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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 2 (2 total).

Scleroderma Foundation (SF)

Annotation: The Scleroderma Foundation (SF) formerly known as United Scleroderma Foundation (USF) provides emotional and educational support for people with scleroderma and their families in the United States and Canada. The foundation supports scleroderma-related research and publishes a quarterly newsletter. A publications list is available. It also provides consumers with referrals and reference information and sponsor s conferences. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Scleroderma, Connective tissue diseases, Health education, Support groups

Scleroderma Research Foundation (SRF)

Annotation: The Scleroderma Research Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for scleroderma and, until itis found, helping patients live longer, fuller lives. If funds research, conducts an annual scientific workshop, and provides patient information and a newsletter.

Keywords: Connective tissue diseases, Scleroderma


The MCH Digital Library is one of six special collections at Geogetown University, the nation's oldest Jesuit institution of higher education. It is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under award number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy with an award of $700,000/year. The library is also supported through foundation and univerity funding. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.