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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 19 (19 total).

American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R)

Annotation: The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) is a national medical society representing physicians who are specialists in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation. The academy sponsors educational conferences and programs; publishes Archives (a scholarly journal) and Physiatrist (a newsletter); and promotes legislative advocacy. An online discussion forum is open to members.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Advocacy, Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Legislation, Musculoskeletal diseases, Professional societies

American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

Annotation: The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is a professional organization of 70,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students throughout the United States. The association helps physical therapists to maintain the quality and integrity of their profession by providing ways for them to exchange information and improve their skills. Activities include accreditation, professional development, quality assurance, research, and information dissemination. Services to consumers include publications and reference information. Spanish materials are available. The Association publishes a catalog, magazine, journal, newsletters, an e-mail news service, and reference materials, and also sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: ???Rehabilitation???, Information services, , Physical therapy

Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN)

Annotation: The Association of Rehabilitation Nurses is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing rehabilitation nurses worldwide with the tools they need to give high quality care to people with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses. The association publishes a catalog, newsletter, and journal and sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Nurses, Rehabilitation

Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA)

Annotation: Founded in 1980, the Brain Injury Association of America seeks to create a better future through brain injury prevention, research, education and advocacy. Services to consumers include inquiry responses, information packets, and referrals to local resources. Publications include The National Directory of Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services, various brochures, including the eight-part "Road to Rehabilitation" series. Some materials are available in Spanish. The association also sponsors workshops, conferences, training seminars, and Brain Surgery Awareness Month in March.

Keywords: Advocacy, Brain injuries, Support groups, Education, Injury prevention, Intervention, Long term care, Rehabilitation, Research, Therapeutics, Trauma

Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR)

Annotation: The Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) is composed of the chief administrators of all public rehabilitation agencies serving people with physical and mental disabilities in the states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories. These agencies are partners in the state/federal program of rehabilitation services provided under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. The council provides a forum for administrators of state rehabilitation agencies to study and discuss issues of interest, and it serves as an advisory board for the National Rehabilitation Council and for the Rehabilitation Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Education.

Keywords: Vocational rehabilitation

Easter Seals

Annotation: Easter Seals provides services at 450 locations for individuals and families with disabilities and special needs. Major services include medical rehabilitation, job training and employment, inclusive child care, camping and recreation and adult day services. The organization produces an electronic newsletter and provides referrals and publications for consumers.

Keywords: Advocacy, Developmental disabilities, Rehabilitation

Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults (HKNC)

Annotation: The Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults (HKNC) provides services to youths and adults who are deaf-blind. HKNC's training program provides evaluation, short-term comprehensive vocational rehabilition training, and assistance to consumers in obtaining employment housing and community supports. The Center also conducts professional training seminars and provides professional internships. HKNC is a partner in the National Technical Assistance Consortium and the National Information Clearinghouse of Children who are Deaf-Blind, DB-LINK. HKNC support the National Family Association for Deaf-Blind and maintains a national registry of individuals who are deaf-blind and publishes a tri-annual newsletter, Nat-Cent News.

Keywords: Adolescents, Vocational rehabilitation, Training, , Blindness, Deafness, Hearing disorders, Patient identification

International Center for Disability Information (ICDI)

Annotation: The International Center for Disability Information (ICDI) hosts programs for improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The ICDI responds to emerging issues and provides ongoing support for long-range efforts through it's network of newly developed and historical activities. Services to consumers include inquiry responses, publications, reference Information, and searchable Databases. ICDI is a department of College of Human Resources and Education under West Virginia University.

Keywords: Health personnel, Medical technology, Rehabilitation

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Missouri Head Injury Advisory Council

National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR)

Annotation: Created by Congress in 1990, the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research conducts research and trains researchers in medical rehabilitation, assists in the development of orthotic and prosthetic devices and the dissemination of health information, and supports multidisciplinary medical rehabilitation research through grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. The center also supports rehabilitation programs for people with physical disabilities resulting from injuries or from neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and other physiological diseases or disorders. Public services include referrals, publications, and reference information. NCMRR sponsors conferences, workshops, and training seminars.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Research

National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials (NCRTM)

Annotation: The National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials (NCRTM) identifies and disseminates materials for the education and training of rehabilitation personnel as well as the general public who have quesitons regarding disabilities. Topics include assistive technology, independent living, supported employment, and others. Library materials include print and media formats not found in traditional sources, materials that have been produced by grant monies, and reports and monographs from research and training centers, rehabilitation engineering centers, and demonstration projects. Publications include catalogs of training materials, international counselor training curricula, audiovisuals, special education resources, and a quarterly newsletter, NCRTM Quarterly. Services to consumers include publications, referrals, and reference information. Anyone can subscribe to the Clearinghouse's list serv.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Education, Rehabilitation centers, Training

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)

Annotation: The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) supports efforts to improve rehabilitation systems, products, and practices. NIDRR is one of three components of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) at the U.S. Department of Education. The Institute participates in cooperative agreements and provides grants to universities (including graduate student fellows and university consortia), Indian tribes, research groups, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and individuals. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information.

