

Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP)

Annotation: The Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention (RCAP) promotes the prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in rural America. RCAP develops and evaluates educational materials and approaches, examines the behavioral and social barriers to HIV/STD prevention which can be applied to prevention programming, and provides prevention resources to professionals and the public. The center is a joint project of Indiana University, Purdue University, and Texas A&M University.

Keywords: HIV, Sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, Communicable diseases, Preventive health services, Rural health

Sociometrics Corporation, Data Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention (DAAPPP)

Annotation: Sociometrics Corporation's Data Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention (DAAPPP) includes studies focused on adolescent sexual health issues. Studies address a variety of topics including the incidence, prevalence, antecedents, and consequences of adolescent pregnancy and family planning; and behavioral factors related to sexually transmitted infections.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescent sexuality, Archives, Data, Family planning, Health behavior, Outcome and process assessment, Predisposing factors, Sexually transmitted diseases, Surveys

U.S. Office of Adolescent Health, Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

Annotation: The Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) grant program is an evidence-based initiative to reduce adolescent pregnancy, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, and risky sexual behavior among adolescents by working in concert with closely aligned programs supported by other federal agencies. OAH funds replications of program models from the U.S. Health and Human Services Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review. OAH also funds TPP research and demonstration programs and provides funds for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to implement and test community-wide approaches to TPP.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adolescent pregnancy, Contraception, Dating, Delayed childbearing, Demonstration programs, Federal grants, Financial support, Health behavior, Prevention programs, Program development, Program evaluation, Program planning, Reproductive health, Research, Risk taking, Sexual health, Sexually transmitted diseases


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.