Keywords: Disabilities, Grants, Rehabilitation

National Parkinson Foundation (NPF)

Annotation: The National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) sponsors research, treatment, and rehabilitation programs for Parkinson syndrome, disseminates information on current developments in research and treatment, and offers assistance in locating diagnostic and treatment services and establishing local support groups. Publications include The Parkinson Handbook, National Parkinson Foundation—Hope for the Afflicted (English and Spanish), The Parkinson Patient—What You and Your Family Should Know (English and Spanish), An Example to Us All—One Woman's Winning Battle, PATH—The Route to Better Management of Parkinson's Disease, How to Start a Support Group, Nutrition for Parkinsonians, Coping with Parkinson's Disease, and a quarterly newsletter, The Parkinson Report. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Nervous system diseases, Parkinson disease, Rehabilitation programs,

National Rehabilitation Association (NRA)

Annotation: The National Rehabilitation Association (NRA) is a membership organization that works to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities through advocacy and professional education. Members are professionals and advocates in the field of rehabilitation, people with disabilities, and their immediate families. The association advocates for government support of rehabilitation programs and activities, sponsors workshops, training seminars, and an annual training conference, and produces the Journal of Rehabilitation , a newsletter, and other publications.

Keywords: Advocacy, Education, Disabilities, Support groups, Rehabilitation

National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)

Annotation: The National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) is the library of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). NARIC collects, catalogs, and disseminates the articles, reports, curricula, guides, and other publications and products of the research projects funded by NIDRR. These projects focus on a wide range of issues, including technology, health and function, independent living, and capacity building. The website content can be viewed in English or Spanish.

Keywords: Disabilities, Directories, Information services, Information sources, Online databases, Program descriptions, Publications, Referrals, Rehabilitation, Resource centers, Spanish language materials, Special education

National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD)

Annotation: The National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD), formerly the Winter Park Handicap Program, was established in 1970 to offer recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities in the Colorado Rockies. The center's program enables people with over 40 different types of disability to achieve the previously unachievable in skiing, rafting, climbing, and other endeavors. The program offers challenges that create personal growth, enhance family involvement, and allow participants to experience the outdoors on an equal basis regardless of ability level. The center publishes a newsletter,Outrigger , four times a year and produces a program brochure for individuals with disabilities. A catalog is available. In addition, the center offers referrals and reference information to people with disabilities and sponsors conferences, training seminars, and workshops.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Colorado, Disabilities, Information services, Recreation, Training

Rehabilitation International (RI)

Annotation: Rehabilitation International is a federation of 185 organizations in 85 countries whose programs assist people with disabilities. The federation works to prevent disability and offers support for rehabilitation and community integration of people with disabilities. Some materials are available in Spanish, French, and Arabic. The organization publishes a newsletter, catalog and journal and sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Disabilities, Support groups

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Workplace Supports (RRTC)

Annotation: The purpose of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Workplace Supports (RRTC) is to identify factors that enhance or inhibit businesses from employing people with disabilities. The researchprogram is based on a close collaborative relationship with business organizations and is designed to study: return to work strategies for persons who become disabled while employed; key components of effective disability management programs; financial tax credits to encourage hiring, retention, and advancement; the impact of work support interventions on employment and advancement; employer perceptions of obstacles to hiring and retaining; and the significance of structural changes in the American economy on people with disabilities. RRTC provides organized and cost effective designs for training that offers diversity and flexibility to its customers, including university courses; self-paced modules;teleconferences ; newsletter ; online courses; fast facts on workplace supports; seminars/workshops; state-of-the-science conference; regional conferences. RRTC offers inquiry responses, publications, reference information, searchable databases, training seminars, and workshops. An e-mail newsletter is available to anyone interested in employment for people with disabilities.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Developmental disabilities, Disabilities, Disability benefits, Employment, Habilitation, Transitions

U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)

Annotation: The Rehabilitation Services Administration administers federally sponsored and supported vocational rehabilitation programs for people with physical and mental disabilities.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Disabilities, Federal programs


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